I'm such a wuss


Bored of Canada
So, I've got a problem with coke (the liquid, not the powder).
I stopped drinking it for a while, but since October I've been drinking ridiculous amounts of it and have realized for health reasons I should probably cut that shit out.
So, that's it - I'm quitting cold turkey and realizing that caffeine withdrawal sucks.
Headaches and obvious physical things, but what's really difficult to deal with is the apparent anxiety/depression issues that can occur as a result of caffeine withdrawal, and the lack of motivation. Sucks. I haven't even been 24 hours without it and it's kicking in.
It's the weirdest thing, it's like I'm restless and I'm lethargic at the same time.

And I killed a puppy the other night. I was driving home late at night on an unlit highway, and 5 or so pitbull puppies were in the road. 2 were on the side and as I went to avoid them another puppy ran up from the right lane into my car. Such a terrible feeling. Maybe the caffeine withdrawal depression wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have anything to be depressed about?

But yeah so the internet says peer knowledge helps with that stuff.
So I want my peers to have knowledge so I can stop feeling useless n' shit
You'd be a hoot withdrawing from heroin! :laughings:

Problem with a lot of stuff is that people think too much about whatever it is they're trying not to think about... you can always switch to Red Bull for a while to keep your caffeine levels up! :thumbs up:

Oh wait, that's probably not very helpful, is it? :confused::laughings:

Very sad about the puppy but I have trouble liking pit bulls...:eek:
Drink some tea. That way you’ll still consume a small amount of caffeine that should alleviate the headaches, but should allow you to wean yourself off the heavier levels in large amounts of Coke.
Or coffee, suitably sugared-and-creamed down.
Too bad about the puppy. Report the owner to the local animal control officer. Probalby an illegal puppy mill.
Guess what's in that stuff? Caffeine and aspirin. Is that irony? I'm never really 100% sure.
That's irony ! A great example of it, actually.
Two things that were pressed home a lot here from the 50s onwards about America and Americans were A] America is culturally destitute and B] Americans have no sense of irony. Having known Americans, worked with Americans, listened to Americans, spent my life reading the works of Americans, watching American TV and films and listening to American music, I've never understood how anyone could have arrived at those conclusions.

So I want my peers to have knowledge so I can stop feeling useless n' shit
Read this. You may not be feeling so useless afterwards.
Guess what's in that stuff? Caffeine and aspirin. Is that irony? I'm never really 100% sure. Taking caffeine to reduce the effects of caffeine withdrawal kind of seems like irony, or idiocy. :laughings:

Drink some tea. That way you’ll still consume a small amount of caffeine that should alleviate the headaches, but should allow you to wean yourself off the heavier levels in large amounts of Coke.

That's irony ! A great example of it, actually.
Two things that were pressed home a lot here from the 50s onwards about America and Americans were A] America is culturally destitute and B] Americans have no sense of irony. Having known Americans, worked with Americans, listened to Americans, spent my life reading the works of Americans, watching American TV and films and listening to American music, I've never understood how anyone could have arrived at those conclusions.

Read this. You may not be feeling so useless afterwards.
Or coffee, suitably sugared-and-creamed down.
Too bad about the puppy. Report the owner to the local animal control officer. Probalby an illegal puppy mill.

Well, it's officially been a week with no caffeine. I wanted to do it "cold turkey" so I didn't drink any tea or take medicines. (Unless gatorade counts?) I wanted to avoid trading one addiction for another lol

It's weird and kind of creepy how dependent you can become on stuff without realizing it. I would've never even considered that all those crazy side effects come from drinking a shit ton of coke. At this point I think I'll manage to stay away from soda if I remember those feels :(

I've come to terms with the puppy's death. I mean it obviously sucks, and is a sad situation, but there were so many...
And it's not like it suffered. Some people intentionally do cruel stuff like put cigarettes out on animals.

I did consider that they had something to do with a puppy mill at first, but beyond a church about a mile ahead there weren't any buildings around or anything. I'm from Mississippi and was on the way back from Arkansas so it was just a field in the middle of nowhere. I suppose they could've escaped though.

thanks for replying guys
it's nice to know that HR always has an open ear when I feel like I'm going crazy :thumbs up:
I got a separated shoulder a couple months ago and aside from the morphine got prescribed tylenol 3. Neither one was much good at night - the morphine triggered dreams that weren't worth it, and the tylenol's laced with caffeine so after about 3 hours of sleep, I'd wake up. What kind of meds for blocking pain at night has caffeine in it? The dumb kind.
How much coke are we talking about? I drink a lot of black coffee every day but I don't notice much (if any) withdrawals on the rare occasion I go without it. Are you sure you're not addicted to the sugar or something else in coke?

As for the puppy. I guess it's easier to feel sorry about "cute" animals. What about the hundreds of animals slaughtered for your food? What about all the flies and mosquitoes you smacked to death just because they were a little annoying? :D Fuck the puppy dude, you might have saved lives.
As for the puppy. I guess it's easier to feel sorry about "cute" animals. What about the hundreds of animals slaughtered for your food? What about all the flies and mosquitoes you smacked to death just because they were a little annoying? :D Fuck the puppy dude, you might have saved lives.

Haha, I totally agree with that. People care deeply about puppies, dolphins, bunny rabbits, etc, but where's the love for a nutria, or an octopus, or a cockroach? No one cares about the ugly animals.
I got a separated shoulder a couple months ago and aside from the morphine got prescribed tylenol 3. Neither one was much good at night - the morphine triggered dreams that weren't worth it, and the tylenol's laced with caffeine so after about 3 hours of sleep, I'd wake up. What kind of meds for blocking pain at night has caffeine in it? The dumb kind.

Do you take Paypal?
Kidkage, it's time to become Mankage. :)

Satisfy your caffeine addiction the manly way: drink black coffee. Coffee, without adulterants (ironic in this context) like lighteners or sweeteners, is a bit of an acquired taste but the benefits of being able to enjoy the aromatic coffee oils and the deep, rich flavors of different beans makes it worthwhile. Pretty soon you'll be grinding your own beans and investing in coffee brewing equipment whose cost rivals a really good pair of near field monitors. Studies have shown that coffee is good for your heart and has other health benefits. As long as you don't get to the point where you require your coffee intravenously, you'll be fine.

"I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It's the smell of victory!" Robert Duvall in "Acupalypse Now!"
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Caffeine, seriously?

Americans have a sense of irony. They, Greg excepted, just constantly misuse the word.
The same way they do with "literally". This thread literally jumped off the screen at me!

Give it a few years before the O.E.D says
literally |ˈlɪt(ə)rəli|
See "Figuratively".

Stoopid americans.....
Do you take Paypal?

Ha! At 5 mg a pill, it would take a lot to have a good time. I found online stories about people taking morphine recreationally - guy says like 100 mg or more for a real good time. In Emergency, when the nurse finally got around to needling me some morphine, saying 'this'll take the edge off' I'm like 'how much?' and she says '8 mg'. Piffle. A piffling amount. They're so worried about the addictions thing.
Ha! At 5 mg a pill, it would take a lot to have a good time. I found online stories about people taking morphine recreationally - guy says like 100 mg or more for a real good time. In Emergency, when the nurse finally got around to needling me some morphine, saying 'this'll take the edge off' I'm like 'how much?' and she says '8 mg'. Piffle. A piffling amount. They're so worried about the addictions thing.

100mg oral morphine seems crazy dangerous. I've never taken oral morphine, but the opioid analgesics converters say it's 1:1 with hydrocodone, so 15-20 should get you to your happy place. :)
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