The Peaceful Political Roundtable

Like Paul Krugman... Reich is a liberal economist. They're both smart people. They're not always wrong and they're not always right. They are not evil and they do not wish you harm.
I find that once economists can be described by their politics, their credibility goes down... no?
This became such a talking point. It was almost entirely Canadian oil sands product (less efficient to extract, more harmful to environment) being sent for export. Minimal impact on our pump prices, if any. Unless the oil companies making more money from it decided to sell it cheaper instead of increasing the their margins. Fat chance of that. They sure got republicans up to do their bidding though.
One main reason it was shut down was because of Indigenous activism. Without being particularly opposed to any particular groups' activism, they get way more than their fair share of politicians' ears.
The Alberta oil sands will be exploited anyway. Would it not at least be a prudent move to have easy access to the world's 3rd largest source of oil? Not even mentioning the supposed environmental benefits of not trucking all that oil south...
I did find this clip of Biden and this straight from his mouth. I agree that fracking is environmentally unsound but it’s the cheapest way to find the oil. If oil costs are so high, and I believe energy plays a major role in our economy including consumer goods, and we have ample domestic resources, that we should be extracting those resources and ramping up production to drive energy prices down when the economy goes to shit and we battle high costs of living like we are now.

The clip isn’t long but Biden says he is going to stop allowing drilling.

Drill BB, drill!
Withdrawal from Paris Climate Change. What are the disadvantages of being a part of this deal and if there are major disadvantages (costs), why not commit to a temporary withdrawal? No doubt human population taxes the Earth with our carbon footprint. The Earth is cyclical and there is no amount of green energy or even full extinction of the human species that will stop that. Slow it? Maybe by inches. Reverse or stop it? No fucking way. I’d need more data on the numbers into say a disengagement on a 5 year basis to make a sure decision.
The Paris Agreement is unrealistic at best and will never be achieved probably even with all gasoline vehicles banned.
I think we need to do better with battery technology and recycling of whatever materials are being used.
How about working on related ethical problems. i.e., sourcing of battery components?
Including women's bodily autonomy.
Stop forcing them to fuck lol
I found this on a random feed today. I HATE those cackling old unloved hens on The View. dr. Ben Carson was guest and the just want to rip Trump apart and are bearing their hyena teeth at Ben like a pack ready to pounce as they continually ask him why he supports Trump. They are drooling that the want something conservative to chew their fangs into. People like that should not breed.

Lol - I bet you'd have some serious buyer's remorse there. :ROFLMAO:

I have a sense she wouldn't give you a straight answer to anything except how icky she thinks Trump is. I'd be very surprised if she isn't a Biden voter.

Here's her profile at the organization she's representing at those hearings:

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Dr. Eyebrow talks about Walmart but around here at least the Walmart prices are lower than you're citing. I'm sure Publix which is a bit more upscale is more expensive.

1lb Great Value hickory smoked bacon 4.88

Brand names are a little more -

1lb Hormel Black Label gluten-free bacon 5.98

1lb Oscar Meyer original bacon 6.74

Bacon is bad for you anyway - might as well mainline cholesterol.

1 gal Great Value milk 3.02

1 gal Great Value organic 5.98

1 gal Great Value 2% organic 6.98

1 gal Organic Valley is more 7.98

Hard to compare Garnier Fructis since there's endless varieties and sizes. I don't buy frou frou shampoo brands.

Just a few screenshots from the Walmart site. There's many more just on the first page and there are several pages of Garnier Fructis.

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At Publix which is like a Kroger is where I used to buy mine until the hike. Now I buy it from Amazon.

This V V V fine product.

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This should be entertaining...

Not that we don't already know most all of the story anyway...
Dave, why do you continually insist on stirring the pot? WTF, man! Are you incapable of respecting the premise of this thread? Or is tonight destined to be a repeat of what happened here late last night?

Start your own thread. Name it Why I Hate Trump.
Dave, why do you continually insist on stirring the pot? WTF, man! Are you incapable of respecting the premise of this thread? Or is tonight destined to be a repeat of what happened here late last night?

Start your own thread. Name it Why I Hate Trump.
Ya lost me mate. Not sure why posting a new movie (not out yet and haven't seen any clips) is stirring the pot. I gave no commentary pos or neg either.
So... huh?
Dave, why do you continually insist on stirring the pot? WTF, man! Are you incapable of respecting the premise of this thread? Or is tonight destined to be a repeat of what happened here late last night?

Start your own thread. Name it Why I Hate Trump.
Besides... take a look at post #285 and tell me the verbiage isn't actually stirring the pot.
Dave, why do you continually insist on stirring the pot? WTF, man! Are you incapable of respecting the premise of this thread? Or is tonight destined to be a repeat of what happened here late last night?

Start your own thread. Name it Why I Hate Trump.
"Stirring the pot"? Why are you so easily offended? Incredibly thin skinned. Good grief. Just ignore him.
Efficiency was what I was referring to. Even accounting for the charging, you end up getting the equivalent of 95-135 mpg.

Unless the people who elected them did so to have representation. You might feel the climate doesn’t need to be addressed and I might feel otherwise.
Again, I say fair enough as to the climate and environment. We disagree. So be it. Nothing personal and enjoy a non angry discussion.

But in reference to electric vehicles being more efficient... Yeah, at the moment after purchase and use 'after' it's being produced. At what environmental cost though to build the efficient vehicle?

You must have investigated what it takes to build an electric vehicle. I am curious if what you found is different from what I have.

I suppose that is the pertinent question I would ask of you in retort. So here I ask what you have found or what you know about this all? By that I mean what are the economic, environmental costs, and viability of the needs for building electric cars. Is it better than that of combustible ones? Are there concerns as to how the batteries are built, where, and how the minerals are mined to make these batteries. Where are these batteries made? And then also, the safety concerns. What regulations are in place to control the safety of such vehicles? Will the Chinese companies that produced the battery that starts on fire be held responsible?

A little poke as to the above^. They weren't even held responsible for a weaponized virus of death that killed millions around the world that was financed by an American company. A completely different subject yet very relative to how this administration is ran. And Biden does nothing... I digress peacefully....

I have not found anything specific that shows the exact detriment to the environment for any vehicle. Everything is so vague. No specific economical or scientific comparison of all costs involved to describe. I wonder why? I am just going to bet it is the same politics and/or investors of either industry.

What happened to 'big oil' companies anyway? Oh yeah, they are already making billions selling to whatever market has demand for. Is that good for American citizens that deal with gas prices so high because of this administrations direction to move towards electric means previous to the infrastructure needed before it happens? That to me is insane. Again, placing the cart before the horse.

We get things like 'studies show' , 'scientists say' from media.

Some studies that I have read from other scientists that don't play the political game say that climate change is just a normal Earth evolving with the environment. That we are arrogant to even think about changing it in any possible way. Who is right?

I personally feel that that is incorrect. If we wish to help the environment or maybe have a chance at reducing carbon emissions, then why do we give money to Iran, China, or any country that have no regulations? They are the ones doing the worst as far as emissions if you even believe any of this...
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It got a bit rowdy here late last night. Glad to see that a mod vacuumed up the mess.
And I was also part of getting out of hand... I apologize.

Sorry man. This your 'peaceful thread'. I also thought I was posting in another thread. I got mod modded! :)

It's all good. I am the only moderator here that sometimes gets caught up in these political debates. I'm human though and go to far myself sometimes. I recused myself and asked for another mod to do the cleaning up. Many of them were my posts.