Recent content by Duesenberg

  1. Duesenberg

    TV trailer cue (sons of anarchy, breaking bad style) live guitar & vocals

    currently any comments are appreciated thanks and merry xmas
  2. Duesenberg

    my first pop/rock song

    and i am so unsure in so many terms i actually really like the track, but is it good to continue? any comments/help is appriciated
  3. Duesenberg

    The Bench (Speed Composing...more or less)

    i am supposed to write the score to an shortfilm for an contest held by the american producer's guild .....making a film in 48 hrs with everyone getting same concept and amount of time. so all i have received is the screenplay and a few hrs left to pull of a 3 - 5 minute score. normally i...
  4. Duesenberg

    every musician should at least once use nasa samples in his life

    here we in progress nearly done with the this is the first mix. what works, what not?
  5. Duesenberg

    "Stay" an asian vampire story.....really need some thoughts on this one

    ok...dumb story ahead: somewhere in asia (wtf?) a young guy is walking down the streets, trying to escape from an female vampire (tataaaa....)...he is already bitten and feels that he might not make it. so he returns to her, folowing her calls...she bites him for the last time and drag him to...
  6. Duesenberg

    Nufield ....any comments on the mix?

    i think that the mix is ok out of my monitors. but my ears are def before i start to master, anything you would change?
  7. Duesenberg

    anyone into to sing on this one?

    i normally do that epic boom-tscha stuff, but today i was into some screaming guitars....track is not finished, but i would like to see if i can get a singer for this one or if i should do an instrumental. i have the vocal melody, but no text (and don't let a german write english...
  8. Duesenberg

    any feedback about the mix and mastering?
  9. Duesenberg

    leitmotiv (work in progress) still a lot of work to do, but is the overall direction and sound fine so far?
  10. Duesenberg

    looped....short trailer cue a quickie done over the weekend.....mix and mastering fine?
  11. Duesenberg

    *** Competition Time ***

    i always let myself lead with the names of an company. a crystal is pure, clear i thought something iconic would work the best. unless the "client" has another vision behind it. this is what u get, when your company is called powerhouse and you are into retro stuff:
  12. Duesenberg

    *** Competition Time ***

    let there be love...... ;)
  13. Duesenberg

    let me see your studio!

    my "studio".....
  14. Duesenberg

    *** Competition Time ***

  15. Duesenberg

    my first trailer music

    for an UK action/challenge/matrix style TV-show not mastered yet...i'm a bit stuck at the it fine so far? ok, maybe hard to tell without seeing the trailer movie, but does it give you that action/matrix style kinda feel?