Recent content by Jags

  1. J

    acoustic/synth pop

    Hey, been working on this recording/mix over the last few days, it's a song I originally wrote a few years ago, and thought it was about time I did something with it! Wondered what you thought of the mix overall. Probably least confident about how the drums sit, too low? (I used v-drums (the...
  2. J

    A new song from an old(ish)-timer.

    Hi, As you can see I've been a member of this board for ages, but absent for a long time, while remaining an occasional lurker. Was quite nostalgic looking through some of my posts from the early 2000s last night! When I started out I remember plugging a £10 plastic mic directly into the...
  3. J

    Recording drums - getting pauses right

    I am about to embark on a drum recording session this weekend. Basically I am hiring out a mixer and mics and the drummer and I will be setting up the drums and recording equipment in a hall which he normally uses to practice in. I have done some drum recording before, so I have a rough idea...
  4. J

    First song for a long time

    Enough Said - I used to post stuff on this board a couple of years ago when I first started out recording, and after a lengthy abscence to finish a degree I've had all summer to write and record. I've recorded most of the tracks for about 8...
  5. J

    Lost At Sea again...

    Okay, eventually managed to get around working on the mix of 'Lost At Sea' based on what you had to say a few weeks ago. Don't know if any of you will remember it! Things i can remember changing... Worked on the panning, hopefully it's a little more blanced now. Brought...
  6. J

    Lost At Sea

    Song's called 'Lost At Sea' - Haven't been here for ages but I've just been working on my first song in a good while, once again prospering from the advice I've been given here in the past. My best sounding all round song in terms of the initial mix i think, slightly more...
  7. J

    First step into real drums

    This is the first song I've recorded for a while, bit different from my old stuff, i'd probably describe it as cooler. Bit more authentic too. I'm not too happy with the vocals, especially nearer the start, and I'm pretty sure the mix is muddy, particularly when it starts to kick in, but I...
  8. J

    Pseudo choir vocals

    I'm back again, another term at uni has finally come to an end. My latest recording is 'Hold On', found at The lyrics were written soon after sept 11. What do you think of the sound I've achieved for the chorus? It took a bit of time putting that part together...
  9. J


    i know in america you can send off a tape of songs with a form and pay $30 or something to have them copyrighted, but is there a similar system for the UK? I don't want to have to rely on an unopened package. Jags
  10. J

    Which amp?

    I'm thinking of getting an amp for practicing, rehearsing and recording and noticed a cheap squier 15 on ebay. Should I go for it or would I be better holding out for a better, more powerful amp? Is there anything you could recommend that wouldn't be too expensive and serve the purpose. Also...
  11. J

    New song - Locked In

    Well actually I recorded it a while ago, but recently retracked the vocals with my new mic. I use a modified clawhammer pattern when playing this one. Nice little acoustic number with some impromtu background wailings to give some atmosphere;). 'Locked In' Jags
  12. J

    Seymour Duncan bridge pickup

    I am looking to replace the bridge pickup for my squier strat (i know, but I'm a student) and when i asked at my local guitar shop they had a small selection of SD pu's, the best of which seemed to be a stacked humbucker which was priced at £65 (or about $95). I have been looking about on the...
  13. J

    db-audioware for mastering

    OK, I've downloaded db-audioware with the intention of increasing the volume of my final mixes (on a recommendation from here). My question is, should I first mixdown the song to wav and then use the mastering limiter plugin on the single wav file or should I apply the mastering limiter (dbml)...
  14. J

    determining frequency

    I'm sure I have seen someone metion a program which gives you the predominant frequency/website of any track/audio file but I can't find the post anywhere and it was a while ago that I saw it. Anyway, does such a thing exist? I would like to determine the frequencies of tracks so that it gives...
  15. J

    Mixing down advice & CDr compatiblity

    I read somewhere on this forum that you will not get mixdowns to be as loud as proferssional recordings, why is that? I have been trying to get my songs as close to the volume of the professional stuff as possible by setting the volume quite high (4-5db) during 'mastering' in cubase VST. I...