The Peaceful Political Roundtable

I don’t disagree Biden is old and needs to retire. I’m pissed he hasn’t stepped down, and I’m pissed Harris is still his successor.

I think Trump should flat-out never be trusted with power after the election lies and fake elector scheme. I’m willing to pay higher taxes to protect free and fair elections right now.

Sucks, but here we are. ☮️
Fair enough.
I did find this clip of Biden and this straight from his mouth. I agree that fracking is environmentally unsound but it’s the cheapest way to find the oil. If oil costs are so high, and I believe energy plays a major role in our economy including consumer goods, and we have ample domestic resources, that we should be extracting those resources and ramping up production to drive energy prices down when the economy goes to shit and we battle high costs of living like we are now.

The clip isn’t long but Biden says he is going to stop allowing drilling.

Millennium falcon cockpit or Doctor theopolis?
drtheopolis.jpgfalcon cockpit.jpg

its what this election feels like. WTF am I even looking at?

reality is

we need to divide..and go the right direction. What ever that is for each of us.
they say 'if you love they shall all fall down' so lets knock em all down..
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leddy said:
This became such a talking point. It was almost entirely Canadian oil sands product (less efficient to extract, more harmful to environment) being sent for export. Minimal impact on our pump prices, if any. Unless the oil companies making more money from it decided to sell it cheaper instead of increasing the their margins. Fat chance of that. They sure got republicans up to do their bidding though.
So wait, using diesel fueled vehicles or trains are a more efficient way of delivering than a pipeline?

I guess I just don't get it. I Googled and saw the same thing you do about the pipeline prospects. I however do not see much there discussing the other options and how that isn't worse. Makes me wonder who writes this stuff. Seems one sided to me.
Shutting down the Keystone project was about bs "green" optics and an FU to Trump.
I don’t expect anyone including myself to watch this whole clip but I may listen to it as I browse. This is a subject that was discussed above regarding higher-priced groceries, energy, insurance. Senator Kennedy is good at asking direct questions so I’m going to listening, perhaps peruse selectively.
So about 2 mins into the clip there is a Dr. (Can’t read her name behind the Forbes banner listing the committee but she is accusing major corporations of price-fixing….agristat, Walmart, Kroger, and Albertsons are names she mentioned. She’s being cautious and rightfully so by not stating as fact that these companies are price fixing.
I don’t know the answers but to support my hypothesis on oil prices affecting consumer goods and insurance in general, how can prices not be high when oil prices are spiking? Unless of course gas and wind and solar supplies have taken up the slack and made oil prices moot.

In the spirit of NOT blaming Biden Admin. and I won’t, why this aggressive increase in price of goods and energy? Why did it happen and how can it be fixed or can it?

One area on which I agree with dogooder is corporate conglomerates (though providing jobs) are top down entities and while looking good on paper, too much power and sole-sourcing often leads to inefficiency, redundancy, unabated greed, and a gradual divorce from core values corporations begin with. Boeing is a great recent example.
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Or overturning Obama’s permit refusal was about bs science denial and an FU to Obama.
Could be a little of both, but one was already under construction with a lot of revenue and time invested (and close to 10% of construction), then permits were revoked on a dime and construction ceased.

Anyone familiar with construction will agree that much of the time for any project, especially large scale, is A/E design development then permitting then infrastructure. Once that is in place and the project ‘goes vertical’ as we say, it goes like wildfire for the most part.

In this particular case I believe developers wanted to build, Obama denied them, then Trump took office (who is pro-development by nature of his profession), got his attention, saw the numbers and agreed it was a permittable and an early token)project to put under his belt. Biden on the other hand, shut down an active construction project that I think he also saw as an early token under his belt. Difference is it was already underway and politics shouldn’t interfere in a case like that.
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Or overturning Obama’s permit refusal was about bs science denial and an FU to Obama.
Yeah. Goes both ways.

