The Peaceful Political Roundtable

C'mon man! You know damn well, just as I know, that every news channel in the U.S. is fake/biased opinions at best.

Honest to truth journalism died decades ago.

Once upon a time it was easy to "follow the money" (Watergate era). Long gone are those days.
I just watched a story on the news of an area of 14 homes leveled by a tornado. I believe that the reporting is real and that it happened.
Maybe so but don't forget that greedy greed greeders have to compete with less greedy greed greeders so things (in retail at least) tend to slide consumer side. I'm not exactly in retail but me greedy greed impulses are very definitely constrained by the market I compete in.
In other words, it's always a struggle to remain competitive price wise compared to your competitors in the home heating oil business? Sooner or later, though, your competitors will ignore the all importance of customer service.
In other words, it's always a struggle to remain competitive price wise compared to your competitors in the home heating oil business? Sooner or later, though, your competitors will ignore the all importance of customer service.
Well that's the concept and how I stay viable.
Don't sweat it, brother. I have communication problems of my own to that I struggle with.
Yeah. We have to work our way around the limitations. It's definitely challenging. Express yerself and whatever emotions you may be harboring accurately.

What I meant... is that 60's had said:

"You know damn well, just as I know, that every news channel in the U.S. is fake/biased opinions at best."

And so I mentioned a fact based story. The evening news is not a bunch of "fake/opinions at best". It is demonstrably not that.

I have mentioned here before that I understand the corporate biasing and media filtering that is sewn into our mainstream media. I have read about media critique for two decades now. More than anyone I know personally. I understand it.

The media has an agenda- no doubt. But it's NOT all bullshit and fake news.

This is what I meant about it being hard to communicate sometimes. It can be exhausting.
With all due respect to the spirit of the peaceful thread, this is not intended to be any kind of dig - It makes me want to pull my hair out when people act like Biden caused the inflation as if covid never happened and the US is the only place affected.

That said, tax cuts and spending can increase inflation. Obviously the massive stimulus during covid has played a role in where we are today. I don’t blame either administration since it was pretty damn hard to guess when we’d bet back to normal life.

I’ve asked before - I’d love to know what Trump has planned to fight inflation assuming he’s the potus come January and we are still where we are. Everything he did was to juice the economy, but you can’t do that without making inflation worse. He’s going to be frustrated because the economy really has to work it out on its own, and it’s usually painful.
Fair enough. Biden did not cause inflation directly in my opinion. But he sure has not done anything to stop it in any way.

Could we agree on that?

So, paying off $$$ in student debt helped lower inflation somehow? That only increased in essence what the bottom line I am charged for at tax time for right? Just a simple example of shit I didn't vote for that even the Supreme Court said he has no right to do. I don't get it...

Well the way I look at it is that there are some simple truths and flaws that this current administration is failing at... This is just what I feel.

It's going to sound like a broken record, but for me, its all about getting rid of the bullshit climate change theory that is shutting down our economy by somehow thinking that getting rid of fossil fuels before an infrastructure to support electric 'anything' is in any way beneficial to our people. It does not even seem possible. Not yet anyway.

The ones producing the materials to make such supposed "CLEAN" energy batteries are the worst producers of the so called 'greenhouse gasses' that negates the whole concept of clean energy as far as solar and wind being the sole power source of electric anything. Its bullshit gaslighting for political enrichment promoted as what? A clean environment based on no facts?

What ever happened to nuclear energy? Is not that the most efficient way to create clean energy? If not, how about investing research into that 'actual' renewable resource instead of hoping the wind blows or the sun comes out? It would seem reasonable as man has done in evolution - put the horse before the cart...

And yet, this administration would rather let in any not-vetted immigrants from who knows where, give them money to live, thrive, cell phones, health care, and gain citizenship before any help for their own citizens that pay taxes to support such basically 'self promoting propaganda'. Americans who have actual citizenship are hurting. Veterans are being pushed back before illegals? How does that make any sense? Who is paying for that?

And yet we are expected to pay for this via our taxes? I sure didn't vote for this use of my money. This is obviously the cause of inflation. How is that not this administration's fault?

