New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi everybody. I've been playing music for about 20 years, back to high school bands, and when my band of 10 years started slowing down due to having kids and other "we're not 20 year old punk kids with no responsibilities anymore" stuff, I decided it was finally time to start putting some energy into learning the basics of recording, and set up a small space in my house.


Nice to meet everyone as a poster, and not just a lurker.

You sound like me. I was in a punk band in high school and after, that broke up, things started to quiet down. I had a kid last year and now things are really settled and I decided it's time to start recording some of the ideas I've had in my mind. It's nice there is such a large community of other folks who are into recording too.

I've been a member of another type of online forum for a few years now, and have made many friends and enjoyed the experience a lot. i hope you have the same experience here. Getting into the community will really help stoke your excitement for your recording as well.

All the best
Greetings! I am new here. In addition to having an occasionally... less than mature sense of humor... I've come to have some discussion on my quest to find an inexpensive large diaphragm condenser that works for my particular application, and also to talk about one of my favorite hobbies... recording and audio engineering.
Hey im Evan and i am an aspiring hip hop artist. The reason i joined is because i am striving to get the perfect sound for all of my songs because no matter what i do i feel like it can be better. Let me know if you are interested in helping me out, thanks.

After 20 minutes of trying to read the weird words in the registration form I got lucky and I guessed right. Whew.

Anyway, I am older and retired and play purely for myself and I am learning to record songs so I can exchange them with friends and have them critiqued etc. I use an Alesis iO2 Express and an Audio Technica AT 2020. I use Audacity to record and edit etc. That's it. Just the minimum basics at the moment. I would like to learn a lot more about it so I can improve my recording skills, learn what equipment would be better etc. without mortgaging the house.

I play acoustic guitar and fingerpick. Lately I have been hooked on Nick Drake. I really like the guitar work in his songs
and his weird tunings. Just came in here hoping to make a few friends and learn something, anything. I am definitely lacking in knowledge at the moment.
Evening folks. Doing the obligatory introduction thing I guess.
Been a musician since I was old enough to ride a bike, my next door neighbors dad, the Cowans was a music teacher, no too mention a smoking guitarist/musician, but they had a houseful of instruments and multiple jam rooms. It was heaven to a kid with two older brothers who had been playing me lots of Kiss(Double Live was my first album received as a gift, think what that does to an 11 yr old and Black Sabbath,Thin Liz, etc... since I was old enough to care.
I took a short stab at a career in music, several decent bands, took a bit of schooling(1 year), several even better bands, but early on I just knew the road was not for me, and there we other jobs I had the skills for that could make me comfortable money, so music is now just one of my many hobbies, though she holds the top position in my heart without music I would be a sad cat.
I have been trying to start learning how to record wit the PC and all that for a while, se3veral false starts, but now I found what looks to be a good site to ask questions and gain knowledge, so I am back at it and having much better luck.
So far all I have is my crusty old PC Laptop, a Casio LK55 that I have managed to MIDI in, and a RP-155(DNA2ver.)
Ive been splitting my time between FL and Reaper, Audacity don't do MIDI so ?
I am very much in need of gear, aren't we all, but will post in classifieds if I can.
I guess will save my questions for specific forums threads, so till then, I hope to make some new friends here and learn even more so till next time I guess it's Ciao for now.
Mike 'Graiskye' Latimer

PS: play mostly guitar with a bit of everything else.
Hi there, my name is Paul.

I am writing from portugal...xD

Recently i got interested in mastering/mixing/recording, so here i am trying to absorb the knowledge

Have a nice day.
I'm just a college student recording as a hobby anytime possible. I'm most interested in recording my own acoustic guitar and aside from that I enjoy creating instrumentals and beats found here

If anyone else new makes beats or raps I'm open to collab
Hey Evan not sure what kind of sound you want, but I'm sort of developing my own style to producing beats, not sure what to call it if you're interested in collaborating
Fit Like?

Greetings all! Great site. Loads of great stuff. Playing guitar or making noise since 70s. Sold all for honeymoon. Won't do that again.....
Now mid life crisis number 3 so so going to see if I can still play my Pistols favs :drunk:
Hi. So, just joined this thing. Hopefully I can learn a few things, and maybe there's a slight chance that I may have something to contribute every now and again. Hope springs eternal.
Never seen an introduction thread everyone replies to before. Cool. Well I'm Symph, I make rock music and it's kind of a mix of christian and secular themes together lyrically. Not in the same songs lol I just mean some songs are christian themed and some are about romance or random things, I really think I suck at recording. I use presonus studio one and no matter how hard I try my recordings never impact me. It's driving me crazy and I'm hoping to find a community that can help me with suggestions, so hopefully this is the place. Thank you for having me, cheers.
Greetings all! Great site. Loads of great stuff. Playing guitar or making noise since 70s. Sold all for honeymoon. Won't do that again.....
Now mid life crisis number 3 so so going to see if I can still play my Pistols favs :drunk:

Based on your join date, you've been lurking for some time. Probably have a good handle on what you need to get cranking. Hope to hear some of your stuff soon.

Hi. So, just joined this thing. Hopefully I can learn a few things, and maybe there's a slight chance that I may have something to contribute every now and again. Hope springs eternal.

Lend us your ears and let others know what you hear, pretty important on this site. Lots of post on the MP3 mixing, even if you have nothing to say about the mix, everyone appreciates some feedback on their songs/music.

Welcome on the board.
Never seen an introduction thread everyone replies to before. Cool. Well I'm Symph, I make rock music and it's kind of a mix of christian and secular themes together lyrically. Not in the same songs lol I just mean some songs are christian themed and some are about romance or random things, I really think I suck at recording. I use presonus studio one and no matter how hard I try my recordings never impact me. It's driving me crazy and I'm hoping to find a community that can help me with suggestions, so hopefully this is the place. Thank you for having me, cheers.

Hi and welcome. My music tends to lean towards a faith based theme. Hard for me to write without that, even though ,most of it I try to keep it out of people's faces.

Getting good at recording is as much a practice as playing an instrument. More than just faders as music is more than just notes. Best thing to do is just do it, post in the mixing clinic and take the feedback and adjust.

One thing I hope all new folks who read this understand, if and when you post in the mixing clinic, leave your emotions at the door. Some responses might sound harsh, and at first it is difficult to take, but 99% of the folks who respond do so in what I think is a very objective manor. If you get a one off, just ignore, and focus on the bulk. I also suggest you participate, even if it is, I didn't hear anything. There is also learning by doing and when you hear and then read what others hear, there are really good learning moments in doing that.

Welcome on board.
Is anyone as new as... having zero experience? :facepalm: Who says one cannot teach an old dog new tricks!

I can kind of play the keyboard. -_____- Saving my pennies for Ableton 9, and an OP-1 Keyboard Synthesizer by Teenage Engineers. I just want to make sweet beats. I hear them in my head all day, and I just want to expel them!
Is anyone as new as... having zero experience? :facepalm: Who says one cannot teach an old dog new tricks!

I can kind of play the keyboard. -_____- Saving my pennies for Ableton 9, and an OP-1 Keyboard Synthesizer by Teenage Engineers. I just want to make sweet beats. I hear them in my head all day, and I just want to expel them!

We all started from the beginning. Welcome. :)


My name is Pedro (aka Jimmy), I'm from Portugal and I'm starting to create my home studio, to record some songs and produce electronic music.

I hope to get a lot of feedback from you guys here in this forum.

Hey guys, name is Austin and I'm so far down on the recording n00b ladder so I'll be popping up randomly asking annoying questions to figure out how to get better sounds. Been playing guitar for years, but just recently getting into trying to get solid audio recordings.