The Peaceful Political Roundtable

Can you point out alliances of leftists forming big corporations run the way they think such corporations should be run with what they regard as fair wealth distribution?
"Big corporations" is relative. But the examples are too numerous to list. There are thousands of thriving cooperatives and commercial enterprises with high levels of employee cooperation around the world as I write this, as examples. How could you not know this?

I admit - most of the biggest corporations on the planet have a top-down more-or-less fascist model of management. Which in my opinion points to why they can be so socially and environmentally reckless- among other negative characteristics.

One more time for you.... I don't want to discuss anything with you. You have not been an honest broker. No need to respond. I'm not discussing this with you further.
brassplyer said:
Can you point out alliances of leftists forming big corporations run the way they think such corporations should be run with what they regard as fair wealth distribution?
lol Trick question yeah? I don't think there are any corporations (that is for profit, publicly traded, board of directors driven) that would subscribe to that theory except to do lip service and pull some wool. Corporate world don't work that way. Is this a problem? May well be but god love ya tryin to solve it.

It's a worthy goal.
It's a question I ask in forums where there's talk about a wealth gap/distribution, "the rich", evil capitalism, etc. I never get a real answer.

Similar to when I ask how many victims of illegal alien crime they're okay with to indulge their bleeding-heart open borders notions. In response I either hear nonsense about supposed rates of criminality of illegals that's based on nothing but air and misrepresentation of data or more often just *crickets*.
brassplyer said:
Can you point out alliances of leftists forming big corporations run the way they think such corporations should be run with what they regard as fair wealth distribution?
"Big corporations" is relative.
Big corporations as in the size of whichever ones you're thinking of when you denounce them.

But the examples are too numerous to list. There are thousands of thriving cooperatives and commercial enterprises with high levels of employee cooperation around the world as I write this, as examples.
A sampling of them would be quite possible to list - yet you fail to name any.

@Sky Blue Lou - right on cue PHM provides a great example of what I said above about the kind of response I get from leftists to certain questions - posturing with no substance.

You have not been an honest broker.
There's nothing I've been dishonest about - you not having a valid response doesn't make me dishonest - lol. :ROFLMAO:
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Fair enough. Biden did not cause inflation directly in my opinion. But he sure has not done anything to stop it in any way.

Could we agree on that?
That’s what the fed is for. What could Biden or any president do? To reduce inflation you have to get people to stop spending money. You can’t do that without hurting people - raising interest rates, tightening lending, more taxes, etc. No potus going to try to do that. Leave that to the fed. That’s why I keep asking what Trump thinks he’s going to do.

I don’t want to get in the weeds on everything else on this thread. It would get in to bashing the other side. Want to stay productive. ☮️
That’s what the fed is for. What could Biden or any president do? To reduce inflation you have to get people to stop spending money. You can’t do that without hurting people - raising interest rates, tightening lending, more taxes, etc. No potus going to try to do that. Leave that to the fed. That’s why I keep asking what Trump thinks he’s going to do.

I don’t want to get in the weeds on everything else on this thread. It would get in to bashing the other side. Want to stay productive. ☮️
OK. That makes total sense. You are so correct. How could I be so blind..................

That’s what the fed is for. What could Biden or any president do? To reduce inflation you have to get people to stop spending money. You can’t do that without hurting people - raising interest rates, tightening lending, more taxes, etc. No potus going to try to do that. Leave that to the fed. That’s why I keep asking what Trump thinks he’s going to do.

I don’t want to get in the weeds on everything else on this thread. It would get in to bashing the other side. Want to stay productive. ☮️
But we also need to be factoring in increasing the money supply which devalues the existing money. It’s worth less so prices rise to keep pace. All the money these last two regimes have pumped in have had a huge inflationary effect.
But we also need to be factoring in increasing the money supply which devalues the existing money. It’s worth less so prices rise to keep pace. All the money these last two regimes have pumped in have had a huge inflationary effect.
For sure. There’s no way to take that out without causing pain somewhere. After you overspend, you need to cut back. The fed has been doing a mostly decent job of not killing economy, and inflation while sticky, has slowed.
Not sure there needs to be any explanation...
There kind of does. Economics may not be a true science, but it has principles that are pretty etched in stone. We have a grip on explaining inflation and how to reverse it. The problem is that reversing it requires slowing down the economy. There’s no known way around that. Saying do “anything” is not helpful or realistic.
What would like Biden to do?
For starters, reduce the cost of energy. I’m all for clean energy and the concept of but there are viable sources within US boundaries (especially of natural gas) that can be extracted without creating an environmental catastrophe. One of his first actions was ending construction of the Keystone Pipeline extension and stop adding new restrictions on fossil fuel energy production until solar, wind and ‘clean coal’ can increase production to a rate that allows a zero net loss economic lateral transition. He wants to leave a ‘legacy’ and this is not wise. Import purchase of energy includes shipping and tariffs, higher electric bills, higher gas prices for trains and trucks to distribute/deliver not only energy but food and goods throughout the country. What’s that do you your consumable prices? You guessed it. As for insurance hikes that should be regulated and enforced by states because those rates (especially for transport to deliver your goods also affects the unit prices). Professional truck drivers have to carry full insurance not only as an operator but also for their cargo should something happen in transit. That has little to do with energy prices but tankers also have to insure their loads. If the net worth of the load is more expensive of course an insurer is going to raise their premiums to cover the increased cost of what they are insuring (though even my personal driving insurance liability only has risen a high percentage over the last few years which seems unfair). These are things Biden should’ve carefully considered when he took over and started shutting down Trump energy policies. Create an environmental legacy for your time in office I have nothing against, but aggressively pursuing it without the means to compensate for the resulting higher prices was just outright foolish.

