New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi everyone, i have just joined the forum, i've been recording and releasing my music for the past 10 years, looking forward to get involved on here!! Just a quick question, how do you add an avatar?


Hello, I'm Dia and I want to learn about audio for video shot on DSLR and "point and shoot" cameras. Right now I have a question about the Nikon Coolpix P7700. The only microphone recommended by Nikon is the ME-1 which is an OK back-electret shotgun mic, however I need to use a lavalier with this camera. I understand there are "poles" (as in 4-pole, 2-pole) that may be the problem, however I am not getting any sound out of the MicW lavalier (a pretty nice wired lav) currently attached to the Coolpix. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!
Hello, newbie intruction time. My name is Greg. I've been reading the forums for a few weeks and figured I should register. I use PreSonus interfaces (1818VSL and 22VSL) and StudioOne Professional for my DAW. Ozone 5 for mastering. Mics are the usual suspects: Shure SM57, SM58, BETA52, AT2020... KORGMS2000B for synths. Pearl and Gretsch drums. I have a cheap Strat, although I am not really a guitarist, and a cheap Ibanez bass, although I am not really a bassist. Fender amps. All the usual stuff.

I am about to release my first album done entirely by myself at my home studio (with some additional overdub tracking done by a friend at his place). Waiting on the artwork (I know, right?). I'll post it here once it is released. See you guys in the forums.
Hey all,

Bunkermonkey here, use Line 6 for most of my current recording. Used to use abelton but I lost it when I upgraded my computer so currently ISO DAW for my windows machine. We'll see what I can find.

hey, (Jeff) new here but been on earth quite a long time.... just bought a Tascam digital 8 track, looking forward to some fun with this unit..... I had an old 4 track reel to reel back in the 70's which is long gone..... but enjoyed playing some guitar and recording....
Hi. I'm Joe. I just barely got the wife's approval to start taking recording seriously. I've been using a USB Blue Yeti, on a mac laptop, and garageband for the past 5 years, gasp. The itch to get serious has been with me all that time, but not until about a month ago have I been able (had the funds) to do so. I just bought a Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, Shure beta-58 (for live performances), Logic Pro X, and looking to get a couple of condensers. I stumbled on this community while doing research for an audio interface, and am excited to dig in.
Hello Folks.

I come in search of knowledge and wisdom. And if I can't get that I'll take free advice.
I am starting my first and I hope my last home studio after seeing my bank account after the first week.

I am in need of some assistance on just about everything. I was fortunate to be provided with a set of 2 1TB storage digital recorders. 1 Audio Only, and 1 Audio/HDVideo. The package also included a Computer tower with 16GB RAM and a 250GB Hard Drive. The tower has Linux Ubuntu Studio 13 installed on a linux-only OS. I have a building that has approximately a 25X14 space for a single booth setup. I have 2 large diaphragm Shure Mics and a Tascam 1800USB interface, as well as a 36" monitor for the system with wireless keyboard and mouse, and wifi to run it all. much deeper am I going to be in debt by the time I do this right???

Honestly, I don't know the first thing about what I am doing, but I had someone nice enough to donate all that equipment, and I am at least going to give it my best effort to see it work since he was so gracious in giving me the equipment to get started.
Hi all...fairly new here, been lurking about a bit. I've been mixing ITB for a few years now. Hoping to someday build a studio and start producing professionally. Once I get a lil bit of gear, I'll be starting out doing analog-digital conversions, some karaoke style recordings, and some mixing as a business..eventually want to build up enough gear to also get into recording professionally as well.
Thank you for the welcome party!

Welcome, I've been recording for about 10 years and recently started a website of my own to help others. I own a recording studio in Oklahoma called Tree Note Studios and have been in business on my own for 2 years proudly making a living. I know how intimidating it was learning on your own. I went to school for audio engineering and had great people help me along the way, one being Scott Booker, the manager for the Flaming Lips. Because of them, I too want to help others and thats why I'm here. Hope all is well and look forward to help many and creating new and lasting friendships.

Cheers! Talk to you all soon!
please someone tell me how to start a new thread ? I need to know if Ableton will download onto a secondhand Yamaha MM6 before I buy it............... thanks
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muskie 999 . Used Tascam Mark 424 2, stepped up, I think to a 2800 neo. Active musician for 40 years getting back to writing.
Need plenty of help. Thanks in advance.
Hey, totally new to all this, any help suggestions, equipment preferances, anything, please hit me up! im so curious bout recording and knowing everything i can! hit me up lets talk,
Hey, totally new to all this, any help suggestions, equipment preferances, anything, please hit me up! im so curious bout recording and knowing everything i can! hit me up lets talk,

Welcome to the forum. just ask a question, someone will answer it:D
I'm Lindie and I'm an aspiring singer -- I play some acoustic guitar also and am hoping to start a band in the rock genre. I love punk, rock, and metal, any crazy solos and guitar magic \m/ -- have very little experience as far as equipment or anything, anything I know about that was hooked up for me at guitar center (awesome store check them out), so I could use any help with that. Anything music-wise has been self taught; minus a few vocal lessons. No schooling or anything for this. Any advice will help!