DAW Users With ADD

Well what did you do with your old 'puter? Why not install the legacy stuff on that, and leave the new baby for recording.

Again, thats part of the "Master Plan" but having a stand alone DAW is a non-starter for this family, due to circumstances too complicated to explain but mainly to do with space and access.

Thats why the studio in France/Spain appeals so much:)

Guy, I used to be blown away by s/fonts...until I heard Giga.

16% CPU for one instance of reverb on you new processor?!WOW,time to use the aux send.That had better be some g-o-o-d reverb.

It is, I have Waves Gold bundle and its the waves reverb. Its the best I have heard along with Timeworks. I also have a few other reverbs and r/verb lite if I don't want the full McCoy;) I am re-mixing a vocalist this morning to see what kind of CPU response I get from the new mobo. I don't expect many drop-outs:)
Did you try portamento?
Isn't that an olive? I usually save them for my martini's. :D

Actually I think that the Wheel is what is used to create a midi slide note. But damn if I can figure out how to use it.

Well out of curiosity I just had to check this out.I got a two octave slide out of the VSC by setting two notes in the piano roll view and opening the controller pane.There are three boxes under the keyboard pane set the first one to control and the second box will get you to both the portament time and on/off control pane views.Here you can draw in any portament controls you wish.I'm sure this would take some trial and error to get your desired results.

T'anks, AR. I'll give it a try. Still not sure I understand your instructions.

Why two notes? Are they the starting and ending notes of the slide? And where do you place them? IOW, if the slide is to take place over the course of a full measure, do both notes run the entire measure? Or does the first run half the measure and the second the other half?

As you can see, I'm :confused:

But maybe playing around with it will help.
I'm wondering specifically what kind of slide you have in mind.The notes I entered into the piano roll did not overlap but as the first note ended the second note began.
I'm assuming the mod wheel does'nt do you any good in this instance?

MIDI..........exciting stuff!

It essentially a one octave slide that occurs over about 2 quarter-note beats. Not dissimilar to the .mp3 you posted, but just the slide portion of it.

The mod wheel might work if I knew what it was and how to use it. :D

Maybe I should uncork tonight's wine. That usually helps with these things. Either I figure things out, or I no longer care anymore. ;)
I just happened to notice that we were two notches higher than the thread about anal sex.

I'm not quite sure what that means. :D

Hope you guys all got lucky tonight. I, on the other hand, spent the night laying out midi horn parts for our latest song. They came out pretty good, but not as good as REAL horns (hint... hint... Chuck.. hint... hint...)
Guy, I can see that you are going to have to give lessons in midi to us lesser mortals for whom midi is a black art form:(

My task before we get to any lessons is for me to get my evolution midi controller working with my new DAW. Seems every twist in this upgrade saga comes at me to make my life more difficult. A call to their helpline is my last refuge. They were helpful last time so here's hoping.:)

First gardening weekend of the new season/year, music recording takes more of a back seat. Spring and Summer is for writing songs, fall and winter is for recording. Except this year, I gave up recording cos my DAW wasn't up to it. Let's see what happens from here on in.

Looks like we'll be at war by Friday:( Lets hope our esteemed leaders know what they are doing cos Blair ain't got the country nor his party behind him on this. I suspect most Americans feel the same too.
Paul881 said:
Looks like we'll be at war by Friday:( Lets hope our esteemed leaders know what they are doing cos Blair ain't got the country nor his party behind him on this. I suspect most Americans feel the same too.
This morning's NY Times said that the "war" with Iraq has become a recruiting bonanza for Al Qaeda and other terrorist orgs. It also reported that NY City is estimating the cost of higher security in case of a war to be $5 million a week. And that's just NYC.

And after all these months, no one seems to be to provide a lucid explanation as to why this is necessary. :confused:

Somehow I feel a kinship with Nero. I'll be down in my basement creating midi violin parts while the world burns.
dachay2tnr said:
... I, on the other hand, spent the night laying out midi horn parts for our latest song. They came out pretty good, but not as good as REAL horns (hint... hint... Chuck.. hint... hint...)

Hey, Mike, you know the drill. Send me the bundle with your cheesy horns and I'll copy it on real trumpet if I can and send it back to you. Say the word, 'cuz in two weeks, when baseball season starts, we're enemies again :D
How can baseball start in the middle of winter??

Actually it's up near 60oF here today. What a refreshing change. :p

Chuck, if you're willing to try the horns, I'll go ahead and send you the track. There's not much to it at this point - bass, midi drums (just as a click track), and a synth string bed for the chords. But I do have all the trumpet parts in it now. No vocals yet, and we'll be doing the full drums this coming week. However, it should be enough to play along to.

Also, would it make it easier on you if I gave you the notation (keyboard notes, not horn) or a midi file of the parts? At least that way you wouldn't have to spend as much time picking the parts out. There is some repetition of the parts, so I would only need one take of each part and I could copy and paste from there.

And BTW, my horns aren't cheesy. Just midi'ish. :D

Unfortunately the Brewers already had the highlight of their season,Bob Uecker got elected to the baseball broadcasters HOF.
It's all downhill from here for the Brew crew.......

Brewers?? Do they play baseball?

Paul, I now get Manchester United soccer games on my TV. Let me know the next time they are playing Aston Villa, maybe I'll watch it (assuming I don't have something better to do, like watching my clothes dry). :D

Chuck, PM is on the way!!
Paul, I now get Manchester United soccer games on my TV. Let me know the next time they are playing Aston Villa, maybe I'll watch it (assuming I don't have something better to do, like watching my clothes dry).

Too much sublety for you yankees. Try Cricket for more excitement. Three days long each match:D
Acid - I have read elsewhere that the Edirol Orchestral Sounds are quite good. Maybe I'll have to see if there is a demo avail. to check them out. I need to decide if I want to invest $300 in good samples, or just continue to complain about the ones I have. :)

I think part of the problem, though, is my lack of midi knowledge. Realistic sounds are half the battle, but realisitic "playing" is the other half. Midi is just a tad too perfect. For ex., if you do a 3-note chord using horns, all three notes start and stop at exactly the same time, and they are all exactly on pitch. That tends to make them a bit "fake" sounding.

Oh well, the joy is in the journey. Considering I couldn't spell MIDI two years ago, I guess I'm making some progress. Thanks for the tip.
Just went on the NY Times web site. The three lead articles all have to do with the pending war with Iraq.

Then I happened to glance slightly to the right and saw that the Dow-Jones average is up 214 points.

Does this make sense to anyone? All I've heard for months is that the pending war was depressing the stock market. So just when war seems imminent, the market surges????