Recent content by FourEyesRock

  1. F

    Weird Effects?

    How do these engineers make such crazy yet great effects at the beginningor during songs? Take Rx Bandits for instance. Thier new cd, The Resignation, is loaded with odd effects and such. How do you make these things? What plug-ins would you use? Anyone have any signature effects?
  2. F

    Drum Mics

    Shopping for some drum mics (especially for the kick drum and over heads) Budget is roughly $300 on each mic. Any advice?
  3. F

    Room for vocals?

    I recently finished my first demo and I noticed the vocals didnt fit the mix at all. I spoke with a friend and he mentioned leaving enough "room". Can someone explain to me how to leave "room" for the vocals and how to properly mix them into the track? I tried everything and I couldnt figure...
  4. F

    Joe Meek

    Hey, ive been reading about the new Joe Meek product line coming out soon with a little more beef under its new management of PMIaudio. The thing i had my eye on was the Jm828 2 bus 8 channel mic pre. Ive read almost all of the past stuff written in this forum about Joe Meek and sad to say...
  5. F

    Bass Pod

    I just bought a bass pod (original version NOT 2.0). I have a few questions. First, on my guitar POD 2.0 my signal will be balanced with unbalanced cords plugged into my 1 and 2 inputs on my echo layla through input left and input right on my POD...but with my bass pod the signal is...
  6. F

    Fender Rhodes Mark 1

    I just came across one of these babies. Its, well, not in the best shape. Pretty messed up if you ask me. The case is a tad rusty, 2 keys are broken, and dustier than my much do you think it would fetch on ebay? I need the money to buy some nice mic pre's...does anyone have an...
  7. F

    POD Problems

    I have a quick question. Im running my POD directly into my Echo Layla 24/96 with Event trn5 monitors but everytime i record i end up getting a horrible sound. Ive fooled around with the AIR and AMP modes for it, changed cabinet settings (ex closed back 4x12, open back 2x12), different...
  8. F

    Mic Pre's

    Hey guys i need some advice on choosing mic pre's. I have a budget of about 300 dollars. I'm looking for a minimal of 2 mic pre's. Iv'e heard Jomeek and Digimax are very nice for the money and so is FVR or FR or something like that. What else is out there? (basically looking to record vox...
  9. F

    Echo Help

    Hey guys i need some help with something on my Echo Layla 24/96. I cant seem to get my channels to record simletaneously with cubase vst 32 (windows). Any ideas on how i could go about doing that? I mean yes i can get both instruments to play and i can hear then but i can seem to get them to...
  10. F

    layla 24/96

    sorry guys last question on this thing since the manual SUCKS...alright when i use cubase VST32 for the PC i can only record through 4 channels instead of 8 (on the inputs of course on my layla) i have remapped everything blah blah blah but i can only get a signal out of my 1, 3, 5, and 7...
  11. F

    POD Sounds

    Hey guys, im poor and dont have any money to get my bass to sound good through a DI...any ideas on how i could get a good bass sound through my POD? Haha hey its worth asking!
  12. F


    Ok guys heres the i record i have a delay from my echo layla to my computer (i play one chord and it plays the chord on the CPU like 1 second later) I know thats easily fixed by just muting it and playing...but what if i want to play and hear myself at the same time....say if i were...
  13. F

    Mixer n stuff

    Hey guys i have a layla 24/96 and i have a mixer question with it. How do i go about hooking up the mixer to my layla? i need to mic drums so how would the mixer go into my layla so i can get each individual mic track on my computer rather than just all my mics on one channel? Does it go...
  14. F

    monitors and power amps

    quick question...i have a layla 24/96 and im buying monitors and a power amp....ok so this is how i perceive this. Im going to plug my monitors into my power amp and then hook the power amp up to my layla 24/96. ok so how would i be able to hook up the power amp to my layla? S/PDIF? the...
  15. F

    echo question

    I have an echo layla 24/96 and im using cubase. Whenever i try to record and playback i can only record in 16 bit (analog) and playback in 48 khz. Arent i supposed to be able to record in 24 bit and playback in 96 khz? I changed the settings and everything but it just says song set does not...