New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi, my name is Luca,
I didn't notice this post before and went straight posting in other topics. Sorry :)

I'm a professional ukulele virtuoso/instructor/producer from Rome, Italy. I also wrote methods for the instrument.
I started studying music at 5 then trained on classical piano, film music and orchestration, desktop production and then surprisingly the uke :) I also play drums and guitars a little bit (I'm a pretty crappy guitar player actually).

My favourite hobbies are making videos and the PS3.
I'm here to learn something and to share my perspective!

Ciao from Italy!
Heya everyone! I'm Thrasher and I'm pretty new to the recording realm. Been playing guitar for about 8-10 years but never really got any good at mixing and mastering sounds. I currently use the Line 6 KB37 Interface for my sounds and FL Studio 10 for recording. I use Schecter and Spector Guitars/Basses.

I hope to get feedback and help for the rest of my recording experiences!

Cheers and I'll see y'all soon! ^^
Hello.........Ernie from Northern Ireland here.
Built my home studio last year, happy days!. Hope to learn a lot here from the experienced members as time goes by.
Went for a fast windows 7 64 bit puter, 3 screens, motu interface, Event monitors etc. Currently running Reason 7 and Pro tols 11. Funds are out atm, so very slowly buying waves plugins one at a time, a never ending burden it seems lol.
Love to write / arrange songs. SD2.2 and easy keys are a great help.
Look forward to learing from you guys :)
Greetings all...
Just a guy in Alaska looking for some help. I grew up playing guitar, did the LA Sunset Blvd scene back in the 70s-80s.
Now technology has come so far, I'm still trying to catch up the 70s... Really I am.
I wanted to introduce myself as the protocol appears to be correct, then I need some help please.
I need to know where to post a question on help to set up a home recording system?
I have what I believe is all the component's ... older ADAT and VS-880EX thx all
Hey guys. i'm Johnny. i'm in the early stages of building a home studio, so i'll be kicking around here for a little while. thanks for having me.
Greetings all! Just joined the site today, bringing along some high hopes of getting my dreams of doing a little home recording up and running. I have a degree in Electronics Engineering, so I consider myself a pretty quick study as long as I have a manual or someone to walk me through things and show me how something is done.

I started playing guitar and drums at around twelve years of age, and during all of Middle School and High School I played a bunch of things from Trumpet to Drums, French Horn and more. I've always had a desire to write and record my own music, just as a hobby, not with some dream of making it on somebody's "Top 40". My music has always been really personal anyhow, not that I don't think it's any good, it's just something I've always done alone in my free time.

Now I have a couple of nice guitars, my prized axe being an all out Dimebag signature Dean, set neck and all. I have a GNX4 that handles all of my effects needs, from distortion and delay to chorus and cabinet modeling. I recently picked up a Behringer UMA25S USB Audio/MIDI Controller that came with some limited software, and have hopes that I can use it to make my drum tracks as well as bass guitar tracks, while using the same software to start laying down the guitar tracks.

I wish all of you other newbies out there much luck as well, and look forward to possibly making some friends in the process. Really like the site so far, and feel happy to have become a member.

Rock on everybody!

Hi Everyone, I'm Marc. I do karaoke DJing, but have really started to get into the singing and would at some point like to record. I joined the forum to hopefully gain some knowledge about sound engineering. I have a great mixer, mics, etc...but to be honest, I don't know a whole lot about how to adjust things, what's "muddy", "bright" what frequency affects what part of the music, etc. I've been reading a lot online, but figured the forum could help with some advice. Could turn out to be in the wrong place, lol...who knows. But at some point I'll be recording, so I'm sure I'll learn some stuff here!
Hello , I am ally . i am obviously new to recording lol! want to make my own home studio it my upstairs room. love playing the guitar and piano & singing. just coming here to get advice and such! Thanks for having me!! :)

Looking forward to learning more about audio production. Only worked as an amateur in video production before with basic equipment, hoping to learn the tools of the trade so I can produce better sounding content that people will enjoy.
Greetings Everyone!
Newbie here looking to grow and learn from all of you and to be able to contribute where and when I can.
I'm a hobbyist who's been "attempting" to record for a couple of years now without really knowing what I'm doing, and am hoping to produce better mixes as I hopefully gain some knowledge from this forum.
Looking forward to delving in.

Peace! :)
Hi Everyone !

Im ShariceYaleesa , I Live in belgium , I love singing ! and making music ,:listeningmusic:
I have been recording a while now with basics and i descided to move on to a little more pro equipmant
I'm just starting to learn to play the guitar :guitar: ( superexcited ) And i hope i'll be able to learn and progress with what im actually doing ,
( which most of the times i have no clue off - The only thing im certain about is my own voice - and that even needs to progress -:p

Lets face it my introduction sucks - probs because my english isn't that perfect but hey at least i do my best .. im not feeling inspired of making a introduction i guess :facepalm:
Is this it? Took me 7 trys to register, perhaps I'm a dozer but i am an admittedly slow learner. Now I don't know if I'm introducing myself or replying to ma culpa; so Hello. I do have a question. I have been saving remastered Adobe Audition 3.0 files as mp3 - and now wonder if I can apply the PK files to resave the work I've already done as WAV files. I could go to the original tracks and start over but wonder if there's a short cut.

Acoustic Guitar (mediocre) player interested in home recording here. I have a Yamaha mixer, a Scarlett interface, a small Roland Cube and Reaper. I am trying not to blow them all up!!! Not doing too bad been studying all this for about 5 weeks. I have an older electronics degree which helps alot but the audio language is mostly all new... Now if I could just sing better...