let me see your studio!

good idea to post pix?

  • this thread suxxxx

    Votes: 46 3.6%
  • not interested in peeking into other's bedrooms

    Votes: 19 1.5%
  • is that an Ozbourne poster on the wall?? Yikes!

    Votes: 62 4.9%
  • man -- when did you clean up the last time?

    Votes: 185 14.5%
  • I am so jeleous! Can I move into your house??

    Votes: 963 75.5%

  • Total voters
you guys would laugh your asses off if you saw my studio :) its in my dorm room and uh...

its a computer, a bed, some altec lansing 5.1 comptuer speakers, a refrigerator, a lame mixer and two lame mics. its awesome.
New pix of my little setup ...

Thank you, Sir :D As you an see from my setup, I do mostly electronic music, even though there's a Gefell M930 always on the stand right to next to me in case I want to record some sound bits/vocals. If I record my tenor saxophone I just move the mic stand as is (long cables) into an empty & treated closet I have right next to it.

I like the V-shaped arrangement coz I can access all my gear by just rotating in my chair :p Looks a bit like a space control center ("Houston, we have a problem!") which is funny, coz I actually work for NASA I have seen and been in tons of mission control center.
Giganova said:
New pix of my little setup ...

Yes, a very nice set-up. I'm about to buy a desk very similar to yours, so I hope, in time, mine'll look that cool too. One little tidbit of additional ambience "cool factor", you may want to consider illuminating your headphone glass heads. I have one of those Pier 1 ones too, and I bought one of those little multi-color light bases that are used to illuminate glass and crystal objects and placed the head on it. Obviously, don't get the rotating ones. I have a stationary one that alternates between four colors. Cool man!
Giganova-- how do you like your Future Retro and PolyEvolver???

Very nice setup too. :cool:
Regarding the lighting:

these lights with aluminmum panels are from IKEA. They are dirt cheap and fit perfectly into a 19" rack!

The Future Retro is fantastic (I don't have a PolyEvolver -- maybe you mean the Moog Rogue?). I'm amazed by the full & gritty analog sound and the design alone make me wanna produce music. However, this is a highly specialized synth so I haven't used it much yet because sometimes the sound just doesn't fit a particular song.
Giganova said:
New pix of my little setup ...


Is the O'Sullivan Digital Dock corner desk from Office Max (with the area for the CPU in front of the keyboard) or just the regular O'Sullivan corner desk from Staples?

I was thinking about one of those, but the wings are not long enough to accomodate my Motif6 and XP30 on either side...
I thought the blue synth was a poly. Lots of Waldorf there too. Yummy. :)

I'm just getting into analog synths. I'm having a blast with a Voyager Electric Blue and all the external voltage control stuff.
Brzilian: yes, its the desk from the Office Max.

c7sus: DON'T get into analog synths! They are addicitve and dangerous! (and sooo much fun) :D Too late, though, since you have a Voyager already, which is awesome. I dream of the Voyager at night and wish I could afford it.
Yes, I must say, very nice setup. Only one thing I noticed. Don't the shelfs get in the way of the monitors(screens)? :p
Wow, everytime i look i see something i never saw before. It's like a good movie when you watch it a few times you see things you missed before.
I've had TWO cars stolen, my studio trashed, my home vandalized, my shop broken into and $3500 worth of tools stolen, my step daughter AND grandaughter raped. AND my wife pushed around in a parking lot, and a pistol pointed at her untill my neighbor came out with a rifle. In MY OWN BACKYARD. ALL by your fucking generation. I've seen your generation do so many things in Sacramento California it makes me sick to my stomach. So EXCUSE ME while I puke. :rolleyes: If thats not enough to stereotype and characterize a given set of human beings, I suggest you walk around Sacramento some night. You might learn something. That is if the youth gangs don't fucking kill you. :rolleyes: See my last statement
What a massive understatement..thats funny. I'll let
your first post speak for itself. Those that perpetrated crimes against me and my family defended themself in court too. I hope they learned their lesson i. Thats good. Beats being in a street gang. Of which I'm sure you are aware there are PLENTY of. No prob. Good luck with your studio. Keep up the good work, and keep holding up for your generation. You just might convince somebody by your own behavior. But not by what I saw here. I'm done too.

i know this post is really old but i just think that it's funny that you are stereotyping all of my generation...especially since you live in fucking sacremento? of course your going to see some bad shit...if you want to be safe then move...in all my life ive never been a town thats like that except for south dallas, tx and thats not that bad either...so before you stereotype all of us---leave sacremento
here's my little basement studio in progress. i pretty much have the "control area' where my daw and rack is the way i want it , although im going to be rearranging the couch/bookshelf a little and adding more absorbtion soon.
The foam on the walls is the cheap-ass foam-by-mail stuff. it sucks, but for $40 it adds a nice look to the area and helped a smidge with the high-high-end reflections. i'll probably put it in a vocal booth when i build one, till then its just pretty. ha


This is the "mixing desk"... computer is down on the floor to reduce sound (it helped alot)..also up on top of the desk is the Mackie 1202VLZ i use for now for easy volume adjustment when listening to music on my computer.. the cheesy home receiver amp I use to power my non-monitor speakers (the KRK Rokit5s and the big ole home listening speakers I have make for a really nice combo.. the big speakers provide good bass and the rokit's have nice crisp mid's and highs) Also got the $$$ and pimp glasses there to show my true badass self. Holler.


this is a better shot of the rack... Korg MS2000R synth (midi keyboard not hooked up now), Alesis 3630 compressor ($40 on ebay), and the sweet sweet SWEET presonus Firepod. We've got my old DJing headphones up top, Sony MDR-V700's, pimp leather chair ($5 @ yardsale, complete with rip in arm and seat bottom), and the little dresser night table thing has my mic's in the drawer, books on the bottom, CDs and a crazy bundle of mostly useless RCA and speaker cables.


This is where the "live area" is going to be.. The globe in the pic has a huge dent from a friend of mine's head.. long story, but thats how it sits flat on the cabinet there. The cabinet, lamp, chest, actually almost everything in that pic is going to be moved out of that space or thrown out so it should make for a decent sized area for my drums and guitar cabs/people etc


Here we have our last pic for now till more progress is made.. a wide array of hanging/dangling wires soon to be cleaned up... old school lava lamp (eventually gonna hook that up on my mixing desk for more pimpin' flava) awesome radiohead Ok computer poster..one of my fav's.. some records from my DJing days (RIP), and assorted shit-foam in the corner

Hope you guys enjoy. The mixing desk took about 4 hours to modify from it's old duty as a drafting table. We took out the 2 narrow drawers where the keyboard/rack are now located.. installed the keyboard swinger..outter..thing..and added the extra panel on the bottom to mount the rack.. theres a little nifty platform under the computer too it looks nice haha. Eventually the Synth will come out and more important stuff will be in there, but for now it looks cool and its nice having one less thing floating loosely around.

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