Tascam us800 testing

Hey guys,

I'm new to a lot of this stuff, audio interfaces especially. I'm looking to buy the Tascam US-800 but I'm not sure if it's compatible with either my deskptop, laptop or both. If anyone could help me out that'd be great!

Vista 64 bit
Intel Core 2 Quad @2.67 GHz

Vista 32 Bit
Genuine Intel Processor
1 GB RAM @1.60 GHz

I'm not sure if this matters, but both systems are running Vista Home Premium.
I have heard of a member who uses Vista with the 800 without any issues. I can't however remember his user name. :(

It is listed as supported by the drivers.
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Ah ok. Even though Vista is supported, do you think 1 gb of RAM is enough? Most likely, I'll want to use this with my laptop.
Ah ok. Even though Vista is supported, do you think 1 gb of RAM is enough? Most likely, I'll want to use this with my laptop.

That is like the bare minimum, just to run a DAW. Ram is however, quite cheap and easy to upgrade. See how it works. If not working up to par, spend $60 on more ram. :)
I'm using Vista, 2G RAM, with my US800. Found out last night, that I can't run Reaper while using HD video software, though! The video would not run!
Yes, used is what I meant to say.
Would there anymore difficulty to setting up the 800 compared to say, the US1800 or 1641?

If you have $200 or a bit more, then go for a 1641 or 1800. The only difficulty setting up any of them, is when you don't ask one of us that has done it already.
Hey guys, I'm having serious issues with my Tascam US 800.

I have a Dell laptop, 2.3 GHz i5, 4 GB ram, 500 hard drive and Windows 7 64 bit. I use Sonar 8 producer edition to record.
Ive installed my US800, Sonar does recognize all inputs and outputs, but it does not record. I press "r" and the track starts to move, but no clip is record.

If u know something, plz let me know, Thx.
What do you mean 'the track starts to move, but no clip is record'? What are you trying to record - mic, etc? No signal is being seen by Sonar? Have you opened up the US800 software mixer and made sure the channel volume controls are up, not muted?
Thx for your answer. I mean that everything looks like Sonar starts to record, but it isn't. No signal (mic, line, instrument, tried it all) enters the program.

And yep, all volumes are up, even the input return does not recognize the signal.
I am not familiar with Sonar, but it sounds like a monitoring issue. Meaning that something needs to be selected in Sonar for it to 'hear' the source for recording. In Cubase, the source (input bus) must be selected, as well as 'monitor' being turned on for the track that is armed to record.

Maybe post this question in the Cakewalk/Sonar forum.
I've tried t on Cubase to, It has the same problem. It is not only the monitoring because the US 800 automatically monitors the inputs signal with it's control panel. I tried to record with Cubase but it had the same problem, it does not record!

Maybe it's a conflict with the OS? I have a PC with XP and ith works perfect.

Thx for the answers
So whatever you have plugged into the US800 - mic, instrument, you can hear that through your monitors/headphone plugged into the US800 - direct monitoring? Just the DAW is not seeing the sound? If so, then it sounds like a driver problem.
Nope, not even that. I don't hear neither the input signal or output, doesn't not record, anything :/

I mailed Tascam support and they didn't even respond me...
I know its a stupid question, but you do have the wallwart power supply hooked up to it, right? Green lights over the headphone and monitor volume controls?
Ok, either there is something major wrong with your US800, or we are missing something basic. In the software mixer, the tracks/inputs aren't muted or volume control sliders down to 0, or one unused input SOLO button pushed, right?

Hey Jimmy, I have been getting blue screened here lately, something to do with the us800 according to what it says. It is gradually getting worse, I can't complete a recording with my win 7 64 bit set up now. Have you been able to figure this out yet, I'm sure someone else has had this problem. Maybe someone can help me get this crap figured out, because I don't really wanna get rid of my us800, especially if I can find a fix for it.