HR station mix in progress


and green is mean, only cuz it makes me look like i might know something, which you and everyone that has read my posts know that i don't:)
more or less just a bump, but if you would like to drop a post and shamelessly(orhoweveryouspellthat)plug yourself .........please do.

later dudes and dudettes
A bump and also thought of something.

You can pick something from my alter ego band English Muffin. I know you don't wanna picks favorites, but I can't seem to decide which to add and plus it gives me a good idea on what someone else might picks. :)

About The Big Bubba Band, I know you added The Jam v4.0, but that one is basically highly experimental and has different mixes and is constantly changing. A more stable is The Jam v2.0.

You're providing a public service and when people do that it doesn't get said enough: Thanks for your hard work and efforts. I do understand how it gets to be a chore when you have to manage little details and maintain constancy.

Believe it or not...I have quite a bit of original music on my site,Lil'Pedro And The Seedpickers (not just covers :rolleyes: ).. About 1/2 way down my music page...might I suggest "Baby gots a jigglechin" or "Gnomes In Space" for something a bit different....
Thanks for doing this...a lot of great music on there already!!

Lil' Pedro And The Seedpickers music page
C'mon Turtlishous,
I'm an Australian. You know the last letter of the alphabet is ZED, the 8th letter is aitch, we go to the toilet, because it's wrong to wee in the bathroom & don't over emphasise the prefix or 1st syllable in most words as in DEEfence & we call the opposite of that attack rather than giving offence. From these things you can gleen that I speak another dialect if not language. What, - In the interests of etymology & for the love of hypochondria, is a hangnail?
It sounds like the thing they hook a noose over in prep for an execution.
rayc said:
C'mon Turtlishous,
I'm an Australian. You know the last letter of the alphabet is ZED, the 8th letter is aitch, we go to the toilet, because it's wrong to wee in the bathroom & don't over emphasise the prefix or 1st syllable in most words as in DEEfence & we call the opposite of that attack rather than giving offence. From these things you can gleen that I speak another dialect if not language. What, - In the interests of etymology & for the love of hypochondria, is a hangnail?
It sounds like the thing they hook a noose over in prep for an execution.
Here you go, Ray:

hang·nail (hngnl) KEY


A small piece of dead skin at the side or the base of a fingernail that is partly detached from the rest of the skin.

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turtlishous said:
got it!
got it!
That's so cool!

I see there are 65 entries on that page now!
I am going to bring in my headphones tomorrow and play all these while I surf the net! :D
i've had the station playing in the background for a while now and this really is a very nice collection of songs!!! the members can be proud!!!

oh yeah turtlishous - thanks for having me :rolleyes: ;) :D
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i haven't delved into the archives and there are plenty of threads i have not read so to the people i am missing
turtlishous said:
i haven't delved into the archives and there are plenty of threads i have not read so to the people i am missing

what i was saying befor i accedentlly(orhoweveryouspellthat)hit "post" was that please post here so i can get it......but i am trying to include everyone....

thanx for the props everyone and i hope you dig it as much as i do!!!!!!!

THIS SITE ROCKS THE CASBA (orhoweveryouspellthat)!!!!!!!! :D
Hey Turtle-- just saw this-- awesome! Thanks for putting some of my tunes there I am honored (which means I don't have to fall on my own ninja blade) :D
:eek: oh ........don't stop what your doin' go ahead and fall......please.....i didn't mean to interupt your meditation!!! :eek: :eek: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
pretty cool idea and thatnks for being community can use anything you want from my site if you wish.