New member
Hello everyone. Just the beginning of my music prod.adventure.. thanks in advance.
Welcome PoSuM, sorry to hear about the breakup. Nothing like throwing yourself into a musical project to work through it... Sounds like you have a wealth of experience, can't wait to read about what problems you get into.Hi everyone,
Just registered today.
[. . .]
Hey, Yea, the breakup was crappy, after 25 years married, kids etc. But, I`m feeling ok about it. As you say, nothing better than project to dive into.Welcome PoSuM, sorry to hear about the breakup. Nothing like throwing yourself into a musical project to work through it... Sounds like you have a wealth of experience, can't wait to read about what problems you get into.
Living in West Midlands - do you follow footy? who's your club?
That's cool, I always think about how much meticulous treatment the pitches must get to stay in good condition all the time. I have played on my fair share of mud patches lol.I also was a groundsman at the WBA pitch back in `84 but never got a taste for footy myself
Sorry to perhaps disappoint even further, but as a 12 year old in the US when Man United was on their rampage, I chose them. Have never visited the UK and have no relation to Manchester haha. It's fun just to have a team to follow, love the sport and have played all my life.Who`s your team?
Do you know this chick?Hello everyone , im Anthony , new to the group and im looking forward to learning new things from everyone here . I’m in the Los Angeles film school program
Yes, the amount of time spent on the pitches is crazy. I liked that time of my life but it was only a sort of government apprenticeship, called the Youth Training Scheme. I went on to do horticulture from that for a wee while but found other things shortly after.That's cool, I always think about how much meticulous treatment the pitches must get to stay in good condition all the time. I have played on my fair share of mud patches lol.
Sorry to perhaps disappoint even further, but as a 12 year old in the US when Man United was on their rampage, I chose them. Have never visited the UK and have no relation to Manchester haha. It's fun just to have a team to follow, love the sport and have played all my life.
Welcome Manfred!Hello, new here!
My native langage is french so sorry if sometimes my english looks extraterrestrial.
I play bass, guitar and drums.
I record my work with mostly Ardour on Debian Gnu/Linux but I also use old softwares like Acid Pro and Cool Edit Pro
My drums ar processed with Hydrogen Drum Machine.
I am a pure #BedroomProducer
The idea is to get big results on tiny equipement because I began music with the punkwave in the early 80's and the leading idea was DIY.
Done, posted my two newest tracks ;-)Welcome Manfred!
I just looked up Ardour. Tres interestant.
I'm on the lookout for Linux DAWs, so I can ditch Windows.
Post some of your music, when you can.
?A few years ago, a thing related to critical listening (finally!) clicked in my brain, and I was able to hear mixes. It was amazing. I was able to re-introduce myself to all my favorite music and hear it, in a sense, like it was the first time.
Hi Dave,Hi Pete, I think you should post your equipment problems in the Computer Recording section giving a clear run down of the way you have things setup.
I suspect you have a "driver" problem. I would guess you have installed the Volt ASIO drivers? That is fine and will give you the lowest latency but, ASIO drivers can only handle "one thing at once". They can handle as many tracks as the interface has but ONLY that interface. You should be able to run various things but need to use MME or WASAPI drivers. Not always the best driver for the job but 'needs must' Eh?
My son often gets in this pickle. He has a MOTU M4 (brilliant ASIO drivers) but also uses a USB mic and a USB mixer. He usually gets things to work as he want eventually!
What's a pronoun?My preferred pronouns are he/him
Hi REF and welcome. You say "the Zoom H8 is to be replaced by a computer and a DAW"? Does that mean a new interface and which DAW?Just found this forum. Seems like a real blessing. Acoustic, sometimes electronic drummer. Currently, edrums the only option. Far from being a tech nerd, screens tend to glaze my eyes over. Put me in a wood shop, I'm good. Tech? Drop down boxes, a thousand options... not so much. A new recording project facing me. My trusty acoustics and ZOOM H8 recorder replaced by a coming DAW and probably a VST drum plug-in and learning curves that will probably add the last ten years to my life. But, we press on >>>