The Peaceful Political Roundtable

And I believe in strength through force (but not enforcement except if absolutely necessary) but moreso in diplomacy. China is rich and powerful now as is Russia (at least powerful) and the U.S. Surely there is enough money and land in the world that the superpowers can come up with agreements that all can live with.
That almost sounded like I was suggesting dividing the world in thirds and not my intent.

Which put this in my head of what that be like? Chinasia, Russiakistan, and EuroAmerica. Australia has it made since they are geographically protected by vast ocean expanses. I still plan to visit Australia but after my dogs pass. They are an impediment to my travels.
What are you referring to here? Electric cars I think are superior to internal combustion. I think we need to do better with battery technology and recycling of whatever materials are being used. They may not be living up to their potential just yet, but the tech and infrastructure are still very young.

Have you driven a Tesla? You can’t beat the instant torque. It’s a fun drive.
Even ignoring the issues with charging - slowness, spotty network, expense of getting set up for home charging particularly in power outage situations - a couple of 5 gal cans in your garage isn't going to cut it, their predisposition to catch on fire, the lack of infrastructure to support them, cost of maintenance particularly out of warranty, -0- owner serviceability, resale issues due to the death clock on them because of the battery and out of warranty repair, the fake "green" hype - hey if I can't see the massive fossil fuel infrastructure required they're clean! - they're ugly soulless golf carts. Yeah, they're quick but whatever you get out of the box that's it. There's -0- skill involved at the drag strip. Slam your foot down and the computer does the rest as long as you're not a complete spaz and can steer. Watching two EVs at a drag strip is like watching paint dry. There's no such thing as hot-rodding them and ultimately electric motors don't have the performance potential of an ICE. The Plaid is maybe a second or so slower in the 1/4 than the Rimac Nivera which is a "supercar" in the EV realm, the fastest EV dragster in the world would get eaten alive by a top-fuel dragster or for that matter any number of street cars - their performance is limited due to practicality of size.

Their main value to the world is they made it possible for Elon to be able to afford to expose the corruption of the Demleft and their collusion with Big Tech.
Even ignoring the issues with charging - slowness, spotty network, expense of getting set up for home charging particularly in power outage situations - a couple of 5 gal cans in your garage isn't going to cut it, their predisposition to catch on fire, the lack of infrastructure to support them, cost of maintenance particularly out of warranty, -0- owner serviceability, resale issues due to the death clock on them because of the battery and out of warranty repair, the fake "green" hype - hey if I can't see the massive fossil fuel infrastructure required they're clean! - they're ugly soulless golf carts. Yeah, they're quick but whatever you get out of the box that's it. There's -0- skill involved at the drag strip. Slam your foot down and the computer does the rest as long as you're not a complete spaz and can steer. Watching two EVs at a drag strip is like watching paint dry. There's no such thing as hot-rodding them and ultimately electric motors don't have the performance potential of an ICE. The Plaid is maybe a second or so slower in the 1/4 than the Rimac Nivera which is a "supercar" in the EV realm, the fastest EV dragster in the world would get eaten alive by a top-fuel dragster or for that matter any number of street cars - their performance is limited due to practicality of size.
Every technology develops over time. They bitched about the horseless carriage too. I used to be a gear head, and I totally support anyone’s desire to drive whatever floats your boat. Personally, I like hybrid technology. Best of both worlds. I’m not a fan of forcing anyone to drive a certain type of vehicle - though if we get to a point where the world has no choice that may change. The only way to improve tech is to put it out there and refine it.
Their main value to the world is they made it possible for Elon to be able to afford to expose the corruption of the Demleft and their collusion with Big Tech.
Vs the right’s collusion with big oil:

Every technology develops over time. They bitched about the horseless carriage too. I used to be a gear head, and I totally support anyone’s desire to drive whatever floats your boat. Personally, I like hybrid technology. Best of both worlds. I’m not a fan of forcing anyone to drive a certain type of vehicle - though if we get to a point where the world has no choice that may change. The only way to improve tech is to put it out there and refine it.

Vs the right’s collusion with big oil:

Agree with the hybrid idea, with sodium batteries.
Also, look at collusion with NRA/gun lobby...
My youngest daughter has a cute little Fiat EV I think ‘16. The batteries lose resilience and she has to be careful about how many local miles she drives now. My parents have a newer Tesla (not supreme sport but mid upper model) but they don’t drive over 200 miles in their rare and longest of trips. I’m still not convinced all or nothing is the future of personal vehicles or even that personal vehicles (except nostalgic weekend hobbyists with classic cars) are the future. Many of my friends are buying hybrids similar to Prius but much expanded since those breakthrough days. His is a RAM I believe and he’s a realtor for Tucker so drives a LOT locally. I’m not saying EV is all as and maybe you’re right we should give it a chance. Are they reversing climate change if each of us drove one? No. No they will not. Is the earth’s fossil fuel supply finite? Yes. Yes it is. THAT is why we should be exploring new tech and mass transit that actually work and make sense for our current and projected needs.

Driving an EV and pushing them on Commercial, nautical, aviation and military vehicles is not affecting climate change in any significance. Im sorry, but It’s just not. It IS absolutely getting the world to consider alternatives for when the last drop of oil is extracted before it’s gone; Abso-fucking-lutely.
Major tech jumps in propulsion and cultural changes in personal transportation., that’s what will define the future my friend. But the Earth will still change her comfortable climate that has allowed us to evolve and thrive over the last 20,000 years.
Had to double read and make sure I said that all peacefully but I respect your opinion and posts Leddy (and the fact you’re a fellow RUSH fan 🤟) . You always bring good points and and unbiased data to the convo
I guess if I lived in a city an EV would have some appeal - as long as I had a garage with an outlet. Out here in the sticks gasoline rules. There's all the infrastructure I need to go a long damn way and top up in 10 minutes. Can't do that with an EV. But beyond all that I'm a dinosaur. Three pedals, six gears and a rippin flat six behind me and I'm a happy man.
Every technology develops over time. They bitched about the horseless carriage too. I used to be a gear head, and I totally support anyone’s desire to drive whatever floats your boat. Personally, I like hybrid technology. Best of both worlds. I’m not a fan of forcing anyone to drive a certain type of vehicle
Yet another of those notions pushed by Brandon's puppeteers you supposedly don't embrace despite voting for him.

Also, look at collusion with NRA/gun lobby...
Vs the right’s collusion with big oil:

Oh did big oil and "the gun lobby" also engage in election interference by clamping down on true stories because they showed the Biden family for the sleazoids they are?
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Peaceful man.
Yet another of those notions pushed by Brandon's puppeteers you supposedly don't embrace despite voting for him.

Oh did big oil and "the gun lobby" also engage in election interference by clamping down on true stories because they showed the Biden family for the sleazoids they are?
Don't forget about being peaceful... 😁

But yeah it's all passive/aggressive bullshit. On every topic..
My problem with pure EV is that I want to be able to travel where/when I want.
I do not want to be "told" when to stop/recharge/for how long on a trip.
I guess I don't like being told what to do. :ROFLMAO:
Hybrid for me.
30 years from now no one is going to be ogling the under hood of Tesla Plaids at a Friday or Saturday night gathering of enthusiasts in a parking lot. I'd be surprised if even a single example of any current model Tesla is still on the road 30 years from now.


Oooh baby... :cautious:
