The Peaceful Political Roundtable

It seems odd to me that some would rather import from other 'less than concerned about the environment' countries to fuel the needs of our country.

The whole 'evil fracking' thing just doesn't make sense to me. Ok, maybe it could be a bad thing to do next to homes and in earthquake prone geographical locations, but how the heck else are we going to supply the needs of this country without doing such?
Okay short version - and keeping in mind what I said earlier about national security, There is X amount of oil in the planet. The USA is sitting on 50% of it. Lets burn up the rest of them asshole's supply first and leave 'em high and dry. In the meantime we can work our way up to a less oil-dependent economy.

Make sense?

Isn't there some evidence that this offshore wind farm is killing whales as it interferes with their migration? Some shit like that?

I'm not about to waste my time investigating. I'm tired of doing that for others...

I already know who I'm voting for. Even if he is not the guy I would like to have. But it sure beats the pathetic alternative.

Working 'legal' Americans, true biological women, and children's rights to an education first. Anything else can go in the dumpster fire that far leftists have created in their bullshit crafty propoganda.
Okay short version - and keeping in mind what I said earlier about national security, There is X amount of oil in the planet. The USA is sitting on 50% of it. Lets burn up the rest of them asshole's supply first and leave 'em high and dry. In the meantime we can work our way up to a less oil-dependent economy.

Make sense?
So Porterhouse here's the thing: Trump, as all candidates do, talks a ton of bullshit for the votes. Come the election, if he wins, Most of those "promises" are left by the wayside. So skip all that crap and base yer projections on past performance. And even then... well... :unsure:
I didn't write those news articles. I shared them.... and don't have a strong opinion either way about what a future President Trump might or might not do. I have no idea.
Isn't there some evidence that this offshore wind farm is killing whales as it interferes with their migration? Some shit like that?

I'm not about to waste my time investigating. I'm tired of doing that for others...

I already know who I'm voting for. Even if he is not the guy I would like to have. But it sure beats the pathetic alternative.

Working 'legal' Americans, true biological women, and children's rights to an education first. Anything else can go in the dumpster fire that far leftists have created in their bullshit crafty propoganda.
I have no idea. But you seem very knowledgeable.
I didn't write those news articles. I shared them.... and don't have a strong opinion either way about what a future President Trump might or might not do. I have no idea.
Fair enough.

It's nice to actually see us admitting that we don't trust any of these politicians. As opposed to just hating on the opposition...

We are all in this together and none of us can predict the future.

Well, I did see this lady online that can for $50 per hour. I wonder if she would do a group text rate for a bunch of us? :)
I have no idea. But you seem very knowledgeable.
I am just tired of the whole debate thing to be honest.

Thank you for sharing. It's just getting so old to me deciding what is truthful and what is bullshit.

At this point I just wish us all the best for our families. No judgment if you like or hate Trump. A bit harder for me to accept that Biden is worthy as pres because of his record, but still I get that some just don't want change. It is just not my feelings.

But others feelings are not for me to judge as right or wrong I suppose.

We are all fucked either way. Just to what degree? I suppose we will just have to see what happens...

Reuters is an objective media source I use, so thank you for that credible information source. Fair play and I’ll give you my opinion on each of the line items and how it may affect my support for him:

LNG permit pause. I’m not sure what his reasons are but if to export less and use more within our borders, I have no objection to that.

More Drilling. I have no objection to that. I would like to think that this would not undermine ‘green energy’ in the long term but if more energy production is what the economy needs at the moment to reduce costs, then I don’t oppose that.

Withdrawal from Paris Climate Change. What are the disadvantages of being a part of this deal and if there are major disadvantages (costs), why not commit to a temporary withdrawal? No doubt human population taxes the Earth with our carbon footprint. The Earth is cyclical and there is no amount of green energy or even full extinction of the human species that will stop that. Slow it? Maybe by inches. Reverse or stop it? No fucking way. I’d need more data on the numbers into say a disengagement on a 5 year basis to make a sure decision.

Electric Vehicle Mandates. Talk about unbridled Facism, this is a great example. I know it’s an idealistic fad and like many other progressive ideas, seems good on paper, but Big Brother should not be making mandates that take away individual choice so aggressively. I vehemently disagree with that fuckery of a policy.

Inflation Reduction Act Climate Tax Breaks. I lol at the title but let’s says it’s a viable incentive. With inflation as it is the govt needs to generate more revenue and giving less money away. It would be nice to see reservation of tax break incentives for green tech and not complete abandonment of them, but our economy is inflated to the disadvantage of average workers and families and the federal deficit is a runaway mess in dire need of a reimagining for the future and the immediate now. Pie in the sky breaks is an adorable concept, but they should be granted and allowed in moderation unless we want another full-bore recession.
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They are evidentially really good at it as this whole global warming and electric car thing is falling apart. Yet a huge part of the country believes in this crap.
What are you referring to here? Electric cars I think are superior to internal combustion. I think we need to do better with battery technology and recycling of whatever materials are being used. They may not be living up to their potential just yet, but the tech and infrastructure are still very young.

