The Bench (Speed Composing...more or less)


New member
i am supposed to write the score to an shortfilm for an contest held by the american producer's guild .....making a film in 48 hrs with everyone getting same concept and amount of time.

so all i have received is the screenplay and a few hrs left to pull of a 3 - 5 minute score.

normally i would watch the footage, tap tempo to get a feel for the pace, searching for the right sounds to match the screen atmosphere, blablabla...but now i am just writing to the script

the script just contains the story, but no information about the duration of an specific shot (like : camera moves slowly over to younameit) now this is more or less like a blind flight. far i have spend 7.5 hrs on it with 3 more to finish it.

the story is about an old homeless man sitting for years on a park bench...never talking to anybody, until a young girl left her puppet on the bench

any suggestions?

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