Ampex MM-1000 Story...

More rolling guide mod updates...

Here's that 1/4" flat-head machine screw I found that I needed to mount the 440-8 rotary guide...the stock screw for the 440-8 is on the left, the new one is on the right:


Had to get it in a flat-head type so that it would be relatively flush to the bottom of the guide mounting block...see?


Flip it over, slide the custom shoulder washer over the new screw and it looks like this (with the guide base laying on its side to the can see the 3 set screws there on the bottom to adjust the tilt of the guide if necessary...):


Here we are with the guide base secured and I'm measuring the height of the base over each set screw to get it level. I'll tweak it later if needed...:


And here's the finished assembly along with my finger for size reference...shiny-chunky...(the guide...not my finger):


Off to bed...up early tomorrow to repair a rotten wall plate, sheet the south side of the house, install 5 more windows and maybe even get the addition wrapped...maybe extend some wiring and run low voltage wiring after dark...:drunk:

I may have a lead on the additional cable harnessing I need to convert my MM-1000 to 2"...!

The suspense is killing me...probably know more later this week...waiting for a scrap MM-1000 to come into a parts reseller but:

  1. Have to wait to see if it actually comes in and
  2. Have to see if the cabling is still there.


Then if it IS there I'll have to see if I can afford it...:eek:
Well THAT month went by quickly...

Still no word on the cabling, though I have been told that the scrap machine IS coming in so the cabling will be available unless it is toast for some reason. Just have to hurry up and wait.

Have done little to nothing on the MM-1000 with the remodel going on here, though I did just recap the control relay box...just 5 caps total in there, but three were "beaver" caps which tend to not age well. They looked okay but I'm sure it was not a bad idea to replace them. Hoping that the recap takes care of my intermittent play issue (i.e. sometimes play will engage, sometimes not...the play relay isn't getting holding voltage when this happens).

Matilda sits quietly in the garage...the rebuilt pinch roller is ready to go on as is the modified rotary tape guide that will be mounted just ahead of the head cover.
The thing that's driving me batty is...

I can't find one of the caps I wasn't tiny either. I remove them and then put them in a little cup I use to collect the scraps, but its not in the cup...its not on the floor...its...nowhere. Its like the surgeon leaving an instrument in the body. Where's that *I&^$#@&^ cap?!!?? :mad:
I guess it's kinda like losing the remote for your TV. You go batty trying to find it, sometimes for hours and then it pops up in either the most unlikely place or somewhere right under your nose. Where was the last time you saw the cap? I suggest you try to retrace your steps.
... Or sometimes it pops up in San Francisco:

"It's an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco. It must be a delightful city and possess all the attractions of the next world." - Oscar Wilde


(Edit: Whoops, I thought we were still talking about the bearing puller!! My bad :) )
... Or sometimes it pops up in San Francisco:

"It's an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco. It must be a delightful city and possess all the attractions of the next world." - Oscar Wilde


(Edit: Whoops, I thought we were still talking about the bearing puller!! My bad :) )

Heheh...well, if you DO happen to see the old cap, let me know you saw it and toss it if you can. ;)
I guess it's kinda like losing the remote for your TV. You go batty trying to find it, sometimes for hours and then it pops up in either the most unlikely place or somewhere right under your nose. Where was the last time you saw the cap? I suggest you try to retrace your steps.

Well that's the thing...I had the relay box setup by my toolbox on the floor, pulled the caps at which point I drop them on the floor and then as I clean up I put them in the cup...cup gets full I dump it in the garbage. Anyway, the cap went AWOL sometime between pulling it and cleaning up. It was all one episode...I didn't go anywhere...did the work in the middle of a bare concrete floor in the addition. :confused:

It'll turn up somewhere wierd. It'll be REALLY wierd if it ends up in the box from Jeff with my bearing puller... :eek:
I got word on the cabling...Ampex parts reseller got an MM-1000-16 in that apparently is complete and functional. Its killing him to think of parting it but he's got bills to pay like any of us, though his bills are harder than most...his wife has cancer. :( So naturally he's not giving the stuff away. So we're negotiating. He doesn't want to separate the wire harnesses so if I want the cabling that I need to convert my MM-1000 to 2" 16-track I need to buy the entire wire harness. Oy. All things considered he's reasonable and fair and I believe we will strike a deal that helps us both. I feel dirty though haggling when my purpose involves a cold metal machine and his involves his wife...
Yeah, I know that can be tough, Cory but as long as the negotiations are done respectfully, fairly and you both are happy with the end deal, you should not feel bad about it at all.
Very respectfully...but the price of admission is...ouch. I'll be able to resell stuff I don't need as a result but its an initial investment...and I feel its an opportunity I can't miss...its only going to get harder and harder to find this stuff since the MM-1000 is relatively rare anyway...I mentioned earlier that just ONE of the connectors I need is $70 JUST FOR THE SHELL. The price tag for the whole harness is a lot more but relatively a bargain compared to me having to build it from I guess I'm struggling with spending the money...have to borrow to get it and then can sell and repay...but I know I want to run that MM-1000 as a 16-track...and then there is the whole bit about the broker's wife and it just is a reminder...puts things into perspective about this gear fascination...there is LIFE happening all around and the gear world is very grey and lifeless compared to the hills and valleys of LIFE... and I just feel heavy for him.

