The Peaceful Political Roundtable

Superior in what way? Efficiency? Driving experience? Isn't that relative to the driver and what they desire?
Efficiency was what I was referring to. Even accounting for the charging, you end up getting the equivalent of 95-135 mpg.
Our government should not be in control of what the people that pay them to govern, 'feel' like what they should have the rights to do.
Unless the people who elected them did so to have representation. You might feel the climate doesn’t need to be addressed and I might feel otherwise.
Efficiency was what I was referring to. Even accounting for the charging, you end up getting the equivalent of 95-135 mpg.

Unless the people who elected them did so to have representation. You might feel the climate doesn’t need to be addressed and I might feel otherwise.
Nothing wrong with wanting to protect our planet and global warming is absolutely a real thing. It’s is and was going to happen before the Industrial Revolution and there is nothing we could’ve done prior to that that would’ve stopped it. Mother Earth is cyclical and she will always be; that’s just a fact brother.
Nothing wrong with wanting to protect our planet and global warming is absolutely a real thing. It’s is and was going to happen before the Industrial Revolution and there is nothing we could’ve done prior to that that would’ve stopped it. Mother Earth is cyclical and she will always be; that’s just a fact brother.
Was the Torah a real historical document? Yeah, but with a lot of embellishment for lack of scientific understanding and generation of hope. Did dinosaurs and other advanced life forms exist before Noah built the ark? They did. The geologic record, like math, does not lie. Is Earth cyclical in climate change? Brutally so.

Don’t believe in science fact? Just ask Australopithecus or Cro-Magnon, a sabre tooth, or a wooly mammoth
Efficiency was what I was referring to. Even accounting for the charging, you end up getting the equivalent of 95-135 mpg.

Unless the people who elected them did so to have representation. You might feel the climate doesn’t need to be addressed and I might feel otherwise.
Fair enough, but I have not seen the proof that the Earth's climate is actually changed by us humans to the point of needing to change it. And even if it is, so be it. We are not so grand in our country to be able to control other countries that it would make any change to begin with. It's a lost cause unless we can change the minds/methods of those that actually hurt the environment more. Good fucking luck getting China to stop building coal plants. They have the resources there and they will continue to use them. How would we have a possibility to have an amount of change to possibly make a difference?

So where do we start? Ok, here at home. Well, that ain't going to happen because we import more goods produced by violators of supposed green deal countries than we export. So it's stupid and bad for the economy as well from the get go to limit our own economy and well being by supporting others through 'saving the planet'? It just does not make any sense at all.

Do we blame the dinosaurs in the mesozoic era for farting too much? How did that work out for them? There was climate change then before the asteroid hit. Guess what the Earth did? It compensated.

I ponder; were not the polar ice caps supposed to be melted and the oceans would rise enough to envelope California like 10 years ago? False warning to create a scare...

When is that wonderful event supposed to happen? LOL It won't ever...

It's the natural change of life/environment on this planet. Yeah, we influence it's changing by being here, but there sure as fuck is not a way we can stop any of it. We are not that powerful or cool. As arrogant as we think we are on the top of the food chain, we can't control the climate. Idiotic to think we can.

The only ones to gain from any of this are the same people who wish to profit from some kind of scare tactic. And the idiots who follow along are either dumb-ass 'flat Earthers', or willing participants in the arrogance of false science.

Prove me wrong. Show me the science.

Oh shit, did I actually ask for it?? LOL
It begins at about 1:30 in and goes strong from there

And FTR, I’d absolutely hit it. Not Kennedy, the Dr. chick responding

Is her info valid? I don’t think we’ll know and Kennedy is a protector of Corp America, but an interesting would-be whistle blower hypothesis to direct attention away from Biden being the cause. I just know the effect and that is Abso-fucking-lutely real. Garnier Fructis shampoo or conditioner medium size bottles formerly $3.69 or thereabouts is now $7. and change. Bacon (the cheap brands under $4 four years ago and now $7-8 for the same? Milk not as high of an increase but still at least 150% of what it was. I don’t care if it was Bidennor Trump or COVID but why is shit still this high in costs? Did the cows and pigs die of COVID and create a shortage?
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I purchased a pallet of 2x4's from Home Depot in 2022 for $8.24 thinking the price would never go back down.

It's now $3.23. So much for big companies price gouging.

