What's going on in the Mp3 clinic?

Armistice: That's funny, I leave mine on 24-7 during the winter. Things' a furnace...This one runs cooler, so I spend more time talking in the summer, and more time recording in the winter. Also has to do with constant AC/Fans going during the summer I guess. :)
And I do tend to be there a bit more often when I'm being active in terms of producing my own stuff, so I probably fall into that category Rami was talking about... might even be me he was talking about ... :D:eek:
Definitely not. Wasn't talking about you at all. I remember you saying that you usually don't listen to covers in the Clinic. That's about the only thing I can say about your "behavior" in the Clinic, and that's only because you told me that. Otherwise, I would have never noticed.

Doesn't really matter who I was talking about, wasn't talking about anyone in particular, really. Who cares what I think anyway? I'm just one opinionated asshole among many. :D
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And I do tend to be there a bit more often when I'm being active in terms of producing my own stuff, so I probably fall into that category Rami was talking about... might even be me he was talking about ... :D:eek:

And I almost never listen to covers. Not even slightly interested. Bubba's recreations are the exception because I always like the songs and they're not "standard" cover material.

Yes, all this. When I'm actually in the mood to play, write, experiment, etc. is when I'm in my studio. When I'm recording and mixing my own stuff, I'm much more prone to taking some time to listen to what others are doing. I'm just in the mode and in the mood, and in the right spot in my home to actually hear mixes on a pretty nice system in a pretty decent sounding room.

And I also have about zero interest in listening to covers. I want to hear what people are writing and creating, not so much trying to recreate something that's already been done by somebody else. I'm always a fan of a total departure from the original though.
We were at a little roadside truckstop diner kind of place because the food at the event we were attending was suspect. No problem, the Trading Post kept us alive. I can't remember the exact specifics, but I think I ordered a chicken sandwich. Maybe it was Casey, but I think it was me. No matter, a sandwich was ordered and the waitress asked if I wanted it on bread. I think we sat stunned for a moment because who the fuck orders a sandwich without bread? It's only a sandwich because of the fucking bread! That's what makes it a sandwich. Anyway, I think she meant like do I want it on a hoagie roll or something like that as opposed to just regular sandwich bread. But she didn't specify. She just asked "do you want it on bread"? I'm like "Uh yeah, on bread. A sandwich. On bread." I was so shocked by the absurdity that I couldn't even muster a quip to make her feel stupid. So we got a lot of mileage out of making fun of her for the next few days.

I might have gotten some details wrong. Casey can fill in the gaps if he remembers.

This is pretty much exactly what happened. Even she looked helpless and confused, as if her boss wanted her to ask customers if they preferred their sandwiches with or without bread.

It's Bumfuck Arizona, man. : puts on sunglasses: Deal with it.
yes...I will have my sandwich with no bread...and please toast it for me!

My wife and I were in gatlinburg TN and went to the Hard Rock Cafe. I got a burger and she ordered a salad. h
We had a German waitress who spoke broken english. A guy (her trainer) brought her to our table and explained that it was her first night. My wife got her salad and asked the waitress "could you bring us some crackers please?"
She gives us a puzzled bewildered look and says "cray cooos??" "cray coos??"...."What is this cray coos?...I vill get help yah?"

The dude who was training her comes back to our table and
says. "We don't have ....like...actual....you know....crackers man. But we have really cool crutons!


It was one of those weird situations that was funny as hell. My wife and I still laugh about that shit. When we decide to order a salad somewhere I always say..." I wonder if they have....like actual...you know...crackers here?" and my wife does the "cray coos?" ..."cray coos"
I think it's pretty clear that the clinic's demise is Armistice's fault.

Thought so. I'll go and throw myself off something.... goodbye cruel world!:mad:

So who the fuck is X_Discord_X and why is he being allowed to run his competition entries via the Clinic? Not that anyone's actually clicking much... :eek: Five of them!

I just had a quick look again and, even though this is how I do it myself, I can't actually listen to dropbox tunes at work... banned site etc. That's another reason I don't get there as much as I should...
Thought so. I'll go and throw myself off something.... goodbye cruel world!:mad:

So who the fuck is X_Discord_X and why is he being allowed to run his competition entries via the Clinic? Not that anyone's actually clicking much... :eek: Five of them!

I just had a quick look again and, even though this is how I do it myself, I can't actually listen to dropbox tunes at work... banned site etc. That's another reason I don't get there as much as I should...

yeah, I saw those 5 from th DiscordX dude