DAW Users With ADD

Wow! Hey Guy, you wouldn't happen to have a 250mb Zip drive from your VS-880 days would you? I am trying to move all my VS backups(I had about a dozen) into Sonar and then to Logic via OMF. There are still three that I need to move over (I know, I should have done this about 10 years ago...). Anyway, my Zip will not cooperate and they still go for $100 on eBay.
I am looking to retire the 880 and my old PC. So far, I have been able to migrate about a half dozen projects from Sonar to Logic. The OMF export feature works quite well. You get the audio files all lined up. Midi does not migrate, but you can import separately. Automation and effects do not migrate either, but, having the raw audio data play back in sync and in time is very cool.
Mike, I may be coming thru the Garden State in May. Will touch base.

Ha,ha,Zip drive eh?:laughings:

No,I had the VS880ex,which came with a whopping 2.5 gig hard drive.If you wanted to back up you had to buy a $300 cd burner.:eek:

If you don't find what your looking for I would suggest syncing your 880 up to your computer,then go into your master block mixer and route four tracks individually through your outputs,two tracks via the master and two through the aux.In two real time passes you can get all eight tracks recorded and they will be synced up,or four times with your digital output if your worried about multiple conversions.
Well maybe if you didn't spend all your money on guitars.....

Speaking of which. . .

The Hagstrom finally showed today. I've only fooled around with for about an hour so far, but here are my initial impressions:
Tone: The PRS had a more raw tone and better sustain than this does. As the style would indicate, this one is a bit more jazzy. The pickups still have some plastic protection covering on them which I haven't removed. Not sure if that will affect the tone.

Intonation: The intonation on this one is pretty good, although still not perfect. There's a bit of variation between G string open and the 2nd fret. If I split the difference when tuning it, I can live with it, but I might eventually take it to the shop to see if they can dial that in a little better.

Playability: The Hagstrom fretboard is made of something the called resonator wood. It's some type of composite. All the reviews I read raved about it - one guy even wondered why all guitars weren't made of this. For me, I preferred the PRS. Not a big deal, and both feel fine. I just thought the PRS was a bit more playable.

Aesthetics: Both the PRS and the Hagstrom are pretty nice looking. The finish on both was pretty top notch. I don't know that I could pick a winner here.

Tuning Knobs: The tuning knobs on the Hagstrom feel nice and tight. Probably a slight edge over the PRS on these.

As of now, the Hagstrom appears to be a keeper. However, I'll get a chance to run it through the paces with the group on Friday. We'll see how it holds up.
Well that sounds like you may be a little closer.:rolleyes:

I can pretty much play about anything,it really has to be bad for me to complain.OTOH,I fear nice guitars.

Not really sure what to say about the tone other than ask if one set of pickups was hotter than the other?
Not really sure what to say about the tone other than ask if one set of pickups was hotter than the other?

Don't different make Humbuckers have different sounds to them? Both guitars had humbuckers, but they looked quite different from each other.

Also, another thing I found odd. The Hagstrom has two volume control knobs on it - I assume one for the bridge pickup and one for the neck. However, if EITHER volume knob is set to zero, there is no volume in the center position. I would assume that with bridge pickup volume dialed to zero, there would be no volume when the bridge is selected via the selector switch. But why no volume when both are pickups are selected (center position)? The reverse happens as well.

I can't compare that to the PRS, since the PRS only had a single volume knob.
Don't different make Humbuckers have different sounds to them? Both guitars had humbuckers, but they looked quite different from each other.
There can be a huge difference in sound beteen humbuckers,but you can get the same pickup in open coils or covered a lot of times.Seymour Duncan has about forty different humbuckers for sale.

This may help,if your interested.

Also, another thing I found odd. The Hagstrom has two volume control knobs on it - I assume one for the bridge pickup and one for the neck. However, if EITHER volume knob is set to zero, there is no volume in the center position. I would assume that with bridge pickup volume dialed to zero, there would be no volume when the bridge is selected via the selector switch. But why no volume when both are pickups are selected (center position)? The reverse happens as well.

I can't compare that to the PRS, since the PRS only had a single volume knob.

They must be wired in a series,there may be some reason for it.I never gave it much thought because for the most part I leave everything wide open.
There can be a huge difference in sound beteen humbuckers,but you can get the same pickup in open coils or covered a lot of times.Seymour Duncan has about forty different humbuckers for sale.
I guess I misunderstood your earlier comment where you said you weren't sure why there was a difference in tone between the PRS and the Hagstrom. ??

BTW, I'm still having intonation issues even with the Hagstrom. It's much better than the PRS, but I really don't understand why a guitar wouldn't intonate properly. Certain chords just sound sour to me. I can "play" around them - either by using a different voicing, or by muting the offending string when playing the chord, but I really don't want to have to do that.

