Mixer n stuff


New member
Hey guys i have a layla 24/96 and i have a mixer question with it. How do i go about hooking up the mixer to my layla? i need to mic drums so how would the mixer go into my layla so i can get each individual mic track on my computer rather than just all my mics on one channel? Does it go through s/pdif? err what? help
How many ins and outs on your mixer and what is it? How many on the Layla. What software are you using. How many mics are you going to use?

layla has 8 ins 8 outs, wordclock, adat, and spdif outs
mixer has 4 mic ins/outs...all i wanna know is how i hook it all up...i mean is it all through s/pdif couldnt i go from tape out on the mixer to s/pdif on my layla? but would that automaticaLLY realize i have 4 mics plugged in the mixer and make each mic its own track on cubase (vst 32). so how do i go about it
you didn't answer tex's questions which are important in order for anyone to give you some help...I'll try like this anyway....SPDIF is digital connection...
you plug your mics (I'll assume four of them you are using to record drums) into the mixer and then direct outs from your mixer into your 1, 2, 3, 4 inputs on your Layla...if you don't have direct outs then send the signal thru your busses...but then again depends on how many of them you have.....
You should provide more info about your mixer anyway...
ok, I've done this befor..... and for my setup I have a board that has 8 channels and each channel has an "insert". If you have inserts than theres your answer. Plug a mic into each channel, then sink a 1/4 line halfway into each insert and run them to the seperate in's on the layla. Your software will let you determine what channel of the Layla is to be used as the source for each track. If you are using a power mixer like a small PA system, then I dont think I have the answer. If you are sending the whole mix to the Layla from the mixer send then no, the software will not have a clue. It will see one signal.

Hey Even thanks so much for that info. That basically explained everything to me. Wow so its that easy...woohoo.