What do you think is worthy of praise regarding Joe Biden?

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I don’t think that’s true.
Indictment is merely an accusation. A Court case would be determining guilt or not. Even a felon only loses his right to a firearm and voting.

But hey, I’m not a lawyer. I could be mistaken.
I guess maybe we should decide which of the 4 indictments we are talking about :ROFLMAO:
From what I understand in the Federal indictments what I said is true, but not sure about State.
He has been given gag orders in one or more...
So what? Freedom of speech. First amendment.

You get to say what you want.
I get to say what I want
Prez gets to say what he wants

Unless of course you guys are in support of censorship. Are you?

That would be Un-American as well as unconstitutional.
He can say whatever he pleases. We’re just judging his character based on what he pleases to say.
brassplyer said:
Trump's comments about McCain were ill-considered.
Not to Trump. He made similar comments again just recently.

What constitutes "recently" to you? I gather you didn't actually read the article you posted. The alleged incident was in 2019.

We have an account citing a rabid Trump detractor that suddenly emerges four years after the supposed incident. It also includes comments by rabid Trump detractor George Conway and a couple of others none of whom it appears were there that are mentioned just as filler for the article. George Conway who got the way better deal in his marriage wants to let the world know he detests Trump - it must be a day that ends in Y. The article references unnamed "witnesses" none of whom are quoted. Pence was there nothing from him - in fact no one quoted as corroborating Milley's claim. The article references other comments and supposed comments by Trump unrelated to this unconfirmed incident that again are obviously in there to pad this hit piece.

The only direct, verifiable evidence we have is Trump embracing Avila and his wife, kissing his wife's forehead, shaking Avila's hand, patting him on the shoulder, smiling, applauding, obviously praising him.

Yup - it's very plausible that Milley is lying.

But garbage journalism like this is good enough for you as long as it's bashing Trump.

Trump was a better POTUS than Joedaughtershowers.
What constitutes "recently" to you? I gather you didn't actually read the article you posted. The alleged incident was in 2019.

We have an account citing a rabid Trump detractor that suddenly emerges four years after the supposed incident. It also includes comments by rabid Trump detractor George Conway and a couple of others none of whom it appears were there that are mentioned just as filler for the article. George Conway who got the way better deal in his marriage wants to let the world know he detests Trump - it must be a day that ends in Y. The article references unnamed "witnesses" none of whom are quoted. Pence was there nothing from him - in fact no one quoted as corroborating Milley's claim. The article references other comments and supposed comments by Trump unrelated to this unconfirmed incident that again are obviously in there to pad this hit piece.

The only direct, verifiable evidence we have is Trump embracing Avila and his wife, kissing his wife's forehead, shaking Avila's hand, patting him on the shoulder, smiling, applauding, obviously praising him.

Yup - it's very plausible that Milley is lying.

But garbage journalism like this is good enough for you as long as it's bashing Trump.

Trump was a better POTUS than Joedaughtershowers.
Putting Trump, the known liar and criminal above a career and distinguished General that has spent his whole life protecting YOU says it all mate.
brassplyer said:
What constitutes "recently" to you? I gather you didn't actually read the article you posted. The alleged incident was in 2019.

We have an account citing a rabid Trump detractor that suddenly emerges four years after the supposed incident. It also includes comments by rabid Trump detractor George Conway and a couple of others none of whom it appears were there that are mentioned just as filler for the article. George Conway who got the way better deal in his marriage wants to let the world know he detests Trump - it must be a day that ends in Y. The article references unnamed "witnesses" none of whom are quoted. Pence was there nothing from him - in fact no one quoted as corroborating Milley's claim. The article references other comments and supposed comments by Trump unrelated to this unconfirmed incident that again are obviously in there to pad this hit piece.

The only direct, verifiable evidence we have is Trump embracing Avila and his wife, kissing his wife's forehead, shaking Avila's hand, patting him on the shoulder, smiling, applauding, obviously praising him.

Yup - it's very plausible that Milley is lying.

But garbage journalism like this is good enough for you as long as it's bashing Trump.

Trump was a better POTUS than Joedaughtershowers.
Putting Trump, the known liar and criminal above a career and distinguished General that has spent his whole life protecting YOU says it all mate.
What it says about me is that I pointed out the weaknesses in the article. Notice that your carping doesn't change the reality of what I stated about the article.

Remind me what branch you or leddy served in?

I qualified Expert on the rifle range with an M16, the medal is pinned to my dress greens in the attic - how about you?

What my time in made clear is that there are plenty of assholes in various ranks.

Robert Mueller was happy to act as a prop for the crapcircus shamvestigation that bore his name - he was mostly there so they could on occasion publish photos of him in his Marine Corps uniform. At the end he wasn't aware of elements that anyone who'd watched the coverage on TV and taken notes could have stated. Whatever honor he might have once had he obviously traded that in. With such low intergrity on display in the open who knows what unsavory crap he was part of in the FBI. His credibility is in the shitter forever but he's never going to answer for it.
Remind me what branch you or leddy served in?

I qualified Expert on the rifle range with an M16, the medal is pinned to my dress greens in the attic - how about you?
I thank you for your service sir. I was never called, but would have served if called.
That is why I have more respect for Milley than Trump, who got his doctor to lie and escape serving.
I thank you for your service sir. I was never called, but would have served if called.
That is why I have more respect for Milley than Trump, who got his doctor to lie and escape serving.
I note that you have nothing to say about Asthma Joe. If you're fit enough to play football and baseball, you can serve.

