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  1. radiorabies

    no Input?

    This is really strange. I only stopped using Sonar 4 for like a month and now for some reason it won't let me record anything. When I click on the input for a track, instead of a list of what's available it just says "None". I've no idea why this is. I tried reinstalling it and it didn't help...
  2. radiorabies

    Band Name Infringment?

    OK. Me and my brother write and record music under a pseudonym (which, for reasons at the moment, I won't say). Anyway, we set up a website (with domain) as well as registered our name on myspace etc. Then out of the blue, i recieved this e-mail: "My name is **** with **** and we represent the...
  3. radiorabies

    Recording An Electric Guitar

    I've been recording stuff since last year (with a 4-track and PC) and I've played around with different techniques. I used to only record my amp with the line out socket. But I grew to dislike the way it sounded so I ended up sticking a microphone in front of the amp instead, which sounded a...
  4. radiorabies

    Guitar Buzz and a strange washer...

    OK, I get a buzz whenever I play the guitar. In fact, I get another buzz that I don't want too. I know this is an old problem but today I finally finished the lyrics off from a song I started over 15 months ago. Anyway, I get really excited about recording it. I set everything up ready for the...
  5. radiorabies

    Electric Guitar Into PC?

    OK, I need to know if it's OK to plug an electric guitar into my PC. (I mean, instead of plugging it into an amp first, straight into a PC) I've downloaded this 'preamp' thing that emulates different amps etc. A friend of mine says that it's not a good idea... I can't see the risk...
  6. radiorabies

    Syncing Problems

    I bought a new computer at the beginning of the year with Cakewalk in mind. You see, I used to use it on my old PC (along with Audacity) but the problem I came across was the tracks not being in sync (which is VERY annoying) Anyway, I've been merrily using Cakewalk again and got the results I...
  7. radiorabies

    Why I Love My Tascam MF-PO1

    About a year or so ago I managed to scrape enough cash together to get a Tascam MF-PO1 (a very basic analogue 4-track). And I wrote so many songs and demos etc. on. Songs that have got me on a music course and even my first live show :) . As the year progressed I managed to upgrade my PC and...
  8. radiorabies

    Another MIDI Question

    I'm using Cakewalk Home Studio 9 and I've been told that I can use my keyboard (the one I'm typing with now) as a keyboard (ebony and ivory, sort of one). Is this possible? Also, I would like to know how I can use MIDI in my actual mix when I export it. it leaves the MIDI parts out and I'd like...
  9. radiorabies

    Acoustic and I

    Some of my songs are just me and an acoustic, but I'm wondering what a good way of mixing would be as there are just the two tracks. It sounds awful with one in each speaker. Does anybody think it would be better for me just to record them both in mono together onto one track or mix them to be...
  10. radiorabies

    Cakewalk Effects?

    I recently got a copy of Cakewalk Home Studio 9 and am very happy with the resukts so far, but I'm wondering if there are any effects available somewhere on the internet to download as there doesn't really seem to be a lot. Even software like Audacity has more effects and that's free. I know I...
  11. radiorabies

    Duophonic mixing

    Everybody will probably think I'm a bit mad but does anybody have any idea how I can achieve a 'duophonic' mix. As far as I can work out, it involves a mono mix being made then one speaker being slightly out of sync with the other. Am I right? Could someone explain how a duphonic mix can be...