HR station mix in progress

yeah it would help me too!.....for some reason the soundclick has it own agenda as to what order the songs go in, but for the most part new stuff ends up at the top.

but i don't mind listening to the old stuff:) i ussually just put it on shuffel and get a pretty good mix of whats new in there..
Just noticed this thread. Cool idea. I just do covers though. I'm not creative enough to write my own shit. :p

My soundclick link is in my sig if you want to use any of my covers. :)
more or less a bump......

but if there are any more to add all means let me know.......i could use some more in the mix now that i've heard these 60 times:)

still pickin a few up here and there when i'm around.....BTW..if you have a soundclick....i generaly find that out via signiture in your if ya got it?!
you live!
Good to see you're still amongst it.
Turt. good station nicely done.
danny.guitar said:
Disckson Christensen - Song For All The Years

Great song, not sure who it was on this board that did it though. I love the intro riff that gets played throughout the song. :cool:
That would be 'gummblefish'... :D
true-eurt said:
Grab his new one too....Make My Dreams Come True... :cool: :cool: :cool:

thanks true! great tunes all round in this forum!

and ido---great song! it has a great blues feel to personal fav. style of music!