let me see your studio!

good idea to post pix?

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  • is that an Ozbourne poster on the wall?? Yikes!

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  • man -- when did you clean up the last time?

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You can see my kids left their mark on my floor plan sketch, and it is not scanned but a photo, and I'll follow with where I am in constructing it. Basically, it's just going to be an interior 12X13'-4" control/tracking room. A long ways to go yet, but you will see the exterior/structural shell in the following pics.


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That is an excellent exterior leaf. What are you doing to the roof leaf to match it?(weak link syndrome)What is your interior leaf going to consist of? BTW, you are filling the voids in the block arn't you? Hmmmm, I don't see any rebar sticking out of the block. I was under the impression that code called for rebar to hold the structure together when the voids were filled. I could be wrong though.
ARP, concrete floor is to minimize sound transmission into the ground. It is free floating and is not connected to the wall structure. The plan is to have a "floating" wood floor suspended above the slab. Interior will be 2x4s laid flat, and whatever treatment is recommended in here which seems to be double 1/2" drywall with 703 panels. If only Christine's Dolby would miraculously start working when it is done....sigh :(

Chris, I'm using #5 rebar with filled cells on the corners and doorway sides. The tops are about a block down and I need to tie new ones to them before the next course goes up. The roof will be wood truss with a center beam, angled at the same pitch as the garage but with a horizontal crossbrace that will drop the ceiling from the would-be peak about a foot down. I am thinking wood with 703 between the trusses and hanging clouds on the inside, but if you have a better idea I may go with it. When I get to the interior, I will know more, but the attachment system that you recommended a few weeks back to disassociate the interior floor from the walls will be something I plan to look into. Walls will be 2x4s laid flat with double drywall. Will 1" 703 do any good sonically if it is BEHIND the drywall in between the 2x4s? I may use it anyway there for temperature control. I plan to fill the remaining cells with vermiculite for insulation.
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ARP, concrete floor is to minimize sound transmission into the ground. It is free floating and is not connected to the wall structure.
The plan is to have a "floating" wood floor suspended above the slab.

Why do you want to build a floating drumhead for a floor on top of an isolated slab? :confused: What did you place between the slab and the footing for the block walls when the slab was poured? Which brings up the next question.

Chris, I'm using #5 rebar with filled cells on the corners and doorway sides.
Ok, but..

I plan to fill the remaining cells with vermiculite for insulation.
Are you aware that the blocks filled this way will still be a two leaf system, and if you build walls with studs/drywall, they will become a third leaf, and actually make things worse...in fact, certain frequencies may transmit as if there WERE NO CONCRETE BLOCK WALL :eek: :( If I'm not mistaken, from my understanding, fine kilndried sand is the recommended filler in this case, as well as a layer of plaster(don't quote me on the plaster) on one face of the block to seal it, as this type block is actually porous. MAYBE, use a layer of 2" rigid foam insulation between the block and wood studs for thermal insulation since you are planning on building the stud framing face flat parallel with the block walls. Then a layer of batt insulation between studs for dampening the drywall, but I'm not sure if that meets code. Not to mention a very narrow airgap between leaves if you fill the block with sand for making the block wall the exterior leaf.
But I'm certainly no expert when it comes to specifying complete insulation systems such as this.

I realize you are trying to save floor space, which is why I'm thinking maybe it would behoove you to rethink this whole scenario. If it were me, to my way of thinking, the block should be the exterior leaf(no air pockets)with a sealed interior face, with 2x furring strips bolted to the blockwall and batt insulation installed between the furring strips. Then either Resiliant channel or RSIC clips/hat channel used to decouple 2 layers of drywall. Personally, I don't see a need for a "floating" wood floor. To me, this is simply a drumhead with a resonant chamber between the finish floor and the concrete. But, my disclaimer is totally in force here :D
But I see another biggie in the isolation picture, and that is trusses. Here you have a block wall for serious TRANSMISSION LOSS ithrough the walls, yet it sounds like you are planning a very lightweight ceiling/roof assembly? :confused: Suspending a very heavy leaf from trusses so as to match the wall TL, may seriously overload them if they are not engineered for this assembly in the first place. My advice is to figure out EXACTLY what you are trying to do, transmission loss wise in the cieling/roof, BEFORE ordering trusses. However, I'm still not clear on this statement...

The roof will be wood truss with a center beam, angled at the same pitch as the garage but with a horizontal crossbrace that will drop the ceiling from the would-be peak about a foot down. I am thinking wood with 703 between the trusses and hanging clouds on the inside, but if you have a better idea I may go with it.
I don't quite understand the beam thing. Can you draw a section through the building showing the beam/truss concept? :confused: If its what I am thinking YOU are thinking, uh...I think there are some problems with it, but untill I see a drawing, I'm hesitant to speculate. Anyway, these were just a few thoughts I had on your project.
No matter, looking good as far as what you've done.
Thanks for the advice. I inadvertently called you Chris before (I knew a Chris Fitzpatrick a couple of years back, thus the slip). Sorry, man.
On to the project...I am trying to avoid filling the cells with sand due to ants loving to nest in sand, and they are rampant in South Florida. As far as Code, the applicable Code here is the South Florida Buidling Code, which primarily deals with structural considerations, which I am building to although I didn't permit the shell. I will have to permit the electrical though. Anyway, fiberglass insulation between the flat studs fastened to the block and the clips between the drywall and block. Sounds good and I will plan on it. Actually, since the 2x is laid flat I might as well just frame it with 2x2 instead.
The roof. I agree, this seems to be the weak link in the chain the way I have it planned. I'll try and draw a section tonight or tomorrow showing the center beam and other proposed ideas I have for it currently. Feel free to review and advise once I have it up. I'm especially in the dark on treating the roof section. Notable to say too, I will have to structurally anchor the roof to the foundation per the SFBC, so there can be no separation of the walls, foundation and trusses, but I'm sure there is something that can be done to decouple the interior ceiling from the structure.
The floor. If what I am proposing is making a drumhead, I would rather not and save the time, money, and space and go with concrete if that is what you are suggesting. There is nothing but sand in between the concrete slab and the walls (the gap varies, but on the average about 8-12") right now, so this one is open for suggestions if you're interested.
Thanks again. :)
Seeker of Rock said:
Notable to say too, I will have to structurally anchor the roof to the foundation per the SFBC, so there can be no separation of the walls, foundation and trusses, but I'm sure there is something that can be done to decouple the interior ceiling from the structure.

I should have said the roof has to be anchored to the foundation via the exterior walls. Absolutely I will decouple the interior walls. Still haven't done the sketch (trying to form the headers today until it start storming :( ) but I'll sketch it still. BTW, any suggestions for the area between the floor slab and the exterior walls?
Thanks again
New 12 space rack built by my dad, equipment from top left to bottom right is: 2 VTB1's in rack mount, ART DPSII, Lexicon MX200, Power center, middle NAD 3020 (used as control room headphone amp, Behringer minimon, and last a Onkyo cassette deck. Speakers are Wharfedale 8.2, computer monitor is a Dell, and the other monitor is a video monitor that wil be used for seeing the tracking rooms via camera/s that I have yet to buy.

My modest 'studio'

This is what i have so far.. My next purchases are:
Alesis Dm5 or D4 (bass drum trigger)
Behringer V amp pro
Bass guitar
Behringer fader b control :eek:

My Studio "Nervous Energy"

Well folks here is my home studio, I always think I need 1 more thing but I'm told I have all I need.

Here's the list

Mackie 32x8 Board
G4 Mac/ Digital Performer 4.5
Motu 1224
Alesis QSR
Korg TR- Rack
EMU Vintage Keys
Roland XP10
Behringer Composer
Behringer Autocom (2)
Digitech Studio Quad V2
Stanton STR8-100 Digital turntable
Phillips CDR775
Sony MDS- JE330 minidisk deck
Yamaha NSA635A monitors (small)
Acoustic Response monitors (large)


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Who needs a clean home studio with enough space, when you can have a tiny, messy garage studio like this:






Rest of the pics can be found from http://www.emvg.net/esa/garage and some sounds from this clip (1:36)
. More songs at http://www.emvg.net/esa