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hey all, just found this site, looking forward to reading through everyone's techniques and sharing my own. Working on recording an album at home and learning all about room acoustics, mics, hardware, plugins, etc.... Have been recording stuff for a long time but still have endless things to learn!!!

Here is an acoustic panel build I just did:


I did something like this about 10 years ago. I used Rockwool and some bass traps (Rockwool in the corner) if you use that, they work really well. Be aware, when you are recording via mic (acoustic, mic'ing amps), your room will be really dead. Even hand claps are hard to pick up.
Hi REF and welcome. You say "the Zoom H8 is to be replaced by a computer and a DAW"? Does that mean a new interface and which DAW?

One of the most important factors with the AI/PC system is latency, the delay between striking a key or string and hearing the sound. I am NO drummer (bass, years ago) but I would think you guys need minimal delay?

Low latency is a complex matter. You need a fast enough, 'uncluttered' computer but in truth anything under 5 yrs old that can run W10/11 will serve. THE most crucial factor is the drivers that come with the interface. Must be ASIO drivers but not all are the same. Top of the tree is RME (yeah, pricey!) next I would sau MOTU and Native Instruments not far behind. Any of those three will be fine.
Others here will no doubt have other suggestions.

The DAW probably has minimal effect on latency. Certainly the every useful Reaper will give you no trouble.

Rock on,

Actually, I found that the audio outs on an old module I'm using, just to get playing adjustments in order (TrapKAT), and see how things would hook up into the H8, delivers excellent sound. That was my hope. Finding a module in my budget that would work well with the TrapKAT and I'd just go straight into the H8, send the guys a stereo file they could drop into the mix and done.

DAW, I have a friend who has mixed and mastered some drum solo recordings for me and he uses MTS and can guide me through some paths there, using that. Computer not a problem. Plenty of speed, space and memory. A VST plug-in? Yeah, that's an issue but, I have the time to deal with learning curves. Not sure about my interface. But, elsewhere on the board it was mentioned I could go directly from my TrapKAT into the computer (need a good midi to usb cable), then out to the interface for listening to what the DAW/VST puts out. Sounds simple but, I know it won't be. It never is. :-)
A to the J here, hope to contribute some. I was ArtieJ on the Artist Area Bulletin board many a year back.
They moved to F-Book which I hate so much I won't even type out the complete name.
Nearing retirement from full time work and hoping to pick back up with some home based writing/recording.
Jazz influenced rock/pop stuff. Platform is Windows/ Presonus Studio One.
I don't care that there is no longer an audience for it, I am determined to have fun and enjoy my decline!
A to the J here, hope to contribute some. I was ArtieJ on the Artist Area Bulletin board many a year back.
They moved to F-Book which I hate so much I won't even type out the complete name.
Nearing retirement from full time work and hoping to pick back up with some home based writing/recording.
Jazz influenced rock/pop stuff. Platform is Windows/ Presonus Studio One.
I don't care that there is no longer an audience for it, I am determined to have fun and enjoy my decline!
There is an audience. I feel like a lot of folks doesn't realize that there is a massive revival of "musicians' music" in Gen Z. I wanna hear some! Post it somewhere!
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Just found this forum. Seems like a real blessing. Acoustic, sometimes electronic drummer. Currently, edrums the only option. Far from being a tech nerd, screens tend to glaze my eyes over. Put me in a wood shop, I'm good. Tech? Drop down boxes, a thousand options... not so much. A new recording project facing me. My trusty acoustics and ZOOM H8 recorder replaced by a coming DAW and probably a VST drum plug-in and learning curves that will probably add the last ten years to my life. But, we press on >>>

I believe your H8 can be used as an interface. What DAW do you fancy getting?

Kind regards

Thanks for the welcome. I've had this little page on my website for about 20 years... ArtieJ's Music Page
Write, program, play and record all the parts. So there's no one else to blame. :giggle:
I'll also modestly mention a couple of my favorites I had a lot of fun doing, The Maaze and HOPSCOTCH!

I believe your H8 can be used as an interface. What DAW do you fancy getting?

Kind regards

I have a friend who mixed and mastered some previous recordings of mine, all drums and percussion recorded on the H8. He uses MTS and he can guide me through any dark tunnels I encounter with it. Unless I can find a module that works correctly with my TrapKAT and I'll just go right into the H8, send the guys the files and they can go from there with their DAWs (Protools).
Growing up it was Chicago, Yes, fusion stuff like Return to Forever, Weather Report, etc.
Later on in the 80's, Tribal Tech with Scott Henderson, Eric Johnson.
Growing up it was Chicago, Yes, fusion stuff like Return to Forever, Weather Report, etc.
Later on in the 80's, Tribal Tech with Scott Henderson, Eric Johnson.
Great list. Went to see both Wayne Shorter (playing with Carlos Santana) in the 80s and Miles Davis in Antibes in the 80s. Saw Herbie Hancock playing with Shorter in Dublin in the 90s as well. Would absolutely have loved to have seen Chicago, back in their day. Also, would have given a finger off my right hand to have seen Jaco playing.
Hello everyone, thanks for having me. I'm an incarcerated rapper who has come here (via 3rd party) to acquire information about techniques and experiences recording tracks over a phone connection. Thanks again.
Hello, everyone! ? I’m a 73-year old semi-retired architect from South Louisiana who has also been a soul and rock brass musician since the age of 15. I am still performing, with a 15-member group with a 6-man brass section. I have been a recording enthusiast since my early 2O’s and have 4 RTR recorders, including Tascam 42 and 42B 2-tracks, a Tascam 44 4-track, and a Teac 6300 bi-directional 4-track. As I recently purchased a Tascam hybrid mixer to record in either analog or digital, I’m trying to part with my Tascam 44 and Tascam 2600 32-channel recording console.

Thank you so very much for accepting me into your forum! ?
Welcome Murph321. Looks like the only way is up.

Welcome 5109Eagle. Good to have your experience here.
Hi Miguel here, I’m interested in learning to fix and maintain vintage cassette decks, 4 tracks, and reel to reels. I also write and produce music as a hobby. I enjoy buying old audio equipment fixing them up and releasing them back into the wild.
Hi Miguel,
Welcome to HR.
I love seeing old gear restored and maintained and, ideally, used. Plenty of other people here do too so welcome on in. (y)