Election fraud? Forget about it!

I thought it just a stereotype all old people are right wing/conservative/angry grandparent/conspiracy theory regurgitators. Then I read a few pages of this thread, and can clearly see there's merit to that stereotype.
I'll wager it that a few months after the mid term election Michelle Obama will announce her candidacy for POTUS in 2024.
I'd be curious to hear what you find objectionable about Michelle Obama, besides being female.
I'd be curious to hear what you find objectionable about Michelle Obama, besides being female.
You're assuming way too much here, Pinky.
She is smart.
She is articulate.
She is extremely popular.

You should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting it that I would dismiss her candidacy because she is female.

Any other questions?
I was a Bernie supporter.

LOL. So you went for the deluxe commie package with comrade Bernie - the guy who spent his entire adult life bitching about "the rich" while refusing to participate in the economy himself, the first income of note he ever had was off the taxpayer's largesse.
I was a Bernie supporter. I don’t think about her at all until a conservative brings her up out of habit.
Please get her out of the news cycle any way that you can. Thank you.
Here she is again today "channeling Putin", like she has some kind of telepathic power.
I think she's nuts.

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LOL. So you went for the deluxe commie package with comrade Bernie - the guy who spent his entire adult life bitching about "the rich" while refusing to participate in the economy himself, the first income of note he ever had was off the taxpayer's largesse.
He’s not a communist.

But continue to spit, for whatever reason.
All I know is that I'm glad the Trump/Bannon/Navarro/et al coup failed.
It came sickeningly close though.
Well the Obama/Biden/ Harris coup was successful. And now we’re all paying the price. (At least the Americans)

I’m glad you’re happy, Mr. “no dog in the fight”

I live in Canada because being born in California at 4 years old I hopped on my tricycle and headed north, ending up in Vancouver.
Why do you ask?
I wonder why you are so interested in the candidates and players of the elections of America. Also I am now wondering how you came to be born at 4 years old. That was some pregnancy. :LOL:
I wonder why you are so interested in the candidates and players of the elections of America. Also I am now wondering how you came to be born at 4 years old. That was some pregnancy. :LOL:
Well... you are here in this thread having absolutely no connection with USA other than your opinion. So...
And yes, my sentence could have been better constructed. :ROFLMAO:
Why do you live in the UK?
My interest.............Purely amazement and wonder.

I was used to read newspapers on Studio 54 in the late 70's because all the rock stars went there. Then later in 2016 a man wins the election and all hell breaks loose. I thought I remember this man. He used to go to that night club. But even here some people and media outlets were going mental over this man winning and it didnt affect them one atom. I couldn't understand why, but then it got worse and snowballed into this 'we hate Trump' monster circus where at every chance they found something new to accuse this man of. So then I read the accusations of some on here.

I firmly believe even know now that there is an agenda to push the west or even world in a certain direction. Mr Trump upset the apple cart and came from nowhere and won a popular vote. So those people have to continue to attack him to stop him and others from knocking off course the agenda of others.
My interest.............Purely amazement and wonder.

I was used to read newspapers on Studio 54 in the late 70's because all the rock stars went there. Then later in 2016 a man wins the election and all hell breaks loose. I thought I remember this man. He used to go to that night club. But even here some people and media outlets were going mental over this man winning and it didnt affect them one atom. I couldn't understand why, but then it got worse and snowballed into this 'we hate Trump' monster circus where at every chance they found something new to accuse this man of. So then I read the accusations of some on here.

I firmly believe even know now that there is an agenda to push the west or even world in a certain direction. Mr Trump upset the apple cart and came from nowhere and won a popular vote. So those people have to continue to attack him to stop him and others from knocking off course the agenda of others.
Notice that it's OK for Trump to win a popular vote with no contest, but not Biden.
I've lived my whole life watching Trump, with no political twist. I determined he's a fuckwit way before 2016.
Now he's more than a fuckwit, he's a dangerous fuckwit.
He's told you that you cannot trust your own country... your own laws... your own policies/procedures.
He's told you that your country is shit, when in actual fact it is only he that is shit.
He's a cunt, and a liar.
Notice that it's OK for Trump to win a popular vote with no contest, but not Biden.
I've lived my whole life watching Trump, with no political twist. I determined he's a fuckwit way before 2016.
Now he's more than a fuckwit, he's a dangerous fuckwit.
He's told you that you cannot trust your own country... your own laws... your own policies/procedures.
He's told you that your country is shit, when in actual fact it is only he that is shit.
He's a cunt, and a liar.
But that's your opinion and you are perfectly entitled to it. But on your points.................

There are lots out there who tell us all things including about our own countries. I suppose the first major stuff I ever saw was the 9/11 stuff which came out afterwards for years and I admit does raise a lot of doubt. Even more so when associated with it indirectly we had a Mr Bliar who has been found to be 'not a saint' by a million miles.

About him being a liar etc or even an idiot and all the other things. As far as American Presidents go, that usually is a requirement for the job. They either are idiots or very dodgy. The latest one whatever he is, he appears to be past his best and possibly should be replaced. But then I have watched that woman who is second in command and like I said earlier, 'idiots or dodgy'.

There are a lot of things that go on around the world that you lot would never hear about unless you went looking to see what went on in those other countries. Always the same names keep coming up. And of course eventually people start to ask 'why'? Why do these people come and interfere in our country. I think the thing to do is take away their thunder and have nothing to do with them or their associates.