Mix contest

Doug H said:
Couldn't stand the vocal effect :0. The underlying effect was cool, but there was some scratchy stuff going on that wasn't flying with me. It worked better in the thick of the mix.
Mix was good, and I liked the underwater concept, just had some extreme blips here and there that were kind of jarring. Really bad click about a minute or so in. Laying back a db or two on the treble edge of the vocals and cymbals would have brought this one into the zone for me.

it's true that i overdid it a tad on the highs (past live in LOUD bands :) ) but my first concern was making a transparant mix with room for all instruments and to emphasize the structure of the song while working towards crescendos.
don't take this wrong but when i listen to your mix (and some of the others') i hear little definition in the sound ( muddy sound) and a very flat 'production'. i feel there's too much compression used in general killing the dynamics without actualy gaining volume.

underwater concept WTF are you talking about - you mean like the effect YOU used in the break?

the vocoder does come to the foreground too much in the intro, right again.

as far as the clicks and glitches are concerned, my samplitude mp3 encoder must have had a bad day, i'll upload a new version of the song.
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I hope I didn't piss you off, you openly said some of us might not like the effect so I thought I had leaway to say so.

By underwater sound I meant the phasy type effect I you used on the vox and cymbols. I actually was saying I like the idea but it was too scratchy for me, which I thought was putting it mildly. You mentioned you usually do ambient stuff so I assumed you were going for a sound effect style mix.

I didn't throw any effects in in the break, so WFT are you talking about?

I didn't actually do much "compress for volume" type stuff except for the kick track. Any flatness is likely just the result of my mix :(
arten't you using some kind of vibrato on the guitar ?

there is chorus on lead guitar and vocoder on vocals. that are the only effects i use.
The "wuh wuh wuh" was in one of the lead tracks.

btw, I don't disagree with your comments on my mix. I think I lost some of the impact mixing the bass and vox too loud. I'll wait 'tll later to compare mix notes if that happens, but there's some other things I could have done differently to leave the tracks a little more intact.

There is something very weird about the file you posted man. I have a feeling what you posted is not at all what you think it's sounds like. I downloaded the file on two different computers at two different locations and it's extreemly harsh!

Does anyone else feel like there may have been a problem with the file type or conversion on Wettekes file?
I hope everyone isn't tired of listening to everyone's mixes by now cuz my mix is ready. :)

I have my mix posted. Take a listen. A lot of you were complaining the snare sounded much like poopy. I'm pretty happy with the snare tone I got. Take a listen. Feedback is appreciated! Take a listen to the mastered version first.



This was fun.
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Good job guys. Here's my comments:

Nice overall mix. From 0:32-0:35 I noticed the snare sounds a litte off, like you tried to replace some hits but the timing is a little off??? I'm not sure, but I'm hearing something here. I think you could back off the bottom snare track a little to give the snare some more attack. The chorus sounds nice and powerful on your mix. I would have liked to hear some delay on the vocals in some spots as well, but that's more of a production thing. I can tell you got a really good ear for things, it's just a matter of honing that skill and really developing technique which will only come from more experience. I thought maybe it was a little on the noisy side as well--just ever so slightly. What software are you using? Overall, nice mix!

I think i've lost my ability to hear high frequencies after listening to your mix. It's deafening. Unpleasant. It hurts. I know the preamp sounds really dark, but man...this is weird. Maybe there's something wrong with your software's summing engine. Who knows. Sounds like it could be a good mix, but there's so much damn 8khz+ on it and no low end at all.

Your mix sounds like it's coming off the radio. It's pretty compressed but it doesn't peak at 0db. It sounds distorted. If you are mixing on software, remember to not have any overs on the channels. There's no such thing as headroom in digital! It's a bit noisy and distorted. It also appears that you EQ'ed the mix with your eyes and not your ears! The frequency response on this mix is almost perfectly flat. This is a big no-no.

ah yes. From the first second I heard I knew it was a pleasant mix. Your snare sounds similar to cary's but you seemed to lay off the bottom snare mic. Like cary's mix, I'm hearing a little bit of noise as well. I'm not sure where this is coming from. Your mix is really similar to cary's. Well done.

Awesome mix. The keys gave it nice touch. I'm not sure if that's what this song needs, but I think it could definitely benefit from something like that. I was really impressed with how you were able to take the crappiest snare and really fatten it up. Thanks for filling me in on how you did that. :) As with the others, I'm hearing a little bit of noise in there as well, but less than the others. Your mix is a tad gritty. I'm not sure how you go about making it less gritty, but if your mix were to be mastered, it would only exaggerate the grit. One thing I didn't really care for too much was the jump in volume on the choruses. The choruses are naturally louder because there's more tracks running on the choruses. Leave that master fader alone; let the music do the overall dynamics. Nice outro on it too! I enjoyed very much. Awesome mix. It gave me some ideas on my mix.

That phaser or whatever it is gave a nice touch to the acoustic but it was a little heavy in my opinion. I thought the bass guitar could have been brought down a lot. Also one of the palm muttin elec. guitar parts sounded off timed like maybe when you imported the audio file somehow you dragged it out of place or something. I thought the snare was a little bottom mic heavy too. Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to use it. This is a good mix.

Most of your mixes suffered from grit and/or noise. Those of you runnign DAW's have the awesome advantage of cutting out all the crap you don't need. The "clear" function (as in protools) is your best friend for making mixes clean. Tracks that don't have anything going on in a particular place just contribute noise. Clear those parts of the file. As far as that grit problem goes--like I said, there's no such thing as headroom. 0db is 0db. Don't let any meter on your DAW go red. The grit could also be a result of the plugs you are using, I'm not sure.

Please don't take any offense to my comment, it's contructive criticism. Feel free to rip apart my mixes :) .

Also, can someone back me up on this noise issue? I'm pretty sure it's not my monitoring equipment. When I compare the noisy mixes to my mix, I notice the noise in the noisy mixes and not mine...so i'm basing my noise claims relative to my mix.
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Hi fenix,

It's strange about the noise issue...I had been using Windows
Media Player to listen to the all the mixes yesterday..everything sounded fine. Today I made an adjustment to the eq within
Media Player, then turned it back off and now everything I
play through it sounds like s***!! I don't know if it's a bug
or what?? When I play the mixes through my wave editor or
Cubase they sound fine. What were you using for playback of
the mixed files?

This is the last time I'll post....I swear!!


I went back to my mix on cubase and realized I had left
on a multiband compressor I was playing with at the
last moment before I mixed down to mp3. You were
spot on with the review of my mix. Let that be a lesson
to you boys and girls...always check for unwanted/unused
plugins before you mix down....lesson learned here!!

This sounded like fun so I decided to put my copy of N-tracks to good use on a sunday afternoon.I tried to be as minimal as possible with effects and just space things out and bring the vocal UP since the vocal is the focal point of this tune.(Great song by the way)

I am a novice with computer software so this is just for fun.

p.s. did any one else find it a little hard to tame the vocals on certain parts?I have a limiter plug in but I dont know how to use it.LOL..I'll probably re-mix this again to see if I can improve any or just get worse.:eek:


[edit to add]mix # 2 is up
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fenix said:

Ok there it is. Check out the mastered and unmastered version. Let me know what you think. I think the mastered version sounds better but it might be too much limited.

Hopefully they won't disable my new acount. :(

Both are decent mixes.I noticed you went for the wide spread on the acoustic right out of the gate....vocals sound good.Is this your song that everyone is mixing?Who is the vocalist?