And according to the Cavuto news clip inflation is down. I know that consumer goods prices are not, though. I know the shampoo/conditioner brand I use Garnier fructose, prices have doubled for the same size bottles over the last few years. Gas prices are way up and double if not close to. Bacon prices? I won’t even buy it anymore as much as I love bacon. Grapefruit juice? +$.$$ and I live in Florida with access to local products. Tractors and machines to grow and harvest use gas that costs money and fertilizers and pesticides that have to be shipped to farms. Increase energy production with a gradual transition plan in place would’ve been the way to do that but it’s like Biden admin wanted to do some foolish things from the beginning JUST to spite Trump. That’s just bad business and look where we are now.
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What would like Biden to do?
Did you mean to ask 'What would I like Biden to do'?

That is an easy answer. Basically the opposite of everything he is doing. And retire. Obviously he is losing his marbles. And his record wasn't even good to begin with. If it were not for Obama selecting him as vice guy, he would not even be on the map as a presidential candidate. You guys just ran with the next in line in order to defeat Trump. The crazy ass orange man who disturbed the way things work as you like. But that dumb ass 45 is a way better choice than the Biden/Harris ticket by far if you like your money and freedom. I just ignore the bullshit from Trump because, well it is less bullshit than what Biden is barely able to speak about. No strength in anything Biden says. Harris with her youth, is even worse at speaking even without gaffs. It's just pathetic to me.

None of the Biden administrations actions are benefiting any working American in any way. Absolutely nothing I can see that is working to benefit this country. I cannot understand how anyone can think otherwise. It is so obviously not working...

I was a democrat before this fucktard came in to office. It isn't easy to change beliefs. I am now registered independent because there is no perfect side.

So now I get blasted with texts and emails from both sides. I block them all.

Right now I am planning to vote for the lesser of two evils. It sure as hell will not be Biden/Harris. What a weak joke that ticket is to me.
One of his first actions was ending construction of the Keystone Pipeline
This became such a talking point. It was almost entirely Canadian oil sands product (less efficient to extract, more harmful to environment) being sent for export. Minimal impact on our pump prices, if any. Unless the oil companies making more money from it decided to sell it cheaper instead of increasing the their margins. Fat chance of that. They sure got republicans up to do their bidding though.
This became such a talking point. It was almost entirely Canadian oil sands product (less efficient to extract, more harmful to environment) being sent for export. Minimal impact on our pump prices, if any. Unless the oil companies making more money from it decided to sell it cheaper instead of increasing the their margins. Fat chance of that. They sure got republicans up to do their bidding though.
So wait, using diesel fueled vehicles or trains are a more efficient way of delivering than a pipeline?

I guess I just don't get it. I Googled and saw the same thing you do about the pipeline prospects. I however do not see much there discussing the other options and how that isn't worse. Makes me wonder who writes this stuff. Seems one sided to me.
This became such a talking point. It was almost entirely Canadian oil sands product (less efficient to extract, more harmful to environment) being sent for export. Minimal impact on our pump prices, if any. Unless the oil companies making more money from it decided to sell it cheaper instead of increasing the their margins. Fat chance of that. They sure got republicans up to do their bidding though.
Are you suggesting that domestic energy production today are at the same levels they were in say 2019?
So wait, using diesel fueled vehicles or trains are a more efficient way of delivering than a pipeline?
There is a pipeline now, but as I understand it, the issue is the land-locked oil sands. Beyond US interest, there’s substantial pushback in Canada as well. It’s kind of like fracking where a lot of the chemicals they have to use are leeching in to rivers and nearby water sources.
Right now I am planning to vote for the lesser of two evils. It sure as hell will not be Biden/Harris. What a weak joke that ticket is to me.
I don’t disagree Biden is old and needs to retire. I’m pissed he hasn’t stepped down, and I’m pissed Harris is still his successor.

I think Trump should flat-out never be trusted with power after the election lies and fake elector scheme. I’m willing to pay higher taxes to protect free and fair elections right now.

Sucks, but here we are. ☮️