true-eurt Jan 14, 2012 Hmmmm...check my email addy that was sent and see if there is a dot somewhere other than the . before com ...there shouldn't be
Hmmmm...check my email addy that was sent and see if there is a dot somewhere other than the . before com ...there shouldn't be
true-eurt Jan 14, 2012 Yah..same here..I just sent you another email cause I didn't see this yet and thought it didn't go thru to you either.
Yah..same here..I just sent you another email cause I didn't see this yet and thought it didn't go thru to you either.
true-eurt Jan 14, 2012 Checking to see if this goes through..still can't open threads and no word yet on this hear anything yet?
Checking to see if this goes through..still can't open threads and no word yet on this hear anything yet?