DAW Users With ADD

If you get the chance to play a dragonfly, do so. They play well, the action is nice, the sound is plenty loud on the e-g and marginal on the B, but you can hear it against a single acoustic (if it's not a dreadnought. I've had lots of jam sessions with my brother and his Gibson Dove. He has to play a little quiet, but we can hear each other well. Mine's lost the electric bit (which is bright and colorful), but it still works well for miking up an acoustic bass. :)
Speaking of pickups and twelve strings....
I recently blew the dust off my twelve string and restrung it. It's nice and I'm going to play it at the next open jam. It also has a pickup.

I have two ukes, neither has a pickup. I'm thinking about putting one in myself.

The weather
It's not uncommon in Wisconsin to cut the grass and shovel the walk in the same day.:rolleyes:
April has sucked so far.

The weather
It's not uncommon in Wisconsin to cut the grass and shovel the walk in the same day.:rolleyes:
April has sucked so far.


It's weird here. I actually think March was warmer than April so far. Trees, flowers, and bugs have no clue what to do. But at least there's no snow. And I'm wearing short sleeves regardless of the actual weather. :)
Saturday was actually the coldest day of the year (26). But we still never saw a snowflake this year. It's funny that I miss snow and cold, but I remember having to shovel (usually twice, as the snow plow always comes by right AFTER you clear your driveway)...don't miss that part. We went through a period just before we moved out here where it was never above -10 for three weeks in January, and then we got 13' of snow in 48 hours in February. That was Idaho. If that happened here, there'd be few survivors...
Saturday was actually the coldest day of the year (26). But we still never saw a snowflake this year. It's funny that I miss snow and cold, but I remember having to shovel (usually twice, as the snow plow always comes by right AFTER you clear your driveway)...don't miss that part. We went through a period just before we moved out here where it was never above -10 for three weeks in January, and then we got 13' of snow in 48 hours in February. That was Idaho. If that happened here, there'd be few survivors...

I work outside mostly and I can tell you, I'M FUCKING SICK OF IT!:mad::o:rolleyes:

But it's April the sun is out and temperatures are on the upswing, so I guess I can chillax for awhile.:thumbs up:
What's funny this year is that we got something like 30 inches of snow this winter. Which apparently is just slightly above average. Except got like 95% of it in one snowstorm. :eek:
A thirteen year old girl from Germany will be arriving at our house and staying for two weeks. Along with attending school, they'll go to a Brewers game, the Zoo, bowling AND junior prom. Wowsers, aint America great.

I cut it for the first time this year. It was really shaggy in some spots but hadn't grown at all in others.

Talk of the town
Some foxes had babies.

Twelve strings
Joe Walsh has the good sense to play a Dano...

Speaking of Moms, mine wasn't handling the chemo well, so they stopped it. She had 6 of a scheduled 12 sessions. They've now scheduled her for a mastectomy in two weeks. I think that was in the original plan, too, even had she completed the chemo. But a lot for an 89 yr old woman. :(
Spent the day helping my wife's daughter move out of her rented home. At one point the landlady showed up and started mouthing off about every little thing. Started complaining about the dirt and how much she still had to get out of the house...in a really nasty manner. I walked up to her and calmly told her, "This is not an appropriate time to prove who's the biggest bitch." Things went a bit down hill from there. Then she started saying that she was there to help...but never lifted a finger to do anything...and started in on the nagging, complaining bitchiness. I looked at Shannon (step-daughter) and asked, "Is she always like this?" and was assured she was. I said, "I can see why you've wanted out of this crap heap for so long." Then she started in on how wonderful the house was before they moved in...I started in on all the things we'd fixed in the home since she and her husband and kids have lived there. New stove when the old one went out. "I don't have to provide that." New fridge when the old one went out...same answer. New carpet in the living room..."Well they trashed the old carpet." Rebuilding the kitchen floor and retiling it....the list goes on and on, and she claims none of it is her responsibility. I told Shannon there's no need to clean or try to fix any more, it's obvious you're not going to get a dime back on your deposit...

