Tascam us800 testing

What exactly does it say on the blue screen?

I don't think anyone knows. The most common reaction to the blue screen of death is to just shut off right away. They might have something about what really happened in Dallas in November 1963, but nobody will ever know. :eek:
I will fire up my computer here in a second, and I will tell you, because it won't go off unless I shut it off. It does say something about cache, tascam us800, sent to earth to destroy mankind, i don't know lol. Give me a bit, and I will tell you.
Wow, I must thank you for all your help and for keeping in mind my problem guys =) I've been so busy...

Sadly, my situation has not changed :/ us800 still does not record. All input outputs are ON (not muted), anything is in solo mode, all is ok to rec, but nothing happened.... I think it MUST be a driver problems cause I have recorded several times with the same us800 but in my PC with Windows XP without any problem...

If you know something, I really thank you
Used this for the first time a while ago to record a three piece, using a mac not pc. I know sweet F all about recording, and manage to bumble my way through it all. So its noob friendly.

Struggled to capture the guitar tone from the amp though (was using sm57s) and it was muddy and very very quiet. Thats not the units fault, but me. I guess I'll crank the gain knobs way more?

No idea how to use the software mixer that comes with it. Another thing to explore.

ANywyas, I'd recommend it, and imagine someone who knows what they're doing would be able to get a crap loud out of it:)
Instead of starting a new thread, I'll just ask this here.

I want to make sure I understand the mixer on the US800.

I got thrown for a curve a little bit when I tried recording drums. In REAPER I turned all the drum faders way down but noticed that the drums were still pretty loud in my phones. The recording level was fine, but I was trying to bring them down in my phones so I can hear the click and music. Eventually, I realized that I had to turn the faders down in the US800's mixer, too. So, basically, are we working with 2 mixers when we're going from an interface to DAW? Neither mixer affects recording level, so we're sort of double-monitoring, no?
....answer me you bastards! Don't mak me start a new thread. Because I will, you know.

Don't think I won't. :mad:

Well I finally found the problem: both of my USB ports are USB 3!! And it looks like Us800 doesnt work with this...

anyway, thx for all your help, I'll have to continue with my PC lol
Ya know, he may possibly have a point. When I initially tested the unit, I connected it to the USB3.0 port on my I7. This is where I connect my 1641. It did not connect, so I just used a 2.0 port anyway to compare the two interfaces. However, the unit worked fine on my HP/AMD-via the USB3.0 Pcie card. Maybe there is a bit of nonsense going on with the downward compatibility of USB2 devices on USB3.0 on newer machines? Hmmm.......