DAW Users With ADD

Daylight savings time
I'm so glad it's almost here,I've been waking up everyday at 4:00.:yawn:

We're edging closer to becoming a two computer home,I'm considering getting a laptop.Of course I'll have to get a new router with wireless and I miht up my DSL service.My wallet hurts just thing about it.:(

I'm convinced that laptops and desktops are on their way out and are only for the word processing/heavy lifting crowd.I think the average consumer only wants a portable media device.

My nephew is on spring break and is coming over to jam with me.He's been playing for about two years.

We're edging closer to becoming a two computer home,I'm considering getting a laptop.Of course I'll have to get a new router with wireless and I miht up my DSL service.My wallet hurts just thing about it.:(

I'm convinced that laptops and desktops are on their way out and are only for the word processing/heavy lifting crowd.I think the average consumer only wants a portable media device.
Get with the program. I'm a 3 computer home, and I live alone!! :eek: Desktop, laptop, DAW. I inherited the laptop from a friend who has too much money. He felt the laptop was too slow, and I advised him to at least try and reformat the hard drive to see if it sped things up. He instead went out and bought a new one, so I took the old one and reformatted the hard drive. Works just fine imo. ;) What's worse is that he only used the thing for e-mail and facebook.

I might be sending the Hagstrom back to MF. I've mostly worked out the intonation issues, but I'm not yet convinced about the tone. Plus the neck is on the thin side and I find it awkward to finger certain chords without having a finger touching a string next to the one I'm holding down. An open A7, for example, I often find myself inadvertently muting the open G note. So I've been waffling back and forth on whether to keep it, and figure if I wait much longer I'll lose my window.

I'm not going to replace it immediately, and will probably cruise some of the music stores over time and wait until something calls my name. :( :(
We're edging closer to becoming a two computer home,I'm considering getting a laptop.Of course I'll have to get a new router with wireless and I miht up my DSL service.My wallet hurts just thing about it.:(

I'm convinced that laptops and desktops are on their way out and are only for the word processing/heavy lifting crowd.I think the average consumer only wants a portable media device.
Get with the program. I'm a 3 computer home, and I live alone!! :eek: Desktop, laptop, DAW. I inherited the laptop from a friend who has too much money. He felt the laptop was too slow, and I advised him to at least try and reformat the hard drive to see if it sped things up. He instead went out and bought a new one, so I took the old one and reformatted the hard drive. Works just fine imo. ;) What's worse is that he only used the thing for e-mail and facebook.

I might be sending the Hagstrom back to MF. I've mostly worked out the intonation issues, but I'm not yet convinced about the tone. Plus the neck is on the thin side and I find it awkward to finger certain chords without having a finger touching a string next to the one I'm holding down. An open A7, for example, I often find myself inadvertently muting the open G note. So I've been waffling back and forth on whether to keep it, and figure if I wait much longer I'll lose my window.

I'm not going to replace it immediately, and will probably cruise some of the music stores over time and wait until something calls my name. :( :(
I really think that you might never find that electric guitar that you feel comfortable with but I can tell you that my Strat exhibits exactly the same characteristics you are complaining of i.e. C chord sounds fine, D sounds sour. I use .10 for my top E. Same strings on my Les Paul Custom and it sound fine to me. Chords on the strat sound crap; on my LP, they sound fine, always have.

Most players learn to bend the strings to accommodate these intonation issues over time. You could always try heavy strings and see if they exhibit the same characteristics?

I wonder how long ago the Dave Gilmour peice was recorded - he's let himsef go:eek: The Cello probably player felt safe though;).

Yesterday the packers came in to take our stuff on the long journey to Dubai; we follow on Monday. You will be pleased to know that all my music gear (plus some new stuff) is now on its way down there along with my Crafter acoustic and LP electric. Who knows - I may even record something.:laughings: With June/July and Aug having temperatures of 115 - 120 F I certainly won't be venturing very far.;) We're staying in serviced accommodation around the marina for 4-8 weeks whilst we find a Villa to live in and then furnish it. Its a tough job but I'm really cut out for it.:D After all, I've had years of training.:facepalm:

We are a 6 computer family; one home internet and home banking PC; one lap top, one Music tower PC, one iPad (wifey says its the best present she's ever had - don't know if thats good or bad;)) plus two Mac Books. We are now down to three cars too - my eldest daughter has just bought her own. Not bad for 27 years old:eek: Guy will soon be heading that way too;)

Catch you soon!
I really think that you might never find that electric guitar that you feel comfortable with but I can tell you that my Strat exhibits exactly the same characteristics you are complaining of i.e. C chord sounds fine, D sounds sour. I use .10 for my top E. Same strings on my Les Paul Custom and it sound fine to me. Chords on the strat sound crap; on my LP, they sound fine, always have.

Most players learn to bend the strings to accommodate these intonation issues over time. You could always try heavy strings and see if they exhibit the same characteristics?

I wonder how long ago the Dave Gilmour peice was recorded - he's let himsef go:eek: The Cello probably player felt safe though;).

