I had some posts deleted in the MP3 Clinic today.

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So, a Home Recording poster decided to post a song glorifying god (presumably the alleged Christian or Biblical god, Yahweh) in the MP3 clinic today. As a secular humanist person I took exception to this, based firstly upon the guidelines that religion is not allowed as a topic for discussion on these forums and secondarily because of my antipathy towards anybody who takes out their religion and brandishes it in my face.

It was pointed out to me in the thread that my objection to this overtly religious song was, and I quote, "disrespectful" and I was contacted privately by a moderator who informed me that my post had been reported by several users, was being deleted and there was no justification for my comments.

My contention is that if Religion is not an allowed topic in Prime Time, then it should not be an allowed topic in the MP3 clinic either. Some people believe in god(s), and some people (me, for instance) emphatically do not. I feel that I have been unfairly treated because I do not subscribe to somebody else's delusion, and because they have posted overtly Christian religious material, in a forum where the unwritten law is that Religion as a topic cannot be discussed.

I invite discussion on this matter.
Talk about being insecure. Someone posts a song on a music forum and you have the mods delete it??? That's pretty po on your part Bubba.
Talk about being insecure. Someone posts a song on a music forum and you have the mods delete it??? That's pretty po on your part Bubba.

No, I didn't have the mods delete it. I made an acerbic comment about it and the mods deleted my comment, that's all.
Talk about being insecure. Someone posts a song on a music forum and you have the mods delete it??? That's pretty po on your part Bubba.

Not the case. The song was not deleted. What was deleted by the Mods were posts made by Bubba in the music thread.

Edit: Bubba beat me to it in the previous post.
Okay, I'm a Christian. No apologies. Two things come to mind.
1) there are Christian songwriting forums. Christians could post there. But the MP3 clinic on THIS board has some of the best ears I've ever come across. I learn a lot here from every song I post...Maybe we could just hum the lyrics? But really, I assumed it was the MP3 Clinic and not the non-religious MP3 clinic.
2) If a Christian gets comments that are un-Christian, they have a Christian obligation to forgive that person and move on. Foul Phil's "Thank You Satan" comment on my clinic song "Thank You Jesus" song was exactly that to me. Someone else defended it, but I just blew over it. Forgive and move on.
I never saw the comments, but I've had runs with Bubba about different topics and I completely respect his position. I may not agree, but he has every right to feel like he does.

An edit must me made to the thing underneath your name...

HERETICAL Superficial Glad-Hander. This should ensure you are left behind at the time of Rapture, in case God browses these forums. I put in my time as an altar boy when I was a kid, and regardless of my own heresy and appalling behavior since then, I believe I should have enough credit built up to be whisked away when the time comes.
My only problem with christian music is that it is always so God awful bad - pun intended. I don't know why a christian can't write or perform a decent song, but they pretty much never do. I don't find the message insulting at all. People write about what they feel, whatever that may be. No problem. I do find the poor writing and terrible performances very insulting.
My only problem with christian music is that it is always so God awful bad - pun intended. I don't know why a christian can't write or perform a decent song, but they pretty much never do.

To be honest, Greg - that was the thrust of my post. The second bit that seemed to get everyone's goat was actually tongue-in cheek. To whit, God, if he exists, ought to step in and stop this music from sucking so bad. I mean, it's about him - surely he would exercise some quality control. :D That seems to have got lost in the ensuing fracas.

That's all by-the-by, anyway. Quite a few people who I like and respect on this forum have decided that I was in the wrong in this instance. I have to take that on the chin and move on - no problem.
I wish to state an apology to the forum members for the way I reacted in this thread.

I myself took offense to the way/why the thread was started.

I over-reacted in a manner that a site moderator should not have. I should not have posted my opinions as I did in any forum.

I have a similar devotion to this site like I do for my friends and children. When something/someone messes with either of them, I tend to lash out.

I still hold my opinion, I just should not have made it a public affair.

Sorry guys.

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To be honest, Greg - that was the thrust of my post. The second bit that seemed to get everyone's goat was actually tongue-in cheek. To whit, God, if he exists, ought to step in and stop this music from sucking so bad. I mean, it's about him - surely he would exercise some quality control. :D That seems to have got lost in the ensuing fracas.

That's all by-the-by, anyway. Quite a few people who I like and respect on this forum have decided that I was in the wrong in this instance. I have to take that on the chin and move on - no problem.

You don't have to "take that on the chin" unless there's something about you I don't know about, my limey friend. In the end, everyone will realize that none of this is a big deal. It was a fun thread, though.

jimmys69 said:
Sorry guys.

Love means never having to say you're sorry, sweetheart. I forgive you for whatever you're apologizing for.
"I over-reacted in a manor that a site moderator should not have." is quite amusing yet equally appropriate when you take it as read in a UK English environment.
Manor being from a Latin root of manere for house but extrapolated through the Anglo French maner, (which is close to the correct spelling you required - manner), to one's stomping ground or the area over which one maintains control, (these days in an organised crime sense) based on the medieval use of the term & the double silliness of manor house, (maybe house house is like Bahasia Indonesian where repeating the word adds emphasis as the THE house).
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You don't have to "take that on the chin" unless there's something about you I don't know about, my limey friend.

