Search results

  1. GazEcc

    Marketing your services online.

    Hey everyone, I recently signed up for a website called Fiverr (Thank you stumble). Anyway, It is basically a website where you can do a "Gig" and get $5 from it. So I have a bit of spare time and decided to advertise myself doing a bit of voiceover work, just to test the waters like, and I...
  2. GazEcc

    In a Big rush

    Hello everyone, Anyone who's been following my escapades dancing across international borders with my band and moving homes / studio is either a really dedicated fan or a downright stalker :P anyway.... Proposal: I just got a call a wee while ago from my best friends mother asking my band to...
  3. GazEcc

    My Mouse is Drunk

    Hello old friends, been a while. Well guess who just bought himself a new MacBook Pro? Yours truely, anyway.. I've been working hard and felt i deserved a new machine after being relegated to windows for nearly 8 months. Oh its all been going well and I have just installed Cubase again, Ai 6...
  4. GazEcc

    Modal Question ( Music Theory )

    Hey guys, Just a quick theory question, I'm currently working on a piece and trying to score it so I can get to work writing for the brass section and (formally) the bass but the issue is that I can't quite find the mode, overall it feels like a restless D harmonic minor (verse) or D phrygian...
  5. GazEcc

    New Website, Need Input

    Good Evening HR, Hope I find you all well this evening, I've been gigging like mad lately and am bloody thankful for it but its meant I've had little time to post but one of my projects has been getting my bands website off the ground and I wanted to ask you all what you though of the design...
  6. GazEcc

    Finding a rapper,

    Hey guys, I wrote a song a while ago as a tribute for an old friend of mine and its pretty much demo'd but someone threw forth the idea of putting a rapper on the track during the break, after all he was into rap aswell as rock and its got that sorta grove to it. Whats the best way to find a...
  7. GazEcc

    iPad Apps to Turn a toy into a Tool

    As the title suggests I want app's I just bought an iPad and am getting apple credit today, Need some good apps to do stuff with, I'm getting garageband today but would like, Some Scoring App, Some Sample hunting app, Some Toys I haven't even thought of, Some Wave editor, You get the gist...
  8. GazEcc

    First Video Work,

    Hey guys, The state are sending me to a course on "Digital Media Production" and basically we're working on a few projects the first one is coming up now soon and I, having a good head on me for sound and not so much a fan of being infront of the camera have been put in charge of sound (and I...
  9. GazEcc

    And as the dust settles,..

    Good evening HR, I've finally done it, the long wait to reclaim my studio is coming to an end, I was down today doing a few bits and pieces, more measurements than anything else and already have a couple of clients booked for it. and as I salvaged an old snare drum from the wreckage I sat and I...
  10. GazEcc

    A Violin Question,

    Good Morning, Looking over the battlefield that many moons ago was my control room I was searching for a power supply for my old mac mini as the plan is now to set it up as a media center. My Studio has been over run for over a year now with boxes and remnants of my Aunts house, but now that...
  11. GazEcc

    The Season's Back

    Hey Guys, Just had the first Mad weekend both of the year and with my new band. We've been together about 6 months and about a month ago started releasing some press packs to break out of this town and luckily thanks to my and the other guitarists combined contacts the bookings have been...
  12. GazEcc

    e604 or SM57?

    Hey Guys, Looking on thomann I just noticed theres about €15 in the difference of the sennheiser e604's and the Shure sm57's I'm planning on getting tom mics as a what if, (I normally use 4, sometimes 3 mics) Now thing is, I have 2 57's so I'm familiar with them but have no access to the...
  13. GazEcc

    Gift Vouchers

    Anyone know of some really well designed Gift voucher for recording time as a starting point. IE. Record one song in a really rad studio sorta crap for getting bedroom hairbrush singers into the studio?
  14. GazEcc

    EZDrummer and Trillian Trouble

    Hey all, Was working here in the studio the last few days and my boss has two plug ins that he's having an issue with, first EZDrummer is being a pain and we can't drag & drop the3 stock midi grooves into Cubase 5 anymore, (we first notced when we swapped to the new mac) And I discovered...
  15. GazEcc

    Driving Mix CD

    Hey Guys, Traveling to Dublin today to look at a new car and I've a bloody long train trip ahead of me and was just messing about with some driving mix cd's to play in the car if and when I get it, I want some relaxed rock tunes like Times like these - The Foo Fighters, This is the Life - Amy...
  16. GazEcc

    Must we die for the right to freedom?

    "oh say can you see?".. la la la "home of the free and the land of the brave" Alright you may retake your seats thank you the simpsons for teaching me that much of (what i think is) the American anthem, but on a serious note I've been quietly watching world politics and protests of late and am...
  17. GazEcc

    Not Happy with my Bouzouki Sound

    Hey guys, First off I know its not quite a guitar but I wasn't 100% on which section to put this in. I was working on a project with the band there the last two days (aiming for 12 tracks including two live songs from gigs with synced videos) me and the bassist are both engineers, Him with 12+...
  18. GazEcc

    Multi Purpose Rack Layout Question

    Good Morning Everyone, Hope you had a great new years eve celebration. I've just decided to start becoming a productive member of society, at least untill the hangover kicks in but I have a few questions to ask the wise ones that haunt these boards. Yet again I find myself waiting on another...
  19. GazEcc

    I've lost my balance,

    Hey guys, I've been reading tweakz a lot lately and have noticed that i've been overlooking something for quite a while and since i've ready up on it im finding more and more references to it. I've never focused on what i connect with especially in a live environment, and now that im dropping...
  20. GazEcc

    Seriously Hard Withdrawls...

    Its all building up here guys, and I need your help to sate these dire cravings, My home control and live rooms has been comendered for about a year, (feels like so much more) while a family member moves, so I've been banished to my own bedroom meaning that im VERY restricted (HS80's and a mid...