Yesterday the packers came in to take our stuff on the long journey to Dubai; we follow on Monday. You will be pleased to know that all my music gear (plus some new stuff) is now on its way down there along with my Crafter acoustic and LP electric. Who knows - I may even record something.:laughings: With June/July and Aug having temperatures of 115 - 120 F I certainly won't be venturing very far.;) We're staying in serviced accommodation around the marina for 4-8 weeks whilst we find a Villa to live in and then furnish it. Its a tough job but I'm really cut out for it.:D After all, I've had years of training.:facepalm:
I checked with Hagstrom and they use 10's, too. I am pretty sure that on some chords I am actually bending them out of tune. One in particular, the Gmaj7 played on the top 4 strings (2,3,4, and 5 frets), my pinkie tends to pull the root G note out (D string). When I check the intonation on that particular fret, it shows in tune on the meter. When I play the chord, that same note reads sharp. :(

What kills me is that I look at my Taylor, which has absolutely no adjustments on it at all (save for a truss rod), and it remains perfectly in tune on every position on every chord up and down the neck. (Of course the Taylor was twice the price ten years ago.) And while I realize I haven't purchased an electric in many, many years, I don't remember this being an issue years ago. Of course, I'm not sure my ears knew the difference between in tune and out of tune back then. :rolleyes:

Oh well, I ended up returning the Hagstrom. This time I returned it for credit, rather than a replacement, so they told me I was responsible for the shipping charges. I took it to the UPS store, and it cost $60 to ship it back!!! Expensive lesson. :( I'm not going to rush to buy another, but I will play some anytime I find myself in a music store. Hopefully one will emerge from the crowd.

Good luck with the move. Do you want me to contact my brother in Phoenix for tips on dealing with the heat? I went to visit him one time in May. It was 109. We went in the pool, and upon getting out I found myself shivering. I'm thinking how could I be shivering in 109 degree heat. Finally I realized that the water was evaporating from my body so fast, it was actually cooling me down. At least for the 45 seconds or so until I was completely dry. Then I started to bake like a Christmas ham. :D
Well I do have two computers if you count my music rig.:D

A friend who came over today said he changed over to heavier strings on one guitar because of the same issue,all of a sudden it's an epidemic.


I'm going to endorse the Tele with buckers again.I think you'll hear a crisper clean rhythm sound that you will appreciate,those Gibson-y guitars are more for the rounded warm tones.Not showing a preference,more just a guess on the tones you're looking for.

Why a semi hollow?
Because they're cool?


The box only weighed like 10 lbs. But they told me because of the size it would have to ship by dimensional weight. By dimensional weight it was like 40 lbs or something. :mad: Oh, and that's without insurance. They wanted another $23 to insure it... so cross your fingers for me.

Anyway, Guitar Center has a 30-day return policy... and in their case I can just drive it back to the store. To think I went with Musicians Friend to avoid the sales tax. So my attempt to save $40 ended up costing me $60, and I'll still have to pay sales tax if and when I replace it.

You guys get one free shot at calling me a bonehead. Valid only for the next 24 hours.
Another interesting guitar model:
Deuce - F

This one looks to be more in line with what I think I want. It also has push-pull knobs that allow you to split the pickups into single coils.

Of course I can't find anyone who handles this model - even GC and MF. The only place I've seen it available is on Amazon, and as you all know, I have no plans to go the online route again.
Another interesting guitar model:
Deuce - F

This one looks to be more in line with what I think I want. It also has push-pull knobs that allow you to split the pickups into single coils.

Of course I can't find anyone who handles this model - even GC and MF. The only place I've seen it available is on Amazon, and as you all know, I have no plans to go the online route again.

I'm going to guess seeing as you wont come out and say it,that you just like that style of guitar?It's okay to be superficial,that's why they come in different styles and colors.;)

That guitar has different pickups than the last one,they list them as custom 58,which would lead me to believe it's their version of a Gibson PAF,which is kind of a classic rock,blues kind of sound in my mind.You would probably like those a lot better than the Jazz box.
I'm going to guess seeing as you wont come out and say it,that you just like that style of guitar?It's okay to be superficial,that's why they come in different styles and colors.;)

That guitar has different pickups than the last one,they list them as custom 58,which would lead me to believe it's their version of a Gibson PAF,which is kind of a classic rock,blues kind of sound in my mind.You would probably like those a lot better than the Jazz box.
I'm beginning to think you can sort of tell what a guitar is going to sound like (within limits) simply by the way it looks. So based on that, I agree with you, I would probably like that one more than the Viking model.

Of course, it's moot, since no one seems to carry that model (except in Europe).
I'm beginning to think you can sort of tell what a guitar is going to sound like (within limits) simply by the way it looks. So based on that, I agree with you, I would probably like that one more than the Viking model.

Of course, it's moot, since no one seems to carry that model (except in Europe).

With an electric the pickups affect the tone the most,scale length the next(that's why Fenders are "brighter") and lastly the body and the neck.So yes I would say that unlike acoustics you can have a slightly better idea of how an electric is going to sound.

Of course you haven't really come out and said what kind of sound you're looking for......

or that you really dig semi hollow guitars.

Of course you know this is going to go on until you get a guitar.

Of course you haven't really come out and said what kind of sound you're looking for......
You'll be the first to know... as soon as I figure it out. :)

I actually looked at a solid body today. I almost bought it, too, but there was no sale going on, so I am going to wait a little longer.
Sounds like an expensive lesson all around. I'm not surprised that your Taylor is perfect- thats what you pay the money for. My Crafter is a copy of your Taylor and it cost me $500 pus another $100 to have it set up correctly (new nut and bone saddle) and its perfect. But of course, it's not a Taylor:o Just like my Strat isn't a strat or my LP isn't a Gibson:o

But they do sound good:)

I was once in Abu Dhabi in July over their weekend (Thursday & Friday in those days) and I couldn't understand why there weren't many people around the pool. I soon found out why. 112 in the shade and 100% humidity is not fun:eek: