DAW Users With ADD

Yesterday would have been another 11, except there was a bit of a strong breeze. That knocked it down to a 9.5. Today the breeze seems to have died down, so it is looking to be a near perfect day. Life is good.
Live sound It might be me but I rarely hear good live sound - even in pro events :( David Bowie's was superb; Elton John's was pretty good; Eric Clapton's last time was very poor; the Graduation event was far too loud and with too many guitars competing for the same sonic space :confused: And they had pro FOH engineers :confused:

Plumbing Mike, if it makes you feel any better, this was a new house and the problems we have had with leaks, failures, pumps, furnaces etc would fill a book. :mad:

Insert key Mike's right - thats the one to use ;)

Vocal coaching You will be amazed at what a difference a few lessons can make to your confidence and your tone :)
OK, so I figured that if acidrock could offer up Little Hands, then I could drag this one out. :o

I Will Love You In Rain

It's actually a couple of years old, but I never had the balls to post it anywhere before.

Since it's an original, I'm actually less interested in mixing comments, than I am on your take on the song itself. So... let me have it. :eek:
dachay2tnr said:
OK, so I figured that if acidrock could offer up Little Hands, then I could drag this one out.

It's actually a couple of years old, but I never had the balls to post it anywhere before.

You should hear the stuff I don't post. :eek: I can't tell you how many songs I have spent hours on and then when I stepped back and listened to them objectively I had to ask myself "What was I thinking?". :o

I'll give this a listen.

Since it's an original, I'm actually less interested in mixing comments, than I am on your take on the song itself. So... let me have it

Ooooh,an original. :eek: I may have to do a cover just to even the score.

So,if I could ask one more question,
On "Little hands",performance quality aside,did the tone/timbre of the voice and guitar sound okay recorded in that fashion? :confused:

Harmonica is an instrument that really cuts through and I'm going to have to do some more experimenting if I want to record it in the context of one track.When I played out live we had dynamic mics that were set at low volume to resist feedback and you had to get right up on them when you sang,but I could back way off with the harmonica parts.Our guitars were plugged into the PA.

More harmonica stuff
I ordered this....

from the friend and I just got a notice that it will be backordered till the middle of August,yet the page continues to say it's in stock.I'm going to cancel the order.I've had the same problem with Amazon.Acouple weeks I can see,but a couple months?

If she keeps at it and studies hard, one day maybe she could front for the Dachays. The pay isn't great, but she would get to hang out with some really cool guys.
Yeah they're cool alright,in fact at their age,they're darn close to being room temperature. :p

Live sound It might be me but I rarely hear good live sound - even in pro events
This is very true.I've found that I'm happier at some of the small halls than the big arena type events.I've also seen bands that did a better job of sound running their board themselves than with a sound guy.

I wonder if it's the equipment or the sound guy.I once was unexpectedly thrust into the position of sound guy for two hours when a band I went to see sound person couldn't make it until halfway through the show.I basically left well enough alone and turned up/down whatever got handsignaled to me.The second the soundchick showed up she gave me a look of disgust and immediately started twisting knobs and producing feedback. :rolleyes:

Lots of little chores to be done,one week till vacation. :)

I reached 5,000 posts like a hundred years ago. I just checked, and I only have 5,051 now.

I think I need to get out of the cave more. :( :( :o

Where's the Hey Moskus thread when you really need it?
OK, so I figured that if acidrock could offer up Little Hands, then I could drag this one out. :o

I Will Love You In Rain

It's actually a couple of years old, but I never had the balls to post it anywhere before.

Since it's an original, I'm actually less interested in mixing comments, than I am on your take on the song itself. So... let me have it. :eek:

Very pleasant Mike, I actually like this the best of all your stuff. Well produced, well performed and well mastered. Hard for me to be critical at all, just a perfectly formed piece of music.:)
Very pleasant Mike, I actually like this the best of all your stuff. Well produced, well performed and well mastered. Hard for me to be critical at all, just a perfectly formed piece of music.:)
That's interesting and a bit surprising to me. Thanks for the listen.

BTW, after I posted the earlier comment, (OK, so I figured that if acidrock could offer up Little Hands, then I could drag this one out) I realized it might be misunderstood. I was not commenting on the quality of AR's song (or this one either), but rather simply that if AR could post a sappy, sentimental song, so could I. :)
The song was solid but not done to your usual standards production wise.You could do this much better.It's about time you loosen up with some originals.:p
I'll record another one tracker if that's what it takes to get you going.:D

It's not like you don't have any time on your hands.:rolleyes:

if AR could post a sappy, sentimental song, so could I.
I know it's hard for you guys to deal with my sensitive side,but I am an artist you know!:rolleyes::D

The weather
HOT!Or at least pretty damn warm,there was no wind whatsoever and I was working in the peak of a barn where the air was stagnant and hot.I felt like puking.:(It's not all glamour on my job you know.

That's interesting and a bit surprising to me. Thanks for the listen.

Whats not to like about it? Yes, you could put a bit more into the production and yes, you could do some different arrangements with it, but would it change it that much? Nah:)

It's fine as it is - trust me, I'm a salesman:rolleyes:


It seems you two are very much in touch with your sensitive and dare I say it, feminine sides.

Will you be tent sharing at the Jamfest?:p

What, with Gorty posting crossdressing pics and you two recording weepie songs, I'm wondering what sort of BB this is:confused:

OTOH, maybe thats why I feel right at home:eek:

It seems you two are very much in touch with your sensitive and dare I say it, feminine sides.
Are you calling me a girlie man? :mad::mad:

The song was solid but not done to your usual standards production wise.You could do this much better.
Well my real question is whether or not the song is worth investing any time in.

Well... is it, punk?