DAW Users With ADD

Any of you fuckheads gonna make Jamfest this year?

Oh...I'm drunk.....:D
Probably not for me, doggie. :(

But I will be holding up a beer and toasting you at the appropriate time. Why, in fact, I have a feeling there will be multiple appropriate times. :D
Any of you fuckheads gonna make Jamfest this year?

Oh...I'm drunk.....:D
It's not looking real good at this point.:(It's actually more doable from the standpoint I wouldn't mind driving there,but I've got Six Flags,Summerfest,Wisconsin Dells,a Brewers game and maybe the State fair between now and Labor day to take my family to,and it hasn't been the best year $$$ wise with numerous unexpected expenses.

I'd like to go,and I'd probably even play.;)If it happens again next year,I'll make it for sure.

Beforethe KY fest came up,I was thinking about a minijamfest at my house.I live between Buck and jcmm.:cool:

Are you calling me a girlie man?
No,just a girlie.

What, with Gorty posting crossdressing pics and you two recording weepie songs, I'm wondering what sort of BB this is
If they accept salesmen,they'll accept anybody.:p

Well my real question is whether or not the song is worth investing any time in.

Well... is it, punk?
Your time isn't worth a whole lot right about now.:p

Words/lyrics can be important,but having a hook trumps all.Only geeks over analyze lyrics,the average person just needs something that will stick to the inside of his head.Being a musician/recorder screws up your objectivity.

Will be my last day of work for NINE WHOLE DAYS.I had come to realize that while I've had plenty of three to seven day vacations,I haven't had a nine day-er in quite some time.Other than getting fired I don't think I ever had more than ten days off in a row since I've been fifteen.:eek:That's thirty years.:eek::eek::eek:

Brewers,not to shabby.
Yankees,some years you just can't buy a good team.:p


Will be my last day of work for NINE WHOLE DAYS.I had come to realize that while I've had plenty of three to seven day vacations,I haven't had a nine day-er in quite some time.Other than getting fired I don't think I ever had more than ten days off in a row since I've been fifteen.:eek:That's thirty years.:eek::eek::eek:

Whereas I don't think I have ever worked consecutively for more than 10 days in a row without a vacation.:D

Actually, I don't think I have ever worked - apart from when I was in the Army and the Fire Brigade - but they don't count.

And I only became became a sniper so I could lay around in fields all day doing nothing and get out of drills and parades.:cool:

Enjoy your vacation AR - no doubt Mrs AR has a full list of chores for you to fulfill;)

And its FRIDAY!!!!
Here is a pic from Becki's graduation concert singing her "Award winning" song, "Beautiful Nightmare".


She is going into the studio soon in London to get it recorded, she's forming a band, writing some more tracks and will gig in London starting October. She has decided to stay on for her Music Degree so she can keep living in London, surrounded by musicians and with access to pro advice.

Of course, I am not jealous in any way:o



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My Father in Laws Dedication Service for the internment of his ashes today boys so its going to be another pretty heavy day. And of course it is pouring down with rain.

Catch you later :cool:
Great pics Paul,you must be proud.
I'm looking forward to my kids first mug shots.

I recently recieved a couple of mp3's from my buddy's kid and they were better than anything I've ever done.It sucks to be old and untalented.I'm just hoping I can latch onto somebody else's success like a barnacle and live a parasitic lifestyle as part of an entourage.Maybe as a spiritual advisor or valet.

My Father in Laws Dedication Service for the internment of his ashes today boys

I wonder when I'll be doing the same.My in-laws are in their seventies,but both are very overweight and out of shape.My dad looks pretty damn good for a 67 year old,still works when he feels like it.

On vacation
The weather turned mild and there's a chance for scattered showers midweek.Why is it always hot as hell when I'm working and then cool when I'm off?!:confused::mad:

Pics Thanks for your comments boyz, much appreciated.

Yes we are proud of her, especially me because I can empathise with what she is having to go through to do what she does.

But we also are proud of her older sister who is doing an English Literature Degree, specialising in American post WW1 writers:)

All we can ever do as parents is give our kids the possibilities but they have to take control and push forward themselves - you can't live their lives for them.;) Unfortunately. Youth is wasted on the young;):)

Dedication service In some ways this was worse than the funeral - seeing his ashes scattered on the garden of remembrance was a kind of finality - that's it, all over. Not helped by the inclement weather - it bucketed it down sideways.:mad: But we had a good lunch afterwards and everybody got to have a good time.

Weather Worst rain for years - people dieing, homes ruined, never seen anything like it. It has rained for week and weeks:mad:
Dedication service In some ways this was worse than the funeral - seeing his ashes scattered on the garden of remembrance was a kind of finality - that's it, all over. Not helped by the inclement weather - it bucketed it down sideways.:mad: But we had a good lunch afterwards and everybody got to have a good time.
Now is the slow and painful process of rebuilding your lives with a piece missing. :( :(
Now is the slow and painful process of rebuilding your lives with a piece missing. :( :(

Yep, and because it was the Father in Law, family gatherings will always be short of half the centre piece :(

Oh well, thats life...I guess? :confused:

Rain woke me up at 5.00am this morning - and its still raining now :mad: I have plants and shrubs drowning through too much water - something you get in house plants but not something you see in gardens very often :(

I guess its God's idea of a joke:eek:?

So today, instead of planting a Yew hedge, I will be regrouting the en-suite shower cubicle :(

Oh good, my favourite job :rolleyes: Maybe I could hire Mike as a consultant?

Speaking of weather, today was another 10.5 day. Quite gorgeous. One of those days where you could wear just about anything and be comfortable. Not too cold for shorts, not too hot for pants. All the windows in the house open, with fresh air blowing in.

We've had a few of these in the past 10 days or so. Must be global warming or something.

And to think, in another life I would have been working and missed them. :D:D
Weekend recap
Played a bit on Saturday at the big party,everything went well,Sunday cut the grass and layed around.

I took my son to Summerfest today and have no plans tomorrow othere than readying the house for guests on the 4th.

The weather has been mild,it's looking like rain out of the west as I look out my window.

I did something new
For me anyway.I D/Led music from Walmart.com.Pretty simple,88cents a song,I may do this more often.

And to think, in another life I would have been working and missed them
You use the term "working" rather loosely.

I did something new
For me anyway.I D/Led music from Walmart.com.Pretty simple,88cents a song,I may do this more often.
What format do they make them available in? I have considered this, but it seems they all have their own proprietary format.

I want something I can transfer to a CD or another computer, and not be stuck with only listening to it on the computer I D/L it on.

Also, I assume they are compressed files, so is the quality any good?
What format do they make them available in?

I want something I can transfer to a CD or another computer, and not be stuck with only listening to it on the computer I D/L it on.
You can burn up to ten copies and transfer the files.It involves getting a "License" which really means letting them drop a cookie or something in your registry to keep track of it.


I just did a google search,checked out a few sites but I liked the Walmart one best.

I'll let you know about the quality later.