I got screwed, but it was just the cost then.. I'm still using them today. It may reflect on my pricing now because I have to absorb that cost.
During the COVID scare when everybody freaked out that they may contract it and die, prices shot up. Now that people are sane and not afraid anymore, prices never adjusted back down because it was shown that consumers would pay those prices. Am I right? If so, China totally pwnd the world.
I myself am not a biochemist but my good friend is, a PhD and works R&D at Pfizer Corp. I still remember circa 2020 when theories of 5g cave bats and mutations were flying around, him telling me, “Dale, if anyone tells you this virus was not manufactured, they are lying.” Simple enough, and unquestioned and he explained things way above my understanding in detail, but the gist of it made sense aside from him being a PhD in R&D at Pfizer and before the first vaccinations were approved, so early on. Conspiracy? Maybe, but it was engineered in a lab. Is this common? Of course and all over the world. Scientist still develop bigger and better chemical and biological weapons in contained environments and study effects on lab animals and engineer anecdotes for each. It’s controlled scientific research and it happens. The COVID just happened to get out, whether by mistake or intent.
During the COVID scare when everybody freaked out that they may contract it and die, prices shot up. Now that people are sane and not afraid anymore, prices never adjusted back down because it was shown that consumers would pay those prices. Am I right? If so, China totally pwnd the world.
Some things never recovered.

One door company that Home Depot used back then shut down a whole manufacturing plant. Door prices almost doubled. They have not come down much.

Glass fabrication also hasn't come down since covid. In fact it has gone up.

I only really know prices from my trades. Or food. Surprisingly bacon seems to be around the same as it was. Eggs are double, milk not so much

Bread is double the cost and cereal? How does that make any sense? Oh yeah, the cost of labor.

Fast food and restaurant eating likely seem the most increase to me. I wonder why? If Taco Bell is paying more to a worker than I can afford to pay my helper in my remodeling business, guess I'm gonna have to make up the expense for them.

Remember when a Big Mac was less than 5$? I now don't. That's a $12 shit-tastic meal that is a third of the size it used to be.
Whatever the case, prices don’t seem to have recovered to pre-pandemic levels on toiletries at least. $8 for 4!rolls of Charmin toilet paper? I’d rather use leaves lol
We are a democratic republic. No government should be making personal choices to the point of consumer choices.
Including women's bodily autonomy.
Some things never recovered.

One door company that Home Depot used back then shut down a whole manufacturing plant. Door prices almost doubled. They have not come down much.

Glass fabrication also hasn't come down since covid. In fact it has gone up.

I only really know prices from my trades. Or food. Surprisingly bacon seems to be around the same as it was. Eggs are double, milk not so much

Bread is double the cost and cereal? How does that make any sense? Oh yeah, the cost of labor.

Fast food and restaurant eating likely seem the most increase to me. I wonder why? If Taco Bell is paying more to a worker than I can afford to pay my helper in my remodeling business, guess I'm gonna have to make up the expense for them.

Remember when a Big Mac was less than 5$? I now don't. That's a $12 shit-tastic meal that is a third of the size it used to be.
My first taxable job was at McD500 Corp 1985-88 ish. Before ‘value (lol) meals I think the sandwich was $1.29, a large drink (which is now in a medium cup) was less than a dollar and a large fry (now a medium) was maybe a buck 10. Prices went up yeah, but 5 years ago I still can’t remember a quarter pounder only costing $6. I should be making 3 times what I do just to keep up with these price hikes. Corporate capitalism monopolies, yeah there is something really to it. Culver’s is a fairly new chain ‘good food, fast’ chain and I’m always surprised at the amount of food you can buy for just over $10, not $16+

Ok dud, took you off ignore temporarily because I respect Jimmy and he agreed with something you said. Now I read what you wrote and I’m still divided on this, meaning: Therebis a point where a fetus has developed and looks like a baby human in a womb. It’s not a fully developed human being and psychology science tells us infants can’t even cognitively recognize themselves in a mirror for several months (forget the point but still). There is a point in that fetal development that it is able to process thought on a primal basis, but still is reasonably aware and able to respond to cognitively in ways to various stimuli that would suggest not just reactionary like a dog or rat fetus. As a father of 3 children and the babies’ momma a registered nurse, I can assure you there is some truth in this. The part of me that DOES support abortion is there are too many unwanted pregnancies, right or wrong, where neither parent wants the child and out of irresponsibility for pulling out or not using other birth control methods, pregnancy happens. Most women are going to feel effects of pregnancy early, earlier than missing menstruation a week or two later. I agree with early abortion. But if there is a woman who carries an unborn developing child longer than knowing she is pregnant, is indecisive or is stupid enough to believe the BS baby daddy is feeding her until the fetus is developed enough to respond cognitively and intelligently to various stimulations and make differential and repetitious responses to each inside the womb in repetitive patterns, you have a living conscious being at that point. The mother should, as a responsible breeder and owner of her own actions, have made the decision to abort after conception. I don’t know when is the right time but it should not be at or around the time of birth. That isn’t a woman’s right to her body late in fetal development, that is irresponsibilty. I’m pro abortion and we all make passionate heat of the moment mistakes, but make up your mind(s) sooner rather than later? Deformities that could hinder a human from leading a happy life as determined by momma? Yeah I support abortion. Complications late that would endanger the mother’s life? Likewise. Being lazy or irresponsible and procrastinating until a late fetal development. This is where I’m not 100% for or against because if the mama is so unsure maybe it’s best the kid not be born into that non-supportive environment.