Thanks, NTB, but I feel that I do. You see, I really don't want to get banned from the site because it's important to how I'm developing as a recordist and mixer. I freely admit that I'd had a beer or two when I decided to post this thread but I don't feel I insulted anybody. I have to accept that religious belief, however unsupported by evidence and contradictory as it is, is generally given respect. I honestly don't see why this is the case. If I sincerely believed that fairies were at the bottom of my garden and I flooded the MP3 clinic with songs in praise of these diminutive beings, you would rightly think I had taken leave of my senses. Why similarly daft beliefs get privileged treatment is utterly beyond my comprehension.
"I over-reacted in a manor that a site moderator should not have." is quite amusing yet equally appropriate when you take it as read in a UK English environment.
Manor being from a Latin root of manere for house but extrapolated through the Anglo French maner, (which is close to the correct spelling you required - manner), to one's stomping ground or the area over which one maintains control, (these days in an organised crime sense) based on the medieval use of the term & the double silliness of manor house, (maybe house house is like Bahasia Indonesian where repeating the word adds emphasis as the THE house.

PMSL. "You're on MY Manor, nah, you wally. GERTCHA!!" :D
"I over-reacted in a manor that a site moderator should not have." is quite amusing yet equally appropriate when you take it as read in a UK English environment.
Manor being from a Latin root of manere for house but extrapolated through the Anglo French maner, (which is close to the correct spelling you required - manner), to one's stomping ground or the area over which one maintains control, (these days in an organised crime sense) based on the medieval use of the term & the double silliness of manor house, (maybe house house is like Bahasia Indonesian where repeating the word adds emphasis as the THE house.

Thanks man. I meant 'manner'. I did not intend to create any such misrepresentation. Just a spelling error.

I am a family man, remodeling contractor, and life-long musician with an expensive desire to help others to achieve the best they can. Nothing more.

That is ironically funny tho, even if it was not meant that way. I in no way feel or desire a need for control over anyone ever. I am only here because I care and give a shit.

Hey Jimmy!

Maybe you should do the pilot for a new TV series called "Strickler Manor" to compete with "Downton Abbey"!

Thanks, NTB, but I feel that I do. You see, I really don't want to get banned from the site because it's important to how I'm developing as a recordist and mixer. I freely admit that I'd had a beer or two when I decided to post this thread but I don't feel I insulted anybody. I have to accept that religious belief, however unsupported by evidence and contradictory as it is, is generally given respect. I honestly don't see why this is the case. If I sincerely believed that fairies were at the bottom of my garden and I flooded the MP3 clinic with songs in praise of these diminutive beings, you would rightly think I had taken leave of my senses. Why similarly daft beliefs get privileged treatment is utterly beyond my comprehension.

The "take it on the chin" comment was supposed to be a semen joke. And you can't blame the mods... from what I would guess, they're just following orders, for the most part. I don't know how accurate what I'm about to type is, but this is how it would go with most businesses... since there are advertisers on this site, the owner may have decided that a topic as important to some as religion shan't be disparaged on here, as advertisers might not appreciate that sort of thing on a site they're involved with.

While I personally don't believe in religious stuff, I have no problem with those who do, as long as they're not trying to restrict my rights as a heretic. I actually envy them to some extent... they usually have a peace of mind that I'll never know. Broken_H, for instance, is a really nice guy and I like a lot of the religious songs he's posted on here.

rayc said:
"I over-reacted in a manor that a site moderator should not have." is quite amusing yet equally appropriate when you take it as read in a UK English environment.
Manor being from a Latin root of manere for house but extrapolated through the Anglo French maner, (which is close to the correct spelling you required - manner), to one's stomping ground or the area over which one maintains control, (these days in an organised crime sense) based on the medieval use of the term & the double silliness of manor house, (maybe house house is like Bahasia Indonesian where repeating the word adds emphasis as the THE house).

I was loving this until you misspelled ORGANIZED. USA!! USA!!
I wish to state an apology to the forum members for the way I reacted in this thread.

I myself took offense to the way/why the thread was started.

I over-reacted in a manner that a site moderator should not have. I should not have posted my opinions as I did in any forum.

I have a similar devotion to this site like I do for my friends and children. When something/someone messes with either of them, I tend to lash out.

I still hold my opinion, I just should not have made it a public affair.

Sorry guys.


Frankly, people have been banned for less than you posted but at least you HAD a chance to retract.
I have to accept that religious belief, however unsupported by evidence and contradictory as it is, is generally given respect. I honestly don't see why this is the case.

I'm agnostic, it's not so much that I don't know, it's because I don't care. I'm telling you this because I know lots of very religious people and as long as they don't tell me how to live my life I'm not going to tell them how to live theirs , everybody gets along and no feelings are hurt. If you can't separate the music from the message it says more about you than the person you are criticizing.
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