I had some posts deleted in the MP3 Clinic today.

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Bubba po

Tiny Stonehenge Moment
So, a Home Recording poster decided to post a song glorifying god (presumably the alleged Christian or Biblical god, Yahweh) in the MP3 clinic today. As a secular humanist person I took exception to this, based firstly upon the guidelines that religion is not allowed as a topic for discussion on these forums and secondarily because of my antipathy towards anybody who takes out their religion and brandishes it in my face.

It was pointed out to me in the thread that my objection to this overtly religious song was, and I quote, "disrespectful" and I was contacted privately by a moderator who informed me that my post had been reported by several users, was being deleted and there was no justification for my comments.

My contention is that if Religion is not an allowed topic in Prime Time, then it should not be an allowed topic in the MP3 clinic either. Some people believe in god(s), and some people (me, for instance) emphatically do not. I feel that I have been unfairly treated because I do not subscribe to somebody else's delusion, and because they have posted overtly Christian religious material, in a forum where the unwritten law is that Religion as a topic cannot be discussed.

I invite discussion on this matter.
As a devout atheist myself, I think you're being totally ridiculous. I'm so much of an Atheist that I'm not even sure if I even exist. But even I know the difference between a controversial "topic of discussion" and a fucking SONG. I'm pretty sure you do too.

If anyone shoved anyone's religion down anyone's throat, it was you, and in a very insulting way, too. I'd bet $1000 that if you posted a song called "God Doesn't Exist", not one Christian here would say anything. They'd just move on and not listen. You saw the title of his thread before you went in, you could have just moved on, too. Just my opinion.

Funny thing is, I think the MP3 Clinic is exactly the right place to post a song like that....because it's a SONG. What the MP3 Clinic isn't is a place to do what you did. I can't even remember what you said, maybe you do. But I do remember wondering why you felt a need to be like that.

I like you. You're not someone I have any problem with. I actually think you're very cool. But I think you're out of line on this one.
If anyone shoved anyone's religion down anyone's throat, it was you, and in a very insulting way, too. I'd bet $1000 that if you posted a song called "God Doesn't Exist", not one Christian here would say anything..

Well let's do the experiment, shall we? :) I live in a country where the desire to preach Creationism in schools is not even an issue. We find the idea ridiculous in the extreme. In the US, it's even regarded as a "thing" LOL. Religion is anathema to me and I feel compelled to fight it wherever it raises its head.

I like you too, RAMI, and we have a lot of mutual friends on here. It's quite obvious to me that you were one of the ones that reported the post, but to me, double standards are not allowed. What if the song was about being attracted to kids? Would you call it "only a song" then? I deplore the subject of religious fervour as a topic.
Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya;
Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya;
Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya;
Oh, Lord, kumbaya.
Someone's cryin', Lord, kumbaya;
Someone's cryin', Lord, kumbaya;
Someone's cryin', Lord, kumbaya;
Oh, Lord, kumbaya.
Someone's singin', Lord, kumbaya;
Someone's singin', Lord, kumbaya;
Someone's singin', Lord, kumbaya;
Oh, Lord, kumbaya.
Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya;
Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya;
Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya;
Oh, Lord, kumbaya.
Well let's do the experiment, shall we? :) I live in a country where the desire to preach Creationism in schools is not even an issue. We find the idea ridiculous in the extreme. In the US, it's even regarded as a "thing" LOL. Religion is anathema to me and I feel compelled to fight it wherever it raises its head.

I like you too, RAMI, and we have a lot of mutual friends on here. It's quite obvious to me that you were one of the ones that reported the post, but to me, double standards are not allowed. What if the song was about being attracted to kids? Would you call it "only a song" then? I deplore the subject of religious fervour as a topic.
If you wanted to know who reported your post, just ask. Yes, I reported it. But when asked by one of the mods what I thought they should do, I said you're a good member here and you're cool, but just to keep an eye on the thread in case it gets too derailed. I just didn't think it was the place for a comment like that.

As far as comparing singing about a "god" that you (and me) don't believe in, are you really comparing that with pedophilia? I think a little common sense is in order here. Or else, we should only allow instrumentals in the Clinic, because everything can potentially offend someone.
As a devout atheist myself, I think you're being totally ridiculous. I'm so much of an Atheist that I'm not even sure if I even exist. But even I know the difference between a controversial "topic of discussion" and a fucking SONG. I'm pretty sure you do too.