Been awhile but have you procreated yet, did? If so, congratulations! If not, doesn’t lessen your right to opinion (or anyone’s) but it does give you a perspective that is hard to fully understand unless you’ve been there.

I’m not anti-abortion but I am pro-responsibility on women who conceive with an unwanted pregnancy.
It begins at about 1:30 in and goes strong from there

And FTR, I’d absolutely hit it. Not Kennedy, the Dr. chick responding
Lol - I bet you'd have some serious buyer's remorse there. :ROFLMAO:

I have a sense she wouldn't give you a straight answer to anything except how icky she thinks Trump is. I'd be very surprised if she isn't a Biden voter.

Here's her profile at the organization she's representing at those hearings:


Is her info valid? I don’t think we’ll know and Kennedy is a protector of Corp America, but an interesting would-be whistle blower hypothesis to direct attention away from Biden being the cause. I just know the effect and that is Abso-fucking-lutely real. Garnier Fructis shampoo or conditioner medium size bottles formerly $3.69 or thereabouts is now $7. and change. Bacon (the cheap brands under $4 four years ago and now $7-8 for the same? Milk not as high of an increase but still at least 150% of what it was. I don’t care if it was Bidennor Trump or COVID but why is shit still this high in costs? Did the cows and pigs die of COVID and create a shortage?
Dr. Eyebrow talks about Walmart but around here at least the Walmart prices are lower than you're citing. I'm sure Publix which is a bit more upscale is more expensive.

1lb Great Value hickory smoked bacon 4.88

Brand names are a little more -

1lb Hormel Black Label gluten-free bacon 5.98

1lb Oscar Meyer original bacon 6.74

Bacon is bad for you anyway - might as well mainline cholesterol.

1 gal Great Value milk 3.02

1 gal Great Value organic 5.98

1 gal Great Value 2% organic 6.98

1 gal Organic Valley is more 7.98

Hard to compare Garnier Fructis since there's endless varieties and sizes. I don't buy frou frou shampoo brands.

Just a few screenshots from the Walmart site. There's many more just on the first page and there are several pages of Garnier Fructis.

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Ok dud, took you off ignore temporarily because I respect Jimmy and he agreed with something you said. Now I read what you wrote and I’m still divided on this, meaning: Therebis a point where a fetus has developed and looks like a baby human in a womb. It’s not a fully developed human being and psychology science tells us infants can’t even cognitively recognize themselves in a mirror for several months (forget the point but still). There is a point in that fetal development that it is able to process thought on a primal basis, but still is reasonably aware and able to respond to cognitively in ways to various stimuli that would suggest not just reactionary like a dog or rat fetus. As a father of 3 children and the babies’ momma a registered nurse, I can assure you there is some truth in this. The part of me that DOES support abortion is there are too many unwanted pregnancies, right or wrong, where neither parent wants the child and out of irresponsibility for pulling out or not using other birth control methods, pregnancy happens. Most women are going to feel effects of pregnancy early, earlier than missing menstruation a week or two later. I agree with early abortion. But if there is a woman who carries an unborn developing child longer than knowing she is pregnant, is indecisive or is stupid enough to believe the BS baby daddy is feeding her until the fetus is developed enough to respond cognitively and intelligently to various stimulations and make differential and repetitious responses to each inside the womb in repetitive patterns, you have a living conscious being at that point. The mother should, as a responsible breeder and owner of her own actions, have made the decision to abort after conception. I don’t know when is the right time but it should not be at or around the time of birth. That isn’t a woman’s right to her body late in fetal development, that is irresponsibilty. I’m pro abortion and we all make passionate heat of the moment mistakes, but make up your mind(s) sooner rather than later? Deformities that could hinder a human from leading a happy life as determined by momma? Yeah I support abortion. Complications late that would endanger the mother’s life? Likewise. Being lazy or irresponsible and procrastinating until a late fetal development. This is where I’m not 100% for or against because if the mama is so unsure maybe it’s best the kid not be born into that non-supportive environment.

Been awhile but have you procreated yet, did? If so, congratulations! If not, doesn’t lessen your right to opinion (or anyone’s) but it does give you a perspective that is hard to fully understand unless you’ve been there.

I’m not anti-abortion but I am pro-responsibility on women who conceive with an unwanted pregnancy.
First tri seems like a good compromise to me, maybe longer depending on complications. Humans don't have to live like feral rats breeding regardless of the circumstances.

Someone's inclination to screw isn't correlated to their fitness to be a parent. And I'm not okay with being forced to carry a pregnancy that was forced on someone.

Arguments against abortion rooted in religious beliefs hold -0- weight with me.