New Rep Point Thread.

Goodbye Nana (pronounced "nonni"). October 31, 2010, my Nana died. With all due respect to everyone who has a traditional grandma, my grandma, my Nana, was anything but traditional. She was the life of the party, a reall hottie, the very epitome of life and vitality. She died unexpectedly yesterday at 90 years old. I guess I'm sharing this because I need an outlet--this is my community as much as anything.

She was the woman that every man wanted to have and every woman wanted to be. This picture is not 30 years old--this is her a couple months of ago. And as I can not yet form words around my loss, I'll let my daughter speak for the family. This is my daughter's blog post after receiving my call that her great grandmother died yesterday:

Sorry to bring the house down. I'm just destroyed right now.


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My heartfelt condolences, Bob.
I hope that when the first great sadness passes, you will celebrate her life. and your family are in my heart thoughts and prayers.

The blog your daughter wrote, expressed not only how beautifully your Nana(and Papa) represented postive living to your family, but how generational lessons can be great blessings, not curses...and that validates their purpose in life as being very very special.

I'm so very sorry for the loss of your grandmother, Bob. As you recollect some of the great times and moments you were able to spend with her, I hope the pain will be a bit easier to bear-it sounds like she was an inspiration to you and amazing friend throughout your life.

Hey, White, sorry for your loss. My nana died last year :-( I have no more grandparents left :-(

And now can some one please explain to me what is this epic thread about?
Hey, White, sorry for your loss. My nana died last year :-( I have no more grandparents left :-(

And now can some one please explain to me what is this epic thread about?

This is our after-work coffee bar. You get to chat and joke with friends, talk about whatever you will, no flaming, bad language, mobbing (as opposed to the Cave---:D), a friendly place if you will. I think it was started with the aim of gathering Rep points, but I don't think it's that to most of us who come here. Me, I don't really care about Rep points and that's not why I come here.....
I wasn't here when this thread started...but I think it was a thread for getting rep points.

It has since,turned into a place for people to visit with one another..sharing music, work, problems, solutions and some of the funnies in our lives..and also, some of the sadness in our lives.

For those of us, who visit this thread on a regular basis to converse, rep points were and still, are not the basis of coming here...

Those members, who misunderstand what this thread has become, do come here expecting to get rep..and I suppose they do get some...and this thread is a sore spot for some members around this place as well...there is an unfounded jealousy of the socialization in this thread.

It is refreshing to have a place to converse without the stench of the Cave antics or the tiptoe thru the tulip sickening sweetness of what once was Jenny's Place.

We can just say hello...or get bawdy and crazy here..pure sillinesss..and sometimes vent anger with some self-control.

We've remained supportive of one another when needed and a respect for one another stays intact.

I hope to see this thread come alive again as it once was.
Does that help?:D:spank:
Hey, White, sorry for your loss. My nana died last year :-( I have no more grandparents left :-(

And now can some one please explain to me what is this epic thread about?

and to add to what Joey and True said, the rite of passage to join the thread is to read it from start to finish and give us a quick summary.... :laughings:
and to add to what Joey and True said, the rite of passage to join the thread is to read it from start to finish and give us a quick summary.... :laughings:

Stuff happened, we posted, stuff still happens...

Am I still in transit or has my passage been completed?
Its 32c (90f) here today...the hottest day since i moved to SD in April.....folks said November was the best month here but I didnt believe them...people come on holiday in June/July and its not all that warm

so Im gonna buy a music mag, a six pack, and lie by the side of the pool this afternoon....I should have heatstroke by 4pm :)

hope you guys are having a good day in whatever part of the world you are.....
Thanks for the kind thoughts and words on the loss of my Nana everyone. With the daylong visitation, then the funeral, it's been a rough couple of days--but it was so good to see the entire family pull together to honor her and support my Grandfather. (It's a tough time for everyone but moreso for him!)

She was the queen bee, and the whole hive came out to say goodbye!
and to add to what Joey and True said, the rite of passage to join the thread is to read it from start to finish and give us a quick summary.... :laughings:

Quick!!....what post# is the first posting of Gorty in his PINK BIKINI?:eek:

And NO GOOGLING allowed!!!:D:mad::spank: