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I'm new to this forum. For my day job, I am a musician at the Disneyland Resort. I have a question and wondered if anyone can help me… I just installed my Tascam US-1800 (driver V.2.10) with my Equator Audio D8 near field monitors on my Macintosh computer (OS X 10.8.5). The Tascam and monitors work great when playing audio from my computer. However, when I try to play anything online, no sound occurs. Is there a setting that I need to change in order for things online to play through my Tascam and monitors?


Not a Mac guy, but believe it or not, it is still a computer. You will probably need to route all sound to the interface from the OS. You may need to post this somewhere else, or look online for how it is done, but usually it is setting your sound settings to the interface and all of the sound routes that way.

I know I didn't answer the question, but you should be able to find the answer pretty quick. It is an Apple question more than an Interface question. Hope this helps.
Hi I've played classical piano for 13 years. I play/arrange by ear and doodle around with pop/classical/whatever improv/impromptu composition. My main objective at the moment I want to find out is how to start playing live synth for performing (sorta like this Vox Atomic on youtube-I can't post links yet, so gratias tibi ago if you look him up). Where would I start that? I already know my theory pretty well, so would I just go buy some stuff (what would you recommend buying for starters?) and mess around to figure it out? Or is there a different, more formal approach you guys recommend taking?

Your question does not have a simple answer. Live synth, verses recording and setting up tracks. To keep it simple, there are tow main elements in a synth, one is MIDI, the other is the sound of the synth. If you want to capture the sound of the synth, you will have to record analog and this requires an interface just like vocals, guitars, etc require. If you are sequencing the MIDI data to drive your synth, then that requires a bit more in depth conversation.

Look around the board and get an idea of what everyone is doing. You will most likely require at least a two channel interface with MIDI In/Out (you can use USB MIDI, but that seems to be a hit miss). Then you will need a DAW that fits your needs both for analog and MIDI data.

Start there and then ask the questions in the right areas. Keyboard questions in Keyboards and MIDI, for the Interface under Digital Records and computers.

Hope this helps.
Hey all, new to the forum. I have been a drummer, FOH and monitor engineer for 25 years but am new to the recording world. Also ran lights but will not admit to it in public lol. I have a DP-32 with a SX4882 Eurodesk setup. Thanks
Hi! My name is Chris, and I'm an... Oops-wrong room...

I'm a total n00b when it comes to gear, although I can discuss acoustic guitars somewhat coherently (as long as we all realize that the older, pre-Fender Guild 12 string guitars are the pinnacle of man's technical, emotional, and spiritual endeavor).

But, for the rest- pathetic newbie. Gigged a lot in Texas and Colorado about 35 years ago until the Army transferred me. I've been doing the career/mortgage/kids routine until an chronic annoyance became highly disabling- these days, I'm on disability in a wheelchair.

This has been, in some ways, the best thing that's ever happened to me: to drag myself out of my self-pity, I started playing guitar again- and remembered the emotional connection I have with music.

So, I'm practicing like mad, devising set lists, have some equipment suggested by friends, and no ideas on using it. It used to be an amp, a mic for the guitar, and a mike for my singing. Music has evolved a bit since then.

So, I'm here to learn two things right off: what forums to ask correct questions (like what's a good video camera that has decent audio output jacks); and second: What's a sticky?
I recorded a new song on the machine,but I let it record from 000 and did 3 takes...using the last one..i completed the song,the last one,but when I burn it to cd there is all the crap I recorded up until the version I there any way to reset the version of the song to 0? I basically started the song at 9:38,so I need to see if there is a way to erase all tracks up until 938,so when I burn it it won,t have 9;38 of dead!!!
Hi all!

Just found this site a few weeks ago. Picked up my guitar again after about 15 years, bought a Focusrite 2i2 to start messing around. Gonna have some fun and try to write music and sing. I can't believe how much home recoding has changed in the 20 years since I messed around with recording in college. My wife is happy that this new hobby is cheaper then flying. I would spend $200 per hour just to fly around the airport; I stopped flying professionally, so flying in circles is boring. Plus, with all the money I save from not flying, I can buy some really neat gear. When I am feeling brave, I will post a song (if I can write one) and take my beatings.
Hi all!