Have you driven a Tesla? You can’t beat the instant torque. It’s a fun drive.
That is my opinion and thank you for using a credible media source to illustrate your argument *respect*
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I don’t expect anyone including myself to watch this whole clip but I may listen to it as I browse. This is a subject that was discussed above regarding higher-priced groceries, energy, insurance. Senator Kennedy is good at asking direct questions so I’m going to listening, perhaps peruse selectively.
I did find this clip of Biden and this straight from his mouth. I agree that fracking is environmentally unsound but it’s the cheapest way to find the oil. If oil costs are so high, and I believe energy plays a major role in our economy including consumer goods, and we have ample domestic resources, that we should be extracting those resources and ramping up production to drive energy prices down when the economy goes to shit and we battle high costs of living like we are now.

The clip isn’t long but Biden says he is going to stop allowing drilling.
Biden wishing US troops well is offensive. Afghanistan.
Have you driven a Tesla? You can’t beat the instant torque. It’s a fun drive.
Fastest production cars on the road hands down. Elon Musk is an innovator and this trend caught on. It’s not going to reduce carbon footprints of emissions versus production but it’s a good launching point to get people imagining and utilizing new alternatives to stubborn comfortable ways. The world’s fossil fuel is finite, but I don’t know that electric battery fuel source is a sustainable option. At least it opens an alternative to think about when fossil fuels do expire. Mandates, though, affect a lot of things other than just the lack of carbon monoxide (and other carcinogens) emissions.

Encourage, promote, but do not mandate like a Facist.
Have you driven a Tesla? You can’t beat the instant torque. It’s a fun drive.
Yes. Fast. Scary fast.
Driven a Rivian truck too.

Not a fan of the electric cars however. Lots of things besides instant acceleration are scary about them. My friends Rivian just out of the blue shut down one day. It took over a month of the truck at corporate HQ for the engineers to figure it out and fix it.

I’m digging more what Toyota is doing with hydrogen powered cars
Hydrogen power is abundant and likely what will make precious mineral batteries obsolete.I still think hybrid vehicles are a great alternative for the now and transitory stages to hydrogen development. Hydrogen Helium Nitrogen oxygen carbon…the most abundant elements in the universe and here on Earth as well
What are you referring to here? Electric cars I think are superior to internal combustion. I think we need to do better with battery technology and recycling of whatever materials are being used. They may not be living up to their potential just yet, but the tech and infrastructure are still very young.

Have you driven a Tesla? You can’t beat the instant torque. It’s a fun drive.
Superior in what way? Efficiency? Driving experience? Isn't that relative to the driver and what they desire?

Our government should not be in control of what the people that pay them to govern, 'feel' like what they should have the rights to do. That is the power hungry scam that I think many are missing. Telling me what I can or can't drive is a taking of my rights. Period!

Increasing the cost of fossil fuels by limiting its production for an alternate means that is more expensive and has not even close to the infrastructure to support it is asinine and obviously driven by their investments. Again, follow the money....

Yes I have driven a Tesla S. And it was really fun to drive! Much faster than I thought is would be. It's a different feel tho. I just didn't get the vibe that I was in control. More like it was controlling me. Just my feeling. Cool car tho!

I have also driven a 1983 Ferrari Berlinetti Boxer that a girlfriends father owned as well as one of those Gull Wing things. I didn't get that at all... And a 1970 Dodge Challenger with a built up 750hp engine. And I own a 1970 Corvette Stingray.

If electric cars were affordable and reliable, I may go there in the future. But nothing compares to the smell of burning fuel and rubber. But I am old school.

Electric cars are just not in my budget, nor am I looking to buy one anytime soon. And I sure as fuck am not getting rid of my Corvette because my government or the people who vote for them don't like my fossil fuel burning toy. How is that even in a governments right to decide what the people who pay them get to do?

Sorry, but any of the far left idiots who like government control are just stupid. Hell, I don't even like my mommy to tell me what to do. Why would anyone pay for a big brother to make decisions for them?
Sorry, but any of the far left idiots who like government control are just stupid. Hell, I don't even like my mommy to tell me what to do. Why would anyone pay for a big brother to make decisions for them?
We are a democratic republic. No government should be making personal choices to the point of consumer choices. Supply/demand/price? That should be dictated by supply and demand, not the POTUS