I might take this in to have it set up, although it still pisses me off a little that I would have to do that. However, if it fixes the problem, it will be well worth it. Right now these issues make playing the guitar not enjoyable. I want a guitar that makes me want to pick it up. Right now I don't feel I'm there. :( :(

My bigger concern is that if having it set up properly DOESN'T fix the problem. I've researched how to set the intonation (saddle adjustment), and it really isn't that hard. But although I can get the open and 12th frets to intonate, there remain issues on some other frets.

Stay tuned.
BTW, I'm still having intonation issues even with the Hagstrom.
After writing that, I went and played the guitar for about 15-20 minutes, and it sounded pretty good intonation-wise. So maybe the adjustments I've been making are starting to pay off. Or perhaps I'm just losing my mind... or ears... or both. :confused:

As I said, stay tuned. I need to get to the point where I can play it a few times in a row and not want to throw it against the wall. '

I have also read where pickups can effect intonation (false harmonics, etc.). The outing I had just now was played mostly using just the bridge pickup. So maybe there's an adjustment needed to the neck pickup???

Or maybe it electric guitars and you don't mix.
Maybe MF is just messing with you.
When you play lead you can just bend your way in tune,no problem.

My advice,jam along with some long blues tunes or easy to play along with songs.

When I first started playing leads I jammed along with Blue Jean Blues by ZZ top and Good Morning LIttle Schoolgirl by Johnny winter,which if I recall correctly clocked in around 17:00!If I wasn't in pitch I had a strobe turntable that I could speed or slow up to match perfectly.

I'm off today,work is slow,I'll be getting a lot of days off in the coming months.

Or maybe it electric guitars and you don't mix.
Maybe MF is just messing with you.
When you play lead you can just bend your way in tune,no problem.
It's not the leads that are a problem. It's the chords. As you indicate, the leads can be bent into tune. Also, they don't have as much a reference as a chord does, since a single note off in a chord - because of the other notes - makes the chord sound "sour."

Anyways... yesterday I was leaning a bit toward returning it Today I'm feeling better. I played it about three times today and had much more success. If I were rating it on a scale of 100, I'd say the three sessions today were a 99 and two 97s.

I have a 45 day window to evaluate it. Plus we have a practice Friday where I can see how it holds with the group. We'll see how that goes. I might also take it to the guitar tech place next week and ask their opinion.
Go NY Knicks!

Hey folks, pls say a prayer 4 me that my Company give's me a decent bonus!!! My daughter will be attending college this fall & I need any & all financial help possible!!!

(I take "donations" too! :D)

Peace All!
Hey folks, pls say a prayer 4 me that my Company give's me a decent bonus!!! My daughter will be attending college this fall & I need any & all financial help possible!!!

(I take "donations" too! :D)
Do you have a Paypal account? I got a hunnert thou or so I don't know what to do with. :D

BTW, what a fun experience having kids in college is. I was paying my son's tuition, and one semester we got a bill that had an item on it that I thought was questionable. So I picked up the phone and called the financial office. When I explained the situation, the girl asks me, "Who are you?" I said, "I'm his father." She said, "We can't release that information to you. Your son will have to call." I said, "But I'm his father, and I'm paying the friggin' bill." She explained that as far as they were concerned their relationship was with my son, and they would only speak to him about the matter. I told her fine, then you should get the tuition payment from him, too. :rolleyes: :D :D

Hey Q, the Knicks are actually somewhat watchable these days. First time in many, many years. I'm not a big basketball fan, but I loved the Knicks in the days of Frazier, DeBuscher, Reed, Bradley, and Earl the Pearl. That was a fun team to watch.
She really sounds like a guy when she talks. If it wasn't for the cleavage, I'd be suspicious that this is a man in a dress. Curious what her face looks like.

I'm not too interested in that,just her playing.:D

I'm going to try and learn the lap steel,but it's going to be a lot harder than learning the uke.
Go NY Knicks!

Hey folks, pls say a prayer 4 me that my Company give's me a decent bonus!!! My daughter will be attending college this fall & I need any & all financial help possible!!!

(I take "donations" too! :D)

Peace All!
I need financial help and my kids aren't even in college yet!:eek:
Intonation Whatever electric guitar I use I always hear an intonation issue when I start playing anything other than open chords including frets above the second fret.

I think that playing acoustic guitars makes your ears more sensitive to a few cents flat/sharp because the bendiness of the thinner strings don't help. As Guy says, maybe you just aren't suited or used to electric guitars?

Whats the dimension of the high E string? 10? Or thinner?
I think if Mike could just lay off the D chords he would have himself a cool guitar by now.It's too bad the answer is so obvious.