I had some posts deleted in the MP3 Clinic today.

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I don't know which song it is but I've gotta go with the other side here too, Bubba.

We're not going to fall out over this, you're a good lad, Dog-in door. I freely admit I was being a bit too strident in my criticism, but I contend that this "Christian" stuff just ISN'T some feeble thing that we should all ignore. It's insidious and some versions of it are trying (and succeeding in some states) to dictate educational policy. They're trying to seed the idea that there is controversy over the origin and development of life, when there absolutely is none in the scientific community. It's not something that I can let go of, because it just isn't the truth. I want to keep contributing on this site, but I feel that I may have burned my bridges.

At least I haven't directly insulted anybody. If I do get banned, The keyboard parts to "A Song From Under The Floorboards" should be recorded in a few days. :)
As a secular humanist person I took exception to this.

You should have reported it then, instead of telling the OP that if a God existed

"you wouldn't need recording tips - your songs would be the most sublime things ever committed to permanent storage."

I didn't think that was an appropriate response, and I stand by that.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

This is a home recording site.

Keep your discussions in the forums about home recording or go fuck yourself somewhere else.

If you wish to state your opinions about anything other than recording, take your chances here in Prime Time.

If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.

The cave is closed for a reason. If you feel the need to complain, do it with admin. Don't spread your religious beliefs as suggestion in a forum like the MP3 Clinic. It is there for everyone.

You should have seen the first draft of my post here. Sigh...

Sorry Bubba, I likely agree with you somewhat in my religious beliefs, but you were a total prick for placing that post in the MP3 Clinic and I will not ban you for it, because I have now joined the discussion.

But then you come back to Prime Time and bitch about the conversation about it?

Sorry dood, FUCK YOU!

This cave-like shit pisses me off. And so have you.

I have my vote decided.
Lol. Thanks Jimmy.

I have to admit Bubba, I'm disappointed by your agreeable attitude via PM right before coming here to stir it up as best you can.

It just looks to me like you've gone out of your way to be offended just to make a point.
Any shred of legitimacy in your position was ruined when you chose to go about the whole thing the wrong way.
Hehe....So Steen, after reading Jimmy's post, do you regret editing yours? :D
i was thinking the other day that all these fuggly teens need to lose their virginity asap in case they get knocked down and killed by a car....

....and then get fucked by a terrorist in heaven!!!:eek:
i was thinking the other day that all these fuggly teens need to lose their virginity asap in case they get knocked down and killed by a car....

....and then get fucked by a terrorist in heaven!!!:eek:

There's a song in there somewhere... ;)
I saw the posts that were deleted. It was a fine bit of thread sculpting that rivalled my own. I've been sharpening my chisel in eager anticipation of what I might do in this thread.

Not that I am unsympathetic to your views, it looks like you are outnumbered here, Bubba, and I too join the ranks of the outnumberers. The MP3 is the place to assess and discuss mixes, irrespective of the subject matter any particular track have.

If an HR member finds the content offensive, then the appropriate action is to report it, the same as any other post that offends.

However, someone finding something offensive does not of itself constitute sufficient grounds for it to be removed.
Bubba thinks religious stuff should be banned. He's probably wrong about that.

Bubba thinks there's a discrepancy between the apparent policy of not allowing religious discussion in Prime Time and allowing songs of an overt religious nature in the Clinic. He's probably right about that.

In the clinic, I'm with RAMI on this one. It's a fucking song. Get over it.

In Prime Time, I'm kinda with Jimmy on this one. Religious threads are just tedious.

Ban religious threads. Allow religious songs. Life's not black and white.
I'm more disappointed by the poor language and aggression from a Mod than anything in the rest of this thread.
Proselytism gets my goat every time be it in song, imagery or written word.
My come back is to, occasionally, write a song in opposition to such stuff like in this one:

Interestingly someone tried to take me to task on the accuracy of the lines about Noah, I told them to look it up. They didn't come back to the clinic.
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I'm more disappointed by the poor language and aggression from a Mod than anything in the rest of this thread.
I'm not upset or disappointed, but I would tend to agree with this. Mods should set a higher standard of conduct, and not jump down into the gutter.

Ban religious threads. Allow religious songs. Life's not black and white.

If religious songs of any nature were not allowed, a lot of Cris Cornell's Anti religious songs wouldn't be allowed either. His and countless others, both pro and against.
It's just music. like it or not.

Now a religious thread, now that is a recipe for disaster with all the resultant arguments that could ensue. I've seen families get torn apart by these discussions, And these are people that are supposed to love each other.:laughings:
What the fuck is wrong with you?

This is a home recording site.

Keep your discussions in the forums about home recording or go fuck yourself somewhere else.

If you wish to state your opinions about anything other than recording, take your chances here in Prime Time.

If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.

The cave is closed for a reason. If you feel the need to complain, do it with admin. Don't spread your religious beliefs as suggestion in a forum like the MP3 Clinic. It is there for everyone.

You should have seen the first draft of my post here. Sigh...

Sorry Bubba, I likely agree with you somewhat in my religious beliefs, but you were a total prick for placing that post in the MP3 Clinic and I will not ban you for it, because I have now joined the discussion.

But then you come back to Prime Time and bitch about the conversation about it?

Sorry dood, FUCK YOU!

This cave-like shit pisses me off. And so have you.

I have my vote decided.
Calm down.
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