There is a whole shitload of angles to energy policy - a lot of which we are not privy to and some of which involve national security. Suffice to say it is an international market and a fungible commodity. A burp in Malaysia - or anywhere else - affects the market worldwide. So of course allowing or banning drilling or pipelines in North America, being the largest producer, has far-reaching effects. Not just us.
Now if there are wind, solar, hydro or other clean energy initiatives that Trump shuts down early in his term, I’d take issue with that. As of now he has promised to finish the border wall he began 1st term and search/deportation of illegal aliens/reinstatement of Title 42 policy, focus on expanding domestic energy production, and working to address diplomacy re the world conflicts. I believe he has the KSA’s to achieve those initial goals.
In this particular case I believe developers wanted to build, Obama denied them, then Trump took office (who is pro-development by nature of his profession), got his attention, saw the numbers and agreed it was a permittable and an early token)project to put under his belt. Biden on the other hand, shut down an active construction project that I think he also saw as an early token under his belt. Difference is it was already underway and politics shouldn’t interfere in a case like that.
It does seem that way. If I had a permit to build a house and then it was taken away after I paid for an architect etc, I’d be suing somebody. I assume there’s more to this story that we don’t know - as Lou was getting at.
And I’ve said this before: I don’t think I could play a round of golf with Trump and honestly have fun doing it (let’s pretend he was NOT a Pres candidate). The divorce atty I chose a few years ago I didn’t care for as a person (and I’m a social person so get along with most people just by nature), but he was the best man for the job and did not disappoint in what I hired him to do. That is what’s most important when selecting someone to do a job. Results. Some can promise and deliver, some can’t. Vote based on performance and potential, not your emotions.
Now if there are wind, solar, hydro or other clean energy initiatives that Trump shuts down early in his term, I’d take issue with that. As of now he has promised to finish the border wall he began 1st term and search/deportation of illegal aliens/reinstatement of Title 42 policy, focus on expanding domestic energy production, and working to address diplomacy re the world conflicts. I believe he has the KSA’s to achieve those initial goals.

It does seem that way. If I had a permit to build a house and then it was taken away after I paid for an architect etc, I’d be suing somebody. I assume there’s more to this story that we don’t know - as Lou was getting at.
I know of plenty of similar situations but in the municipal county and State levels people can’t ‘just take away’ your permits without valid reason. It’s part of your investment and money and would be unethical and lead to lawsuits. Even small governments are wise enough not to pull shenanigans like that.
I have to contemplate what is the best way to support our people and it's own self preservation.

It seems odd to me that some would rather import from other 'less than concerned about the environment' countries to fuel the needs of our country.

The whole 'evil fracking' thing just doesn't make sense to me. Ok, maybe it could be a bad thing to do next to homes and in earthquake prone geographical locations, but how the heck else are we going to supply the needs of this country without doing such? Should we pay for electric vehicles from sources that use coal as their source of power so we can feel good about ourselves? Or, are there other option?

I won't even get started on the inability of solar and wind to supply enough power to any nation with demands far above the green technology. It's been proven impossible to supply the needed power for humanity to exist. It is just is not a consistent source of power. We cant depend on the inconsistent weather to do anything other than supplement the needs of this country's people. Great idea, but not able to support the needs on it's own abilities.

I ask myself why those that are so supportive of green renewable energy, do not even mention other, way more efficient ways of creating electric power. Is somehow science now not something we can benefit from since it was destroyed in the name of politics and following 'The Science' by Fauci and those damn masks? Ha! Not actually funny. It feels to me now that following 'the science' is now an excuse to bullshit a way through actual research. It is apparent in much of what I have heard from these 'green' creeps. It's disturbing to me. What is in it for these politicians or media hacks? I know, money...$$$.

Yet the same people who hug trees and promote this whole global warning emergency farce, don't care that nuclear power plants have been attacked in Ukraine. How many of these have turned into a Chernobyl event? None. Why? Because evidentially they are not so unsafe now. Solve the problem. Don't destroy an economy in the name of something you want to feel good about. It's bullshit to me. And again, it is about $$$.

I myself would rather bury some nuclear byproduct shit in a deserted desert, or frack for some oil there, than to support child labor, increase carbon emissions from a country that don't give a fuck about epa standards. How does anything these green people present, make any sense at all? Again, it is about $$$.

I think like this: Follow the money. It's presented by a group of wealthy people that gaslight others for their own enrichment. They are evidentially really good at it as this whole global warming and electric car thing is falling apart. Yet a huge part of the country believes in this crap.

So Porterhouse here's the thing: Trump, as all candidates do, talks a ton of bullshit for the votes. Come the election, if he wins, Most of those "promises" are left by the wayside. So skip all that crap and base yer projections on past performance. And even then... well... :unsure: