The Peaceful Political Roundtable

I personally feel that that is correct.
That's certainly your right. No dispute there.

But an overwhelming number of folks in the scientific community who study this subject disagree with your position and those who you are trusting on the subject. Not just climate scientists - but ecologists, biologists, and folks in related scientific fields the world over from every corner of the earth agree that this is a problem - and a BIG one. Every day, week, month, year, and decade that passes - the scientific evidence is mounting. The earth is warming rapidly and there's every reason to believe that human activity is the cause. Mercury trapped under pressure in a small vial does not lie. At it's most fundamental sense it's not political. It's scientific. It's the "what to do about it" and setting policy is where it becomes political.

While your disagreeing.... an ever growing number of people are moving forward with problem solving. That's a fact and there's nothing you or I can do about it except resist - or get with the program of trying to understand our own role in the scheme of things.

"Stirring the pot"? Why are you so easily offended? Incredibly thin skinned. Good grief. Just ignore him.
I'm not offended or thin skinned. Simply attempting to remind everyone to respect the premise of the thread, which is simply a thread where everyone can share their thoughts and ideas as how to make improvements that work in the best interests of every American. I make no apologies for my attempts in that regard.

I went to a garden party.......
I bet somewhere down the line, we will all get over ourselves and be friends even after all of our disagreements.

Maybe even write and record some songs together.

Nothing good comes from complacency. Sometimes it takes a bit of angst to find peace.

Anyway, sorry for the hippy bullshit there. I'm not even close to a hippy!

Fair enough we do not all agree. Fucking good thing there though or there would be no change.

IMO, Right now we have two candidates that neither side actually really likes or trusts in. So it is a party betting thing.

That sucks for all of us as we are just picking from our hearts or affiliation, the opposite of the other.

I truly wish media wasn't at play here so hard. From both sides I see complete bullshit and borderline corrupt lies presented as fact from media sources.

Sorry, but from my standpoint, I do find the presentation from a show like 'The View' as some of the worst. My mom pretty much watches that everyday and their opinions she feels is fact. Sorry mom, but it is just a talkshow with their personal opinions. It is not a show of facts any more than the 'Jerry Springer' of old was. Oh, I did like me some Springer!

By the way, I did record an album for a band who's singer was on the Jerry Springer show. It is fake. Him and his wife made up bullshit just to make a good selling show. And he promoted his band in the process. So yeah, that was produced and faked for ratings. Just like all media is now. It's not about truth. It's about money. Follow the money...

Same thing with Fox, though I will admit that I find more facts and straight talk there. Possibly biased as I in my heart I feel that I am being lied to more by the main networks. Good lord everything is 'hate', racist, hitler, white privileged, and extreme judgment for anyone that feels differently from their perspective. It is disgusting to me.

But I also must state that Fox and other conservative networks are similar as far as the opposing hate for Biden. It is another posture/spin from the other perspective. But then Biden has issues. Someone has to show them.

One network praises and ignores the inability of our current president to function. Then spend most of their time on doing anything they can to bring down their opposition with either comparison to something like 'Hitler' or subjecting and supporting unworthy charges in courts. That to me is complete abuse of power from an administration that does not even see that it is not fair.

One network hates Biden and gives the facts the other side ignores. Sometimes I wonder if they are paid to support and promote Trump. It is very similar on both sides. I am not sure though that it is equal. I personally find more deception and lies from the Democrat based media. But that is my opinion.

I truly wish both sides of this politically divided nation would take a step back and listen to each other. It seems neither administration has the ability to 'come togetherness' that is needed by a leader. I do not see that happening anytime soon as politics have divided this country in half.

Sadly, I am scared that it may take a violent terrorist event to again bring this country together. The way the border has been ran lately, I am actually surprised it has not happened yet. I sure hope it doesn't!
Sadly, I am scared that it may take a violent terrorist event to again bring this country together. The way the border has been ran lately, I am actually surprised it has not happened yet. I sure hope it doesn't!
Your entire post was well-spoken, but this last line? Yeah, it scares me as well. What do you think the chances are that sleeper cells have crossed into the border by now and are patiently hiding out waiting to execute the next planned attack? I think it is a certainty, and one of my criticisms of the Biden Admin’s open border policy.
That's certainly your right. No dispute there.

But an overwhelming number of folks in the scientific community who study this subject disagree with your position and those who you are trusting on the subject. Not just climate scientists - but ecologists, biologists, and folks in related scientific fields the world over from every corner of the earth agree that this is a problem - and a BIG one. Every day, week, month, year, and decade that passes - the scientific evidence is mounting. The earth is warming rapidly and there's every reason to believe that human activity is the cause. Mercury trapped under pressure in a small vial does not lie. At it's most fundamental sense it's not political. It's scientific. It's the "what to do about it" and setting policy is where it becomes political.

While your disagreeing.... an ever growing number of people are moving forward with problem solving. That's a fact and there's nothing you or I can do about it except resist - or get with the program of trying to understand our own role in the scheme of things.

I just edited my post you quoted for clarity.

So you did not answer my questions..

I will respond to one of your statements. 'an ever growing number of people are moving forward with problem solving'.

Solving what problem? See that is the real issue. What is the problem? Seems to me there is none. It's a ruse to spend/make money from a false reasoning that does not exist.

Temperatures change. The Earth does that. How can it be possible to change it even if it were an issue? We cant? We are not in control of this Earth or Sun as much as we would like to think we are. And we sure as fuck can't change our little American continent and think it will make any difference if the other countries/nations that don't care do not make changes.

Yet, here we are, denying permits for new natural gas drilling. Buying fuel from other countries (and shipping it overseas), while we could be supplying it for ourselves. All in the name of what? Hate Trump? Far leftist ideals? Bidenomics? I don't get it.

'An overwhelming number of folks in the scientific community who study'? That sadly does not mean accuracy.

Just the vague mention of 'climate scientists' represents a non truth in my brain. Climate on this Earth has changed in stages over billions of years from hot as fuck to covered in ice.

Setting goals politically is bullshit. It's a play on people to further spending for whatever bullshit. - for money.

The Earth will continue to exist until the sun burns out. That is going to be a long while after the end of the human race... Obviously with the evolution of us humans, we will adjust it to accommodate our existence by making it better for our own preservation. So now somehow we need to change the evolution of man to save maybe the next 100 years? Maybe 2000 million years of minute percentages of increased gasses produced by us that we think has any possible effect on the actual Earth and life on it?

Wasn't the earth supposed to end in a fire death 10 years ago according to some of these supposed 'scientists' or 'politicians'? Polar caps melted and California lost in the sea?

Well they are still there. The Earths climate is gonna change. We cant fix that. We can only try to save what we wish by adapting for the changes and how it affects life of ourselves or wildlife. Not gonna fix the climate. It's just dumb to think we have that much control over something we have no possible means to control.

Hey, turn down the sun and then the magnetic field of the Earth okay! Ok, and go! LOL

To me that is outright arrogance thinking that we can make a change by our emissions. We need to live. We use the resources we have in order to do that. The Earth will adapt, and out little input has no effect on what it is going to do. Ever take time look at how big the Earth is? Not to mention the universe of billions we are in? We are not that important.

When did it become about saving the Earth? That is a bullshit ruse that I refuse to accept because we have no ability to change the weather, the distance of the sun from us, the natural climate change of this globe we live on.
Your entire post was well-spoken, but this last line? Yeah, it scares me as well. What do you think the chances are that sleeper cells have crossed into the border by now and are patiently hiding out waiting to execute the next planned attack? I think it is a certainty, and one of my criticisms of the Biden Admin’s open border policy.
Yeah man, it's scary! I am not one to want 'chaos theory', but as a realist, I am surprised nothing bad has happened yet.

Hoping for not, but the means for it to happen, and the doors for it to be let in, has been open without any control for a long time.

I'm scared.
As the Earth's climate has changed every single year over it's existence. It does that.

Who is to blame? You think that it's us humans that can control that? Kinda arrogant isn't it? To think that we are powerful enough to make any difference to me is unfathomable...
Good point. The Earth is cyclical. Period.