I'll know more in a couple-three days as we are getting closer to terms. Then I'll post up a picture of what an entire wiring harness from an MM-1000 looks like...since you are all itching to see
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Cory, I can only recommend that you pursue with that deal, even if it's a small investment. I mean, you don't have a truck load of other machines to maintain, are rather focusing on a very select few, maybe even just on Matilda and it is the right investment, IMHO. You are on track and are focused on what you need, no more, no less. That you may want / need to sell off an item or two, to cover the costs but maybe also show that you can walk away from other stuff in order to get something else done (Matilda), is a good testament to your ability to deal with all of this. I hope you don't mind me asking but are we talking a couple of hundred dollars here or like closer to 1K?
we're dancing around $500.

Just seems like a lot considering I only paid $300 for the machine (including a WHOLE bunch of other stuff)...only paid $300 for the Soundtracs mixer. It is the WRONG way to think since there is no market for MM-1000 harnesses and the deals I got on the gear were great. So logically I know that. I ALSO know that the 27-pin Cannon mil-spec connector and all the 1, 2 and 3-pin Amphenol connectors would run WELL over $500 if I had to buy them outright...and then there's all the Winchester connectors which are terribly expensive if you can even find them...and even then that's not all the connectors, and then there are the pins, and of course all the wire. In many cases wire is wire but the cabling that runs between the heads, electronics and sync boxes is NOT your run-of-the-mill wire...and then let's add in the fact that this is rare harnessing. And THEN let'd remember that it will take Wayne some time to remive it from the machine. Oh yeah...$500 is fair. There are many "treasures" in my lot that I was looking at last night that suddenly seemed very unimportant compared to that cabling. So I think you are right that it is justified to move forward...its just a sticky issue.
And wouldn't you just KNOW it!!!

That old capacitor that pulled the disappearing act WAS in the garbage cup...! :eek::drunk:
Cory, first off, congrats on finding the capacitor! :D :drunk:

On the harness / MM-1000 thing...... I think you're on the right track, figuring it out. Yes, it's pricey but ... you really don't want to DIY on that one, as it may cost more in time, money and resources, unforeseen variables etc.... Your only 2 options, IMHO, are to either figure out a way to best deal with the purchase (whatever the end number), not only monetarily but also in your head or ..... forget the 16 track thing. I have a feeling you'll regret not pursuing. See, it's easier to sell off stuff, as needed, to deal with a seemingly high purchase price, also dealing with it otherwise but an opportunity like this won't come around again soon, IF you have the desire to go in that direction (you have always wanted to). That's just my take on it.
I'm certain you've scoured the eBay pages plus lots more and please forgive my ignorance, I probably know not what I'm talking about but would this do:

If not, maybe contact the seller as he may have what you're looking for, for less?

Now, I'm sure you saw this already but, again, I'm just trying in the dark here, with limited info...:eek:
I know I'd regret it if I didn't pursue it...and I'm so close to having everything...I mean, if you've got the complete headblock one MUST make it work...right??

I have indeed seen those eBay listings for those MM-1100 of them is half-right but doesn't have the most difficult to find part...not the way to go...SO much faster-easier and likely cheaper in the long-run to get the full harness from Audio Village.
Cory, indeed..... opportunities come along once and this is one of them... it's indeed all there for the taking, one thing to tick off and be closer to realizing your dream. Try not to think about how much you paid for the MM-1000, that's inconsequential but rather see how fortunate you are to be in a position such as this. I really feel that you're focused now, responsible and aware, leads me to confidently encourage you in this fashion. I hope I make sense.:confused:
Several updates...

Well, the cabling is mine. Dunno when it will be here but I'm in no rush and I'm confident it will be here as soon as it can.

I got the Control Relay Box remounted several days ago after the recap...

I got the pinch roller reassembled along with new ABEC-7 ceramic bearings...its really nice:



Another plug for Terry Witt of Terry's Rubber rollers...I don't know how he rebuilds these rollers but he does a simply SUPERB job.

I ALSO got the rolling guide mods all done, got the pinch roller remounted in the machine...first time the tape path has been all back together in MONTHS!

Here are a couple can see the first guide modification on the far left. That is the rotary guide from the 440-8 I parted out just ahead of the head cover (the big black flip-up lid)...the second guide mod is the rolling guide just ahead of the erase head:



To summarize the work done on the tape path (in no particular order):

  • obtained, modified and installed dashpot for supply brake arm
  • new bearings throughout (for rolling guides, reel idler and pinch roller...)
  • rolling guide mods as detailed above
  • rectification of improper fluid level in reel idler viscous flywheel
  • mods to lifters to resolve binding
  • cleaned, inspected and tensioned capstan belt
  • and of course the pinch roller rebuild
There's probably more but that's what comes immediately to mind.

I ALSO got the male XLR jacks cleaned up and the I/O jack panel reassembled. Still needs to be soldered up to the harness but this is good progress...tedious work. Seems to be pretty normal fare for the pins on these old male XLR jacks to be tarnished...that's one I have cleaned up on the left and one yet to be worked on on the right...the pins are black on the right-hand one:


Here is the panel all reassembled...wish I had good before and after shots. It was just scuzzy before, and the panel itself had this awful wow to the solder joints were in bad shape...can't really explain why that would be the case on a fixed panel, but that was the reason I did all this to the panel anyway, because many of the solder joints looked simply unreliable. Obviously haven't done that step yet, but that IS what comes next...



This is about the only pic I can find...doesn't show the scuzziness but does show the wow...ahhh memories...took this pic the first day I had the MM-1000...was still at that stage of wonder regarding just what this thing was and how it worked...was still taking it all in...


Stay tuned!