- a further rant from me on that that I have always wondered: How the hell does any American (any party affiliation) think that this open border policy is a good idea? Unless you have an agenda for self gain? No politician can tell me this is good for actual citizens of this country. No fucking way. I can't believe it is still happening... It disgusts me that neither party has not yet layed down the hammer and IMMEDIATELY stopped it. It's all politics on both sides showing their complete disrespect for the will of the people and lack of respect for its citizens. And yet, we send money to Ukraine to protect their borders in the name of 'Democracy'? It's bullshit and politically drenched insanity.

No wonder so many people want to vote for anything other than this current administration.

Trump is no beautiful person to me or likely not even half of the 50% of Americans that will vote for him. But he sure the hell isn't as disgusting as the now in control administration that is screwing every single person in this country since they have been in power.

And sorry, republicans in general seem to be losing their own strength by not having the balls to get their shit together and make sure this administration is defeated.

I personally think this is all a total mess. I can only decide for myself what might be better for my family. I sure as hell don't want a government telling me how and what I should drive because it makes others feel good about the environment without any scientific facts to back it up. What a man or a woman 'is' depending on their feelings at any particular moment (especially teaching my toddlers)! What I should cook with because it it might introduce some gasses to the atmosphere? Hell, the mouth farting from a far leftists is likely the worst contributor! LOL!

Just my opinion....
Politics are fun and interesting to debate among different minded people. We have two verified debates scheduled between two heavily-contested candidates. There will be so much info after each debate that we are spinning wheels until.

Let the two men prove their best then the credentials are on the line
Politics are fun and interesting to debate among different minded people. We have two verified debates scheduled between two heavily-contested candidates. There will be so much info after each debate that we are spinning wheels until.
I can't wait. Or will there be three?

I find it hard for me to listen to Kennedy, but it would be nice to hear a different perspective than the obvious banter we would hear again from the two we are left with. Again...

I know who I am going to vote against this election year, so it really doesn't matter in the end to me. I sure hope in another four years something better comes around...

And I don't fucking care what political party it is. Something has to change or we are all fucked...
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RFR said:
That’s our government always wants more, more and more. And we pay the bill.
It has that in common with big corporations who are doing more than their part to hollow out the middle class as I write this.
Can you point out alliances of leftists forming big corporations run the way they think such corporations should be run with what they regard as fair wealth distribution?

On a related note -Everyone seems to think that Joe Biden is behind the rising cost of everything. He has little to no control over the costs of goods and services. I assume, for his own self preservation, that Biden would love for that problem to go away. Again - he's got little to nothing to do with the cause (it's a global problem) - and very few levers if any to do something about it - but he'll likely lose the election because of it.
There are lots of great reasons Joedaughtershowers should lose.

Do you believe he's the mind behind "his" administration, is anything more than a puppet taking orders?
If Trump is elected, there will be 4 years of the democrats fighting everything he does. Even republicans will be fighting because none of them are on the same page. Not sure Trump will be able to make the changes his supporters wish for. I am sure at least the border immigration would be shut down. Temporarily anyway. That is national security that needs to be taken care of immediately IMO. Is he the best candidate to bring all of Americans together? Nope. Not even close IMO. But I will vote for him because there is worse with Biden in my opinion.

If Biden is re-elected, I would want to cry, because we will continue to lose our rights and pay for lost causes that have nothing to do with those of us that live here legally. It will be more of the same far leftist anti cop, anti gun, losing rights, and paying for others to live free without deserving the rights we all deserve and have worked for.

The Biden admin has proven to me that is 'for the admin, by the admin, against the people'. Only things they have done for people is bribe for votes. I could be wrong, but it sure feels that way... It's for sure not about taking care of me who works 6 to 7 days a week to survive.

Fuck, I have to pay my employee $25 an hour and he can't even buy a home. Barely pays his rent. So he got a second part time job so he can feed his family. There are Biden's employment numbers. Two jobs needed to live. Not voting for more of that....
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Can you point out alliances of leftists forming big corporations run the way they think such corporations should be run with what they regard as fair wealth distribution?
lol Trick question yeah? I don't think there are any corporations (that is for profit, publicly traded, board of directors driven) that would subscribe to that theory except to do lip service and pull some wool. Corporate world don't work that way. Is this a problem? May well be but god love ya tryin to solve it.

It's a worthy goal.