What's going on in the Mp3 clinic?

Lol. That's partly why I don't post my mixes anymore. I don't need idiots critiquing my mixes. I need skilled ears, and they are in very short supply in the clinic these days.

Well, that sucks. You should post them anyway and just ignore any "advice". Some of us just like listening to your shit. It sets a bar.
Well, that sucks. You should post them anyway and just ignore any "advice". Some of us just like listening to your shit. It sets a bar.

Well that's nice, thanks. Maybe I'll put some stuff in the marketing-look-at-me section. That would be the appropriate place for ignoring feedback. :D
I've stopped going in the MP3 clinic for the time being, because I only seem to be interested in doing recreations of my favourite songs at the moment, and there's only so far you can go down that road before disappearing up your own arse.

That said, I always regret posting stuff in there once I've done it, because 99% of people don't understand the genre, the history of it and the stylistic cues and/or mix values. It's a completely wasted exercise. I know myself that my stuff sounds right, I have good enough artistic judgement to hear that for myself. I suppose that the only reason I post stuff in there is because there are ears - any ears - who will give it a listen. Like Greg, I realise that there is barely 1% of people in there that will give a worthwhile or apposite comment. The rest just infuriate me, because their stuff sounds like shit. :D
I've stopped going in the MP3 clinic for the time being, because I only seem to be interested in doing recreations of my favourite songs at the moment, and there's only so far you can go down that road before disappearing up your own arse.

That said, I always regret posting stuff in there once I've done it, because 99% of people don't understand the genre, the history of it and the stylistic cues and/or mix values. It's a completely wasted exercise. I know myself that my stuff sounds right, I have good enough artistic judgement to hear that for myself. I suppose that the only reason I post stuff in there is because there are ears - any ears - who will give it a listen. Like Greg, I realise that there is barely 1% of people in there that will give a worthwhile or apposite comment. The rest just infuriate me, because their stuff sounds like shit. :D

I don't have quite the extreme view of everyone in the Clinic, but I do get where you're coming from.
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They're after those delicious Soundcloud listens.

Holy shit. It's funny that you just posted.

Right after I posted, I thought to myself "I hope Schwartz doesn't read this and think I'm referring to him". The only reason I say that is because, when you commented on my song in the Clinic, I made a joke about leaving the tamborine in my song just to give people something to complain about after you said something about the tamborine. I wasn't talking about you at all in my above post. It only hit me after posting. We're friends. If I had a problem with you, I'd PM you rather than hint about it in public. :cool:
Holy shit. It's funny that you just posted.

Right after I posted, I thought to myself "I hope Schwartz doesn't read this and think I'm referring to him". The only reason I say that is because, when you commented on my song in the Clinic, I made a joke about leaving the tamborine in my song just to give people something to complain about after you said something about the tamborine. I wasn't talking about you at all in my above post. It only hit me after posting. We're friends. If I had a problem with you, I'd PM you rather than hint about it in public. :cool:

I wasn't even thinking about that, honestly. I know you wouldn't be a passive bitch to me.
I thought that the tambourine was due a fix, not because I had to say something :D
It speaks for itself in a way when the listeners have to nitpick or can only make a minor suggestion. It's a way of saying "everything else sounded ace".
Plus, I give credit where it is due. Your mixes are on point in the clinic. I remember when I first joined the site you had uploaded an Alice Cooper cover. I was so impressed by how good a home recorded song can sound. I thought that everybody was using Ableton Live Lite 7 and POD Farm 1.0 like me! :facepalm:
I've stopped going in the MP3 clinic for the time being, because I only seem to be interested in doing recreations of my favourite songs at the moment, and there's only so far you can go down that road before disappearing up your own arse.

That said, I always regret posting stuff in there once I've done it, because 99% of people don't understand the genre, the history of it and the stylistic cues and/or mix values. It's a completely wasted exercise. I know myself that my stuff sounds right, I have good enough artistic judgement to hear that for myself. I suppose that the only reason I post stuff in there is because there are ears - any ears - who will give it a listen. Like Greg, I realise that there is barely 1% of people in there that will give a worthwhile or apposite comment. The rest just infuriate me, because their stuff sounds like shit. :D

Lol. Right. Why would I take general mix advice from people that make worse mixes than I do? I feel that I'm good enough at this that I don't need to be told that I need more snare drum or more bass or something. That may be cocky douchebaggery, but fuck it, I'm just telling it like it is. I've decided that when I want mix feedback, I'll just PM the few that I know are reputable and I know they'll give me real feedback.
I'm glad other are saying it, since I've always kinda felt that way....which is why I never posted much in the MP3 Clinic.
It's not so much that I think I am the greatest mixer and there's nothing anyone can tell me....it's just that most of the comments in the MP3 Clinic tend to be very subjective and based on people's own music tastes.
There are only a few guys in there that can set aside their own tastes and make objective comments, regardless of the style of music being presented.

