Jamfest Equipment List

Bring it! I wanna play with that little sucker. Jonathon could use his mixer for tracking and we could use yours for FOH stuff. Mine could sit on the table and look pretty for the pictures. :cool:
So I guess bringing my little soundcraft is redundant,...???

I think because of how I started this tread,..... by that statement alone,.... I will bring it anyway,.....

as well as everything I brought before,... and even more,.... I don't have the faintest idea where I will find the room for it al;l,.. but I will,....

See everyone in LESS than a month,.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Steve :D
so corg and I are still on for the fest. of course I have always been on the fest. and last word is corg is a go. we'll be in there on Tuesday, to build doors, fix showers, help Tom with last minute details. have a little R&R for a day or so. we'll be pumped for the first arrivals. if any past attendees thought the last fest was great, then they'll have a new standard to go by after this year's blast. :D :D

I haven't got around to any big time give-a-ways this year. I'll more than likely have a handful of cds for trading and giving away. but I will have a little info/brochure package from the Martin Guitar Co. corg and I will be taking the factory tour on Monday, on the way up to Conn., and I talked with a nice lady there during my repair service, then, and last week, about my trip to the jamfest, and she is fixing up a lit. pack. She didn't say how many she would get together, but I did tell we were expecting 50 to 100 attendees. so we'll see. I asked about some free samples :D , and she thought that was funny. I was serious. :D :D

see ya'll there.
You have an assignment. You are to do reconnaissance and report back. I want to know what they do with all the soundholes. :D :cool:
Wait, I know this one......duncan donuts trains their employees to recognize when a customer is stoned, and whenever these types of customers buy a dozen donuts, they slip one spruce sound hole in as number thirteen. they have contracts with all the big acoustic guitar companies.
anyone got any bear repellent?

I've had my suspicions, and have heard rumors, but yesterday I saw it... a bear in them thar woods :eek: Actually it was at the end of the road (the dead end part), and I didn't have my &*%^%#*& camera with me. By the time I got back there, it was gone. THEN today, I was sitting in the hot tub (which, BTW, is finally up and running) and I happen to look over toward the bird feeders near the gazebo, and noticed that I couldn't see them :confused: , so I hop out and walk over to take a look. It seems something took an interest in the feeders and proceeded to bend the feeder stands right down to the ground. The stands are made of 1/2 inch steel rod and the feeders are about 4 feet off the ground, so I think Gentle Ben has been roaming around here too... ...either that or there's some pretty hefty squirrels hanging around. Regardless, I think We're gonna have to make sure that We don't leave any food just hanging around just in case.
:eek: wait till Gentle Ben smells them ribs cooking. I hope he really is "gentle". wow, it lends new meaning to, "something's bumping in them woods". :D

hey dude, I'm bringing a box of those heavy duty contractor bags, 3M thick. You might want to think about us getting "all" the trash up every night, and maybe storing it in the garage or sumpin. A bear could tear up shit if he's hungry. not to mention tearing up human ass. :eek:

But then again, if there's as much music, noise, and carrying on as last year, he'll more than likey move on. :D

Or we can bait him, and catch him. Bear and ribs. mmmmmmmmmm good.
Been doing inventory and testing today. My gear is good to go. I have to go over to GC and pick up a few generic "Mic Clips" as I do not think I have enough. One of the things I did was to mark my gear. It is real important that you guys all mark your gear so you know that the cable you just threw into the back of your car was in fact your own.

I know I walked away last year with someone else's folding chair cover. Who knew that multiple people would bring blue folding chairs? Anyway as the day grows nearer I'll be doing more testing and tweaking. I am supposed to test the feed on Sunday if Waldo ever sends me the info. I tested the feed computer and interface today so I know that part is working.

Oh yeah, Tom, make sure there is at least one decent ethernet jack on the little house. I am bringing ethernet switches and cables to hook up my three notebooks.
jgourd said:
Oh yeah, Tom, make sure there is at least one decent ethernet jack on the little house. I am bringing ethernet switches and cables to hook up my three notebooks.

I mentioned in a previous post that there is one CAT-5 network cable out there, but for some reason (I think it has to do with the run it has to travel to the router in the house) it doesn't like to run at 100 full duplex, rather it seems to default to 10 half duplex :confused: . I have a spool of CAT-5 cable still, and if dtb and corg are up for it, we can run two more lines to stick into the router as trying to use a hub out in the little house to connect more than one computer to the network simultaneously won't work no way no how (believe me on this one, I've tried everyway from Tuesday to try to get this to work). There's two 3" conduits run from the little house over to the main house, so running the cable shoudn't be too much of a big deal.