Just found this site a few weeks ago. Picked up my guitar again after about 15 years, bought a Focusrite 2i2 to start messing around. Gonna have some fun and try to write music and sing. I can't believe how much home recoding has changed in the 20 years since I messed around with recording in college. My wife is happy that this new hobby is cheaper then flying. I would spend $200 per hour just to fly around the airport; I stopped flying professionally, so flying in circles is boring. Plus, with all the money I save from not flying, I can buy some really neat gear. When I am feeling brave, I will post a song (if I can write one) and take my beatings.

Welcome to the site. I gave up flying about 8 yrs ago. Around the same time my youngest was born. Coincidence?? Nah, lack of money!! Recording is cheaper.
Howdy folks. I'm not new to recording (been doing it off and on for about 20 years), but I'm brand spankin' new here! Looking forward to getting to know everyone and picking the brains off the older and wiser among you :-)
Hey everyone c: the names Noley, and I'm highly interested in both producing music and songwriting. I always wanted to be a sound engineer, but didn't think it was feasible. Now that I'm 18, though, I'm starting to wrap my brain around bigger and better plans I never dreamt of for myself as far as reality goes. As a little introduction, here's a promo for a rap album I've written and will either be producing with a friend who makes beats, or with a professional home studio I have lined up. But hell, I've always thought I had brains, and I always thought if you want something done right you should do it yourself, so maybe I'll sidetrack the album for now until I can produce it 100% myself and the way I want it.

you tube. com/ watch?v=jz_8EYPEJw0&list=UUA54BwC0_KEFKYV3yk6cB7w&feature=c4-overview
Can anyone tell me please how you post a help request to the forum. Seams to be a new posts where you can read new posts but how can I actually post a thread? Thanks in advance.
Can anyone tell me please how you post a help request to the forum. Seams to be a new posts where you can read new posts but how can I actually post a thread? Thanks in advance.

At top of page click on 'Forum'. Select the forum in which you would like to post. At the top left of each forum there is a 'Post New Thread' button.

Welcome to the site! :)
I'm Von Mons, and I recently bought a Tascam 424 portastudio to record myself and my band and am looking for a little help with it.
Hello all, Just a quick introduction. I am getting back into recording after a fairly long lay off. Reasons are all too familiar so won't get into that. I am a amatuer songwriter and appreciate the freedom of doing my own recording. Unfortunately my engineering abilities, how can I put this, are insufficient. Back then I had an ADAT setup but sold all of it. Miss it now, though I am looking to simplify. Hoping to learn through some reading, and from this forum. Also wanted to thank you for all I have learned so far. I think this post is in the right place.
Hello. Poland Pines here. I am a solo artist in the process of recording the 60 something songs I have written. I am playing every instrument at the moment. I am looking for tips on time management with recording for the most part. That, and how to better record vocals...

See ya around.
Hi I am Bob just joined I am a bit of an old newbie and still learning this digital recording malarkey I have a Yamaha AW1600 a zoom R16 and a Tascam DP24 on its way as well as cubase Elements 6 and Sonar X3 studio plus UA-25 EX interface. I started on a Tascam porta studio in the mid 80,s and moved up for a while to 8 track reel plus mixer and outboard fx and found it easier to understand what I was doing then and to be honest struggle a bit with menu system driven stuff and computer Daws although I realize the quality on these new digital recorders either stand alone or DAW is far better than I started off with and the annoying thing is I know what I want to do but have difficulty implementing it so hope you nice folk won't mind a few questions now and again.
Hi all. I came here looking for knowledge. I've been attempting to record my music for around 15 years now and I still suck at it. I started with an archaic fostex 4 track tape recorder and have tried tons of things in between. I'm currently using Cubase 4LE that came with my focusrite sapphire (the original firewire one). I like the software quite a bit as it is easy to use. I have thought about upgrading but I'm pretty happy with it and would have to be convinced to move on (besides, I'm cheap...extremely cheap). I'm a guitar player foremost with song writing coming in second but, I also sing, play drums, bass, piano, and just about anything else that makes music. For me, writing music is my release. It's about the only way I can express myself and empty the skull. Unfortunately, I'm a busy guy with a wife and 4 year old son as well as being active duty military. I typically only get about 5 days a month to record. I wish I had more time but as the old saying goes, wish in one know the rest. I look forward to learning from you guys and could not be happier to be here with like minded people.