I know people mean well, and they're not intentionally going off-base with their comments...but I don't need 15 guys giving me their opinion about what my guitar tone should sound like for a song that I'm mixing.
The tone I have is the one I wanted. :)

I mean, when it's a comment about something being out of place or just plain bad, then OK, the Clinic is good for that, and for newbs, there's still value in posting there...but heck, I would like to think that I'm past that point, and anything "bad" has already been dealt with by me before posting.
So yeah...I guess if/when I ever post stuff again, I'll put it in the Marketing forum. :D
There was a time when it wasn't so bad. It wasn't even that long ago. But now it's in a pretty sad state IMO. There is a lot of really bad shit in there.
My last effort actually ended up worse after incorporating some of the "advice". Well, I'm a noob and I'm learning. My stuff has come a long way, but there's a lot I still am trial and erroring.
It was funny that a couple of the people who's ears I trust said the first mix was better than the "fixed" mix. I went back to the first and took what was good out of the other. :)
Well, aren't we all just a ray of sunshine. :D

Lol. Well I think you know that you and I have probably posted more stuff in the clinic in our time here than anyone else. I've posted tons of shit in there. I know you have too. I just think that it's in a really sad state now, so I don't bother with it.
I don't critique much in the clinic anymore mostly because I haven't been able to record in a while and that reduces my enthusiasm a bit, but if a guy isn't posting the kind of shit I tend to listen to, it's difficult to offer an opinion that's "legitimate". There's a lot of weird (or, if you will, "queer") shit being posted. Anything that at least has a rock and roll vibe I can offer what I feel is a legitimate opinion on... and regardless of how sophomoric (or even moronic) the opinion is, at least it's not forced... even if I'm just giving an "electronic handjob" and just telling the guy that he did a great job.

I see that I have been on here a year. I learned a shitload on here in a year. Here are the credits:

- the first (and maybe the only) one who said he thought I was funny, which made me realize that at least someone out here has a sense of humor and didn't think all the crap I was posting was serious. Also gave great mixing advice and taught me what it is to be a Briton.

Dog In Door- taught me that my kick drum was too heavy. Also served as a great unintentional straight man.

- makes the list because he taught me that when you have one overhead mic and you copy that track and pan one hard left and one hard right, all you are doing is making it louder. Also had good Seinfeld conversations with him.

- I like fucking with D-bro. He's a wiseass. And he knows a shitload more than I do and gives good advice.

Greg- taught me pretty much everything I know that is right about tuning drums, setting drums up, setting microphones up, and recording in general. Also gave great advice on purchases I made. And I like how he fucks with people.

Many others have been swell and helped me out on here, so you are all winners, except for those of you that aren't. But these guys in particular come to mind because we also went off on bullshit tangents that had nothing to do with recording, and that's what really sticks with you.
Hmmm. I vote to boycott this forum.
Too much armchair quarterbacking.

Seriously, I have heard a bunch of music here. Some crap and some really good. I try to refrain from being "that guy", and so I rarely comment. I will from time to time, because that seems to be a requirement for posting my own stuff. I also only tend to comment on people's music that I like.

To sort of echo Miro and Greg's sentiments,
In the big picture, do I really care what others think of my music?
It's usually written, arranged, produced and engineered so the way it ends up is because thats the way I wanted it.
I put up a tune of a three piece band and caught flack for the guitar and bass being panned hard left and right. Really? Thats what the band sounded like on stage. Thats the sound we were going for. Maybe some of the mix experts weren't pleased, but the band was thrilled.
Any critique wasn't valid technical criticism, but just an opinion based on personal taste.

So I guess in reality, the only reason I would post stuff is for the purpose of sharing.

Since I only do analog, im best off in the analog forum where you post your music.
So I guess in reality, the only reason I would post stuff is for the purpose of sharing.

Since I only do analog, im best off in the analog forum where you post your music.

That...and like the mods said, for pure sharing and a desire to showcase...the Marketing forum.