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    "Dream" remix

    Maybe a few of you remember this. I retracked the slide guitars at the end and the vocals to cut down on the reverb a bit. I think this came out better all around. Thanks for the helpful suggestions. Dream
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    For diversity's sake - a sad song!

    This is a change of pace and a darker tune I wrote this week. I kept the arrangement simple because I couldn't think of anything to add. Let me know if you like it like this or suggest some adornments. Called "In the past"
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    For diversity's sake - a happy song!

    Holy smokes theres a lot of angst in this forum! I keep posting these cheerful ditties and I feel like I'm completely out of touch with what everyone is listening to. Well I just have a couple more happy ones to flush out of my system and then we get to some darker stuff which I've been...
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    I redid the vocals and ending guitar solo and remixed the whole thing so I'd appreciate a fresh listen, or a first listen as the case may be. The vocals are tough on this one and I'm still not convinced I have it nailed. The ending guitar was inspired though, so thats a keeper I think. Its...
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    New tune - country flavor

    This is an old song of mine but a new recording and I kind of like how it came out. Let me know if my usual problems of muddiness, etc still exist. Hope you like it. Called Foot on the floor
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    Revised mix of old tune - sound ok?

    I posted this several months back and got some feedback to boost up the lead guitars and bring the vocals up. I tried my best. How does this sound? Shadow of a doubt
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    Mackie VLZ vs Standalone mic pre

    If I pick up a Mackie VLZ mixer would I be losing something by not going with a quality standalone mic pre or are the preamps in the Mackie of good enough quality.
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    Mics in a 'hard' room (engineers out there?)

    I have a midrangy voice that, when picked up by my Behringer B-2, occasionally sounds harsh at high volumes. I'm sure the mic has something to do with it but I wonder if my recording conditions have an impact. I am recording in a relatively small room with hardwood floors and exposed walls and...
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    Behringer mixer

    Anybody have experience with the Behringer mixers? They are pretty cheap and I only need it occasionally.
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    Dreamy story song

    I have some questions about this one. Primarily I'm concerned with the slide solo in the end. It's a bit messy but, on the other hand, seems to fit the edgy nature of the lyrics. Opinions on ambience, eq, also very welcome. Its called: Dream...
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    I have read some nice things about this mic on this forum and was shocked to see a street price of only a hundred bucks. What gives? I have a Behringer B-2 and while it sounds OK I am looking for a vocal mic that is not quite so harsh. I have a voice that comes across harsh in the midrange at...
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    For those about to rock...

    I've had trouble with the heavier tunes but I'm somewhat satisfied with this. I'd like to hear what I got wrong though because I'm sure there's plenty Kind
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    Interesting Stat

    I work with numbers by trade so this popped out at me and I thought it was interesting. Has anyone noticed that the ratio of responses to views is VERY consistently around 10-15%? I wonder why that is? Are there a number of people lurking about who don't post? Or is it that only 1 in 10 posts...
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    One for Pedullist

    Pedullist recommended I change the rhythm and feel to this tune to give a little more soul. I liked his idea so here it is Empty Spaces
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    MP3 file size envy

    Are there different types of MP3 formats you can convert to? The files I post all have small file sizes when I compare them to files I see posted of similar time lengths. I am beginning to feel inadequate.
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    Mix I'm not sure about

    Do you think the lead guitar is too hot? Too much space in a song called 'empty spaces'? Dare I say it, a piano ballad from a guy who can barely play and doesn't own a piano. Empty Spaces
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    I've got a Martin D-28 that I want to stick a pickup on. I believe Martin makes a pickup which has a cord plug through the strap holder. Anybody have experience with these pickups?
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    Is this mix OK?

    I'm afraid this is as good as I can do sitting at home in a shitty apartment by myself. What do you guys think of the mix? Levels ok? Called "Its Over"
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    Song for opinions, one of my favorites

    This is an old song I just rerecorded and I've always been partial to it. I'd like to know what you guys think. It doesn't have a chorus, more like a refrain. Anyway, here it is.
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    Analog tape help needed!

    I have an old Ampex 456 1 inch tape recorded on a 16 track machine. It has demos on it and I need to dump it to some format I can listen to. It does not need to be mastered. Does anyone have or know of a machine that can do this?