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  • T
    TripleM replied to the thread Theme from Stroganoff ll.
    The lead guitar in the first section sounded cool. Even with all the big reverb. I'm not usually a fan of that. But it worked well...
  • mark skinner
    mark skinner replied to the thread Tight Wire.
    Thanks @dobro , I've been building up the first melody section and brought it back in later in the song. I whacked the end of my index...
  • mark skinner
    mark skinner reacted to dobro's post in the thread Tight Wire with Like Like.
    When stuff doesn't fall into place at first, you can either go looking for it or put it on the shelf and wait for it and come back to it...
  • TripMX
    TripMX replied to the thread 七層Automaton - Church music turned Techno.
    Haha, thank you very much for taking the time to listen to the song, and also for the awesome comments! Your visualization of such a...
  • P
    I have just started learning to play keybord and I have bought a second hand (ehm, no, twentieth hand ...) Yamaha W 50 music workstation...
  • S
    Thank you very much for your time and considerations and very fast response. Stefan from Poland, city Elk.
  • S
    Serendipity Records reacted to 60's guy's post in the thread Just curious as to why still analog?? with Haha Haha.
    Question: "Alexa, what time is it?" Alexa's response: "Where you are or here in China?"
  • S
    Serendipity Records reacted to buzzardwhiskey's post in the thread New Members: Introduce Yourself Here! with Like Like.
    Hello, all. I’m a singer-songwriter and acoustic guitar player who often leads a band called Buzzard Whiskey in the Salt Lake area. I...
  • S
    Serendipity Records reacted to oddiosmith's post in the thread New Members: Introduce Yourself Here! with Wave hand Wave hand.
    New Member Started my 4-track recording adventures around 1986, had to stop in the early 2010's due to hearing injuries (not...
  • Papanate
    There are plenty of places to buy ADAT Tapes - - aas for Heads you can buy them on Ebay like...
  • DM60
    DM60 replied to the thread 七層Automaton - Church music turned Techno.
    Very interesting. Not bad really, not bad at all. Seems like you could really do soooo many different things with this. If I...
  • DM60
    DM60 replied to the thread MIDI for Dummies.
    I would say, don't over think it at first. Revisit it later if you need to do automation to the synth or plugin. But, you should revisit...
  • Papanate
    Papanate replied to the thread 七層Automaton - Church music turned Techno.
    Your song is Mixed well - but I’m at a loss on what it is exactly? If I was to guess I would say it’s transition piece in a movie where...
  • Eclipse4449
    Eclipse4449 replied to the thread MIDI for Dummies.
    Ok so I am just using these keyboards to create music, this global mapping is just for very complex stuff, not for simple sound...
  • TripMX
    Hello again everyone! I'm pleased to announce my 1st new original song release of this new year 2025! 😉 Believe it or not, but I was...