Really frustrating 45 minutes while the landlady was there...

On the bright side, I got to rent a U-Haul truck for the day, fill it with gas, pay for everyone's lunch, come close to heat stroke (stopped sweating and had elevated heart rate) trying to get everything they own loaded and dropped into a storage shed...It's good to be a dad, even if I've never had any kids...

Now I can house two adults and two grandkids in our single guest room until they can find another house to rent! AND they wanted hubby's nephew and nephew's girlfriend (both with no jobs) to move into our camp trailer...Nah! Pass.
Spent the day helping my wife's daughter move out of her rented home. At one point the landlady showed up and started mouthing off about every little thing. Started complaining about the dirt and how much she still had to get out of the house...in a really nasty manner. I walked up to her and calmly told her, "This is not an appropriate time to prove who's the biggest bitch." Things went a bit down hill from there. Then she started saying that she was there to help...but never lifted a finger to do anything...and started in on the nagging, complaining bitchiness. I looked at Shannon (step-daughter) and asked, "Is she always like this?" and was assured she was. I said, "I can see why you've wanted out of this crap heap for so long." Then she started in on how wonderful the house was before they moved in...I started in on all the things we'd fixed in the home since she and her husband and kids have lived there. New stove when the old one went out. "I don't have to provide that." New fridge when the old one went out...same answer. New carpet in the living room..."Well they trashed the old carpet." Rebuilding the kitchen floor and retiling it....the list goes on and on, and she claims none of it is her responsibility. I told Shannon there's no need to clean or try to fix any more, it's obvious you're not going to get a dime back on your deposit...

Really frustrating 45 minutes while the landlady was there...

On the bright side, I got to rent a U-Haul truck for the day, fill it with gas, pay for everyone's lunch, come close to heat stroke (stopped sweating and had elevated heart rate) trying to get everything they own loaded and dropped into a storage shed...It's good to be a dad, even if I've never had any kids...

Now I can house two adults and two grandkids in our single guest room until they can find another house to rent! AND they wanted hubby's nephew and nephew's girlfriend (both with no jobs) to move into our camp trailer...Nah! Pass.

That sure does sound like a southern (North Carolina) story. Make sure you lock up the still (and your guitars and banjos). :D You do realize they're never going to move out, right? :laughings:
Yes I do. The reason we moved out of the house I was perfectly happy in when I moved here into this new house was to get away from same step daughter. She moved in with two kids and wouldn't move out and wouldn't find a job...funny part is she was raised in Indiana. This old Idaho boy was raised a bit different I guess. When I first moved from Denver back to Idaho, I spend the longest 2 weeks of my life staying in my parents' basement while I found a house to live in...couldn't wait to get out. Not because I didn't get along with my parents (my dad was my best friend in the world until he passed), but because I couldn't stand living with mommy and daddy when I was supposed to be a grown-up. Just didn't sit right.

They'll never find the still and my studio locks purdy secure-like. :)

Thanks for the encouragement Mike! :eek:
Speaking of Moms, mine wasn't handling the chemo well, so they stopped it. She had 6 of a scheduled 12 sessions. They've now scheduled her for a mastectomy in two weeks. I think that was in the original plan, too, even had she completed the chemo. But a lot for an 89 yr old woman. :(

There's no way to put a happy face on that. My Mother in-law was supposed to be dead already but really hasn't seem to change at all other than losing some weight, and in her case that was a good thing.

Hopefully things have settled down a bit. I moved the boy home from college today, I'm looking forward to when I can move my daughter out.:mad:

The weather
Seasonally appropriate.

On the bright side, I got to rent a U-Haul truck for the day, fill it with gas, pay for everyone's lunch, come close to heat stroke (stopped sweating and had elevated heart rate) trying to get everything they own loaded and dropped into a storage shed...It's good to be a dad, even if I've never had any kids...
You'll always be accused of being grumpy, but if you don't pay, you'll be accused of being grumpy AND cheap.