If anyone shoved anyone's religion down anyone's throat, it was you, and in a very insulting way, too. I'd bet $1000 that if you posted a song called "God Doesn't Exist", not one Christian here would say anything. They'd just move on and not listen. You saw the title of his thread before you went in, you could have just moved on, too. Just my opinion.

Funny thing is, I think the MP3 Clinic is exactly the right place to post a song like that....because it's a SONG. What the MP3 Clinic isn't is a place to do what you did. I can't even remember what you said, maybe you do. But I do remember wondering why you felt a need to be like that.

I like you. You're not someone I have any problem with. I actually think you're very cool. But I think you're out of line on this one.

^^This. Sorry Bubba, I like most of your posts.
As much as it pains me, I have to side w/ the mods here. Everything I've posted here in the past 5 years has religious(Buddhist) overtones.
Though my religion is better than that of others, it would be hypocritical for me to wish to silence those expressing belief in lesser religions!
One could also just let it go as being a song, and merely approach it from a technical POV.
One could also just let it go as being a song, and merely approach it from a technical POV.
Or, you could be a dick about it, and make an issue of the posting of religious subject matter, which is awesome! :D

---------- Update ----------

Or, you could be a dick about it, and make an issue of the posting of religious subject matter, which is awesome! :D

I am so conflicted on this one! :(
I don't know which song it is but I've gotta go with the other side here too, Bubba.

I don't care if somebody doesn't like the song itself in the clinic. It's about the mix and nothing else. The actual content (religion) of the song was never up for debate in the first place.

In the same vein, I'd reckon that at least a hundred songs in the clinic have a political reference in them, which should be [deleted] as well, would we crack done on the rules like this.
Where would we draw the line anyways? Is a song about Scientology ok? They're a church in the USA but a non-profit in Norway.
Can I scream "GEORGE BUSH!" over a metalcore breakdown?
As far as comparing singing about a "god" that you (and me) don't believe in, are you really comparing that with pedophilia? I think a little common sense is in order here. Or else, we should only allow instrumentals in the Clinic, because everything can potentially offend someone.

I have absolutely no problem with you, RAMI. You are a fine player, an excellent recordist, a paragon of what a member of this site should be. I don't want to get into a spat with you personally, that would be a bummer. However, it could be pointed out that certain religions on this planet are pretty much synonymous with paedophilia, particularly those that have a patriarchal power over their "flock". Catholics, Muslims, Protestants, whatever. They attract paedophiles to their positions of power, and the rest is for us to uncover after the damage has been done and the innocents have been abused. If I could eradicate religion from this planet instantaneously I would do, without hesitation. Nothing has held back the human race more than this delusion, and it makes my ire boil over when some platitudinous pillock posts a song about "God's Love" on a music forum. For pity's sake, save it for your bible class, or forget about it entirely. That would be best.
I have absolutely no problem with you, RAMI. You are a fine player, an excellent recordist, a paragon of what a member of this site should be. I don't want to get into a spat with you personally, that would be a bummer. However, it could be pointed out that certain religions on this planet are pretty much synonymous with paedophilia, particularly those that have a patriarchal power over their "flock". Catholics, Muslims, Protestants, whatever. They attract paedophiles to their positions of power, and the rest is for us to uncover after the damage has been done and the innocents have been abused. If I could eradicate religion from this planet instantaneously I would do, without hesitation. Nothing has held back the human race more than this delusion, and it makes my ire boil over when some platitudinous pillock posts a song about "God's Love" on a music forum. For pity's sake, save it for your bible class, or forget about it entirely. That would be best.
I agree with all that. But it's just a SONG. You're being more of a Crusader than any Christian I've ever met. Don't you see the irony in that?

It's not about me and you, no personal spat to worry about. We're just discussing. :cool:
See, you are basically acting like religion there.

Not really. I'm a champion of reason and logic. There's this assumption that religious belief is essentially some innocuous personal airy-fairy faith in goodness watching over us. That isn't true. In many countries, especially the US, it's an overwhelming political force, backed up with money and power. I have a problem with that, in case nobody has noticed.
I suspect Gecko will be along with his hammer and chisel, shortly! :D

Yes. Or Jimmys69. I don't want to get infracted or banned, I love this forum, and I'm in a wonderful place with my recording too. But DAMN!!! That god-bothering winds me up.

I'm off to bed, and I guess that the thread will be gone in a few hours, leaving an infraction or ban on my record. I'm unrepentant, though. Some stuff is too important to be lukewarm about.
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