I don't know if Trump's doctor lied but I'm 100% fine with anyone who got out of going to Vietnam whether it was by dishonest means or not. I feel bad for the guys who went - Vietnam was a murderous lie, nothing patriotic about it.
I note that you have nothing to say about Asthma Joe. If you're fit enough to play football and baseball, you can serve.
Same with bone spurs methinks... golf much? https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/what-are-bone-spurs
In any case, I'm serious about thanking you for your service. I take that seriously because it's important to have able bodied pros at the ready.
I know nothing about Biden avoiding service. I shall investigate.

Thanks regarding military service. However I can tell you I ran across some assholes.

That's right - I forgot about his lifeguarding - the epic chain fight with Corn Pop - lol. I'm sure it's possible to fake asthma but when it came to Vietnam I don't fault anyone for doing whatever they had to do to avoid going. Fuck any admonitions about "patriotic duty".
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leddy said:
I think someone’s character is critical to their leadership ability.
Stop it! Let me laugh... please... lol...
Yeah pretty hilarious in light of his embracing of Hildabeast and Joedaughtershowers.

Notice that an actual diary entry citing egregiously inappropriate behavior involving his daughter elicits -0- reaction, they just gloss over it and continue braying about "character".

We've got yet another leddy faceplant (like his misinformed comments about the Cochrane study) citing an article that he apparently at best skimmed and did no critical evaluation of or perhaps lacks the acumen to critically examine. A suspect claim by a Trump detractor years after the fact with -0- corroboration and a bunch of other names of people who weren't there thrown in that are nothing but a chorus of "Bleahhh Trump!!" static to superficially fluff up a garbage article.

The fact that Trump can be seen engaging in supportive behavior toward Avila is meaningless of course - bah - ignore that, listen *only* to the sour grapes general's uncorroborated claim.

All it does is further demonstrate leddy's bias and his lack of intellectual rigor. He'll never admit this of course - he'll hurl more invective and stick more pins in his brassplyer voodoo doll because I had the audacity to point out the shortcomings of his crap article.
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Yeah pretty hilarious in light of his embracing of Hildabeast and Joedaughtershowers.

Notice that an actual diary entry citing egregiously inappropriate behavior involving his daughter elicits -0- reaction, they just gloss over it and continue braying about "character".

We've got yet another leddy faceplant (like his misinformed braying about the Cochrane study) citing an article that he apparently at best skimmed and did no critical evaluation of or perhaps lacks the acumen to critically examine. A suspect claim by a Trump detractor years after the fact with -0- corroboration and a bunch of other names of people who weren't there thrown in that are nothing but chorus of "Bleahhh Trump!!" static to superficially fluff up a garbage article.

The fact that Trump can be seen engaging in supportive behavior toward Avila is meaningless of course - bah - ignore that, listen *only* to the sour grapes general's uncorroborated claim.

All it does is further demonstrate leddy's bias and his lack of intellectual rigor. He'll never admit this of course - he'll hurl more invective and stick more pins in his brassplyer voodoo doll because I had the audacity to point out the shortcomings of his crap article.
Unhinged you are. The Biden daughter diary is totally unsubstantiated, and “found” by people wanting to sell it for a “fuck ton of money”, whereas Trump was definitely on the Howard Stern show talking inappropriately about his daughter. You wish I gave a shit about you enough to have a voodoo doll. Let me know when you represent Trump as his attorney so you can present all that evidence his previous ones missed.

I’m done arguing to a loser about who is a bigger loser president.
Unhinged you are. The Biden daughter diary is totally unsubstantiated, and “found” by people wanting to sell it for a “fuck ton of money”, whereas Trump was definitely on the Howard Stern show talking inappropriately about his daughter. You wish I gave a shit about you enough to have a voodoo doll. Let me know when you represent Trump as his attorney so you can present all that evidence his previous ones missed.

I’m done arguing to a loser about who is a bigger loser president.
Lol - if it was "unsubstantiated" as in it wasn't really her diary the people who had it wouldn't have gotten in hot water for having it - and we both know if it was anyone else's diary it would have been laughed out of court. Calling it "theft" is absurd - sorry princess you left it behind. Abandoning incriminating material runs in the Biden family.

Notice what's missing - no defamation lawsuit, no denials by the Bidens. They know it would require the diary to be turned over and subjected to forensic scrutiny that wouldn't go in Joedaughtershowers' favor.

You can't have it both ways - the diary is real, Biden is a creep besides profiteering off his public offices.

And your article is crap.
You never did fill in the blanks about your personal intimate knowledge of Trump's business dealings and his marriage.
Hey Einstein, those things were very public because they were litigated. Stormy Daniels was after 2016, but there were accusations prior. Along with the Billy Bush tapes and comments he made, his character was evident.

Now where did you get your law degree? When is Trump hiring you?
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Does your boy Chump even know you exist? He should commemorate you for all the hard work you do in trying to put him up on your pedestal while pissing all over his enemies. Those rabid democrats trying to tear down his upstanding gentlemanly stature as a great, great human being. Shame.
Does your boy Chump even know you exist? He should commemorate you for all the hard work you do in trying to put him up on your pedestal while pissing all over his enemies. Those rabid democrats trying to tear down his upstanding gentlemanly stature as a great, great human being. Shame.
Right? That mf’er ended our 200+ year stretch of peaceful transition of power and people defend him.
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