One for Pedullist


Much better, IMHO!

I hope I can find some time to report on it further...I'm listening to it right now and it makes much more sense to me in this arrangement.

I can't believe you changed it only because I said so.... ;)

You like it yourself too, I hope? :)

I like the thick strong chords. First bars I thought 50's feel and then somewhere after the vox kicked in I got "The Wall" vibes. Does that sound farfetched?

I can't say if it's an improvement over the previous version because I didn't get to hear it but I like what you have here, good job.
Pedullist - I thought right away that you had the right idea, though I was reluctant to give up the pulsing organ. But no one liked it so out it went. Hey, a good idea is a good idea! Thanks for the help.

khompewter - I think you might be thinking "Don't Leave Me Now"? Also, I'm using a tele which Gilmour used quite a bit on that album I believe.
Hmmm.. could be the tele, but I think it's more the placement and spacing of the vocals and the reverb type.
Strange ... I'm actually agreeing with Khomp's take on this ... at first I kind of heard this as a country tune, but I can definitely hear the Floyd in there ... kind of a trip.

The recording sounded good on this end. The drums might use a boost in the mix. Real nice playing... :)
Ped would not send you down a dark road by yourself, least not without a flashlight :) he`s a good guy and makes good calls.
I like what you did on this cut. Your instruments are showing up better since they are all separately making the rythym together instead on one following the other. THe bass sound is good, I might back it off a tad and bring the kick up, the piano gets low end heavy in a couple of places, The high hat thing sounds good, but I might have used a soft ride cymbal in the solos and a stronger crash in the choruses where the hook is. Nice arrangement and tune, I wish I had done that one.
Pretty nice effort. I don't remember hearing the first version, so I can't compare. I loved that little electric rhythm guit hitting the backbeats. Had a perfect tone for the part.

I'd say the piano and acoustic guit are a little out of balance, with the piano being a bit too dominant and the acoustic not being prominent enough. Maybe pull the piano level back a bit and boost the guit?

Little pitchiness at :39-:40. Some vocals get a little buried (e.g., at 1:07 the piano chord covers the vocal).

Could probably make the lead guit just a little brighter. Try a small EQ boost of everything above 5500hz or so. See what it sounds like.

Not sure how far away you were from the mic when you tracked the vox. If applicable, I might recommend getting an inch or two closer.

Just thoughts of things you might want to try... Trip.
TripleM - A little too much space in the vocal, yes I hear that as well. I envisioned this as a piano ballad so in my mind the piano needs to be more prominent than the acoustic. To me the acoustic sounds too loud. Yet other people have made the same comment as you. I must be missing something or I am too close to it.
Nice song.

I haven't posted much here, but here is my $.02

I would back off the vocal effects about 10%. Soften the snare hits--maybe switch to a softer brush hit and drag. The kick drum could come up a little volume and have a little more reverb to it. I like the direction you are taking this piece.