There is a chance we could became a Type I civilization on the Kardechev Scale. Until we are, there will be climate changes and species extinctions. There just will be, and minimal little efforts we do to try and stop the natural systems will fail. Technology is the game-changer and until we are able to develop macro tech to influence an entire planet, all we are doing is shooting squirt guns at a 4 alarm fire
As the Earth's climate has changed every single year over it's existence. It does that.

Who is to blame? You think that it's us humans that can control that? Kinda arrogant isn't it? To think that we are powerful enough to make any difference to me is unfathomable...
I am unable to answer the question as to "how much" we have/are fucking things up. I'm guessing you might fall into the same/similar category.
That said, if we are affecting things even by 1 - 10%, would it not be logical/prudent to try and mitigate that?
I am unable to answer the question as to "how much" we have/are fucking things up. I'm guessing you might fall into the same/similar category.
That said, if we are affecting things even by 1 - 10%, would it not be logical/prudent to try and mitigate that?
Good question man.

But I find that I must answer with a 'no' because the supposed biggest power in the world that is supposedly wanting to make energy efficient changes already produces less carbon emissions than any other country. Simply because natural gas resources and the already established regulations to keep our emissions down are far above others in any country on any continent. Our simple percentage does not do anything if we can't control other countries that we purchase so called 'energy efficient' or 'green technology' from.

I am not even sure why I have to explain any of this. You know how to Google and find information....
Good question man.

But I find that I must answer with a 'no' because the supposed biggest power in the world that is supposedly wanting to make energy efficient changes already produces less carbon emissions than any other country. Simply because natural gas resources and the already established regulations to keep our emissions down are far above others in any country on any continent. Our simple percentage does not do anything if we can't control other countries that we purchase so called 'energy efficient' or 'green technology' from.

I am not even sure why I have to explain any of this. You know how to Google and find information....
I was not, and never would suggest that it is only us that can fix it. That is complete folly.
As you indicate, other countries don't give a fuck, and they are suffering for it (China etc.)
It is a human problem, not a North American problem (to fix).
All I'm saying is that everyone is guilty, not just "us".
But we ALL suffer for it. All of us.
Same business it was of yours
Enough of this nonsense!

I have respect for Porterhouse and Seeker alike because they are both quite capable of putting into words and articulate reasonable trains of thoughts. As it is, however, every one of us, at times, find ourselves a bit too pissed off, too drunk, too high, or way too entrenched in our opposing political opinions to read or listen to each other.

@PorterhouseMusic ....sorry if you thought I was out of line suggesting that Dave Matthews should start a thread of his own and invite other Trump haters to join in with him.

@Seeker of Rock .....I can 99.999% assure you that Dave Matthew's is NOT the noisedude that you think you remember from all those years ago. IIRC, the real noisedude was constantly posting in the microphone forum section. I'm certain that Dave Matthew's has zero or less knowledge about mics. If Dave is the real noisedude, we should respect his ability to pull the wool over everyone's eyes.
Enough of this nonsense!

I have respect for Porterhouse and Seeker alike because they are both quite capable of putting into words and articulate reasonable trains of thoughts. As it is, however, every one of us, at times, find ourselves a bit too pissed off, too drunk, too high, or way too entrenched in our opposing political opinions to read or listen to each other.

@PorterhouseMusic ....sorry if you thought I was out of line suggesting that Dave Matthews should start a thread of his own and invite other Trump haters to join in with him.

@Seeker of Rock .....I can 99.999% assure you that Dave Matthew's is NOT the noisedude that you think you remember from all those years ago. IIRC, the real noisedude was constantly posting in the microphone forum section. I'm certain that Dave Matthew's has zero or less knowledge about mics. If Dave is the real noisedude, we should respect his ability to pull the wool over everyone's eyes.
And thank you again sir.
I am absolutely NOT that guy, whomever he is. I know enough about a mic to use one vocally (Beta58), and less about how to use one to mic my amp (e906) to play live, and that's about it.
You may hereby elevate your 99.999% to a solid 100%.
