amp simulator

jonnyc said:
You obviously didn't read much of this thread and it's flat out ridiculous to claim "most" of us haven't used it. You'll clearly see that most of us have used at least one of the two versions of Amplitube. Warren is claiming its really close to a tube amp sound and it isn't, at all. BTW I did post a clip using a real tube amp and he gave samples which clearly sound like a crappy amp sim. His playing's good, his "amp" isn't.

He wasn't talking about amplitube 1, you can't just lump them both together if you haven't used the 2nd one. He was specifically talking about amplitube 2, so if you haven't used it and are solely basing your opinion off the first version, then your opinion is irrelevant. He posted some clips so now people who haven't used AT2 can start to form an opinion. The high gain sample he posted was very good for an amp sim. Probably better than a lot of people would get out of a tube amp for under 400 bucks. You can't just lump every tube amp together, i've heard some horrible horrible tube amps, i own one!

Who knows what sound he has in his head, he might need to make a decision between a cheap modeler for a couple hundred, which is an approximation but is within budget, or a 2000 "real tube amp" setup. It all depends on the preference of the thread starter really, so posting clips where you know the exact signal chain is more help than "amp simulators opinion is the end all, so just trust me!" That happens far too much on the internet.

I thought I saw your clip yesterday but can't find it in the thread now for some reason. What was your signal chain like on that BTW.
amp2 demo wouldn't run here. anyone else experience that? i think his "gain" clip sounded pretty good but had too much gain for my taste. your taste may differ. as far as me commenting on amplitube 2 prior to the clips, i didn't and don't think anyone else did either. you're delusional. to tell you the truth, i've been burned enough by amp sims and don't plan on purchasing any newer ones.

yep, there are plenty of crappy sounding tube amps out there. i see some of them recommended here all the time. for under a $400, i'd take an old champ and an a decent overdrive over a piece of software any day. your taste may differ there too.
TravisinFlorida said:
for under a $400, i'd take an old champ and an a decent overdrive over a piece of software any day. your taste may differ there too.
My brother uses a Blues Jr.( I believe).He likes it alot.He used a twin for 20 probably, but what a bitch to carry around or try to use in a small space.
I admire your purism,even if I don't share it.Great sounds can be achieved in a number of ways.Aside from sound itself, there is something about being able to do EVERYTHING inside the box(computer) that is so apealing to me.Maybe it's years of fighting the cable monster!
beezelbubba said:
My brother uses a Blues Jr.( I believe).He likes it alot.He used a twin for 20 probably, but what a bitch to carry around or try to use in a small space.
I admire your purism,even if I don't share it.Great sounds can be achieved in a number of ways.Aside from sound itself, there is something about being able to do EVERYTHING inside the box(computer) that is so apealing to me.Maybe it's years of fighting the cable monster!

Heres an example that may be relevant...I had to do a rap track for a guy I know. (I hate rap, but I did it because I can, dont hate me!) I was running out of ideas for instruments, so I ended up running a virtual bass through a plexi plug-in...sounded pretty great for what it was. It's all about getting the sound ya want...the end seems to justify the means with me.
beezelbubba said:
My brother uses a Blues Jr.( I believe).He likes it alot.He used a twin for 20 probably, but what a bitch to carry around or try to use in a small space.
I admire your purism,even if I don't share it.Great sounds can be achieved in a number of ways.Aside from sound itself, there is something about being able to do EVERYTHING inside the box(computer) that is so apealing to me.Maybe it's years of fighting the cable monster!

I'm no purist but I do love good sounding amps and a champ can be tweaked to sound pretty nice. A twin tweaked the right way can sound unfucking believable but yea, they are back breakers.

I like the idea of having everything in one box too but it's just never worked out well for me. I'm doing it now actually but I'm finding myself playing things to accommodate the tools and not the other way around. My problem is that I've used a few sweet amps that really vibed for me. Imo, once you've experienced that, nothing else will do. You ever played an amp that made you cry? :D That may be a stretch but not by much. I'd just hate to see other guitar players miss out on something like that because they think a plugin is giving them the real thing. Playing a kickass amp that really works with your playing style is like Jesus coming down and sharing the meaning of life with you. :D I'm not stretching that one. Some guys may never experience that any way. I say too bad.
TelePaul said:
Heres an example that may be relevant...I had to do a rap track for a guy I know. (I hate rap, but I did it because I can, dont hate me!) I was running out of ideas for instruments, so I ended up running a virtual bass through a plexi plug-in...sounded pretty great for what it was. It's all about getting the sound ya want...the end seems to justify the means with me.
Same here!I understand that great sound can come from traditional sources(such as tube amps), but there are other ways of pushing air out of a speaker.For us po' folks, some ways are more realistic than others.Maybe that economic realist in me has fooled himself into thinking the free software route is equal to the tube amp route!As delusional as this might be, my ears believe it.And they don't care one bit what the other ears on the block might be saying.
I suppose I should mention that the whole notion of the "modeler" is silly to me.Though I love the JCM900 plugin, they could just as easily call it a "Rectifier" plugin, or a Twin Reverb with MXR Distortion"plugin, or whatever.I'm not trying to model anything other than a heavey tone.Pretty simple, really!Labels of that sort are usefull to get you in the right ballpark, but I don't expect them to give me an exact model of a particular sound.
I mean fuck! Come on man! You can't experience a kick ass twin or plexi thru a computer. You can hear the real thing on albums all day long but you still ain't gettin what the player got out of it. Tube amps are put on a pedestal for a reason and it's not just the sound. I wish I could channel it thru the internet to some of you guys (maybe there will be a plugin for that). You wanna know why Jimmy and Stevie made all those fucked up faces? It was the amp man.
TravisinFlorida said:
It was the amp man.

Or maybe I should have said it's the tube.........because that's what it is. If all these rich bastards don't quit soaking them all up, there's not gonna be any left for us regular joes.
TravisinFlorida said:
I mean fuck! Come on man! You can't experience a kick ass twin or plexi thru a computer. You can hear the real thing on albums all day long but you still ain't gettin what the player got out of it. Tube amps are put on a pedestal for a reason and it's not just the sound. I wish I could channel it thru the internet to some of you guys (maybe there will be a plugin for that). You wanna know why Jimmy and Stevie made all those fucked up faces? It was the amp man.
If you put the music first, the rest falls in place!
Enjoy your tubes, man.Don't let them be the point, though!
You feel strongly about a certain tool that is indespensible to you.
I feel the same way about some of my artistic devices!
It just so happens that they aren't vacuum tubes.
So be it.
beezelbubba said:
If you put the music first, the rest falls in place!
Enjoy your tubes, man.Don't let them be the point, though!
You feel strongly about a certain tool that is indespensible to you.
I feel the same way about some of my artistic devices!
It just so happens that they aren't vacuum tubes.
So be it.

I envy you even more. That's a good way to look at things.
TravisinFlorida said:
amp2 demo wouldn't run here. anyone else experience that? i think his "gain" clip sounded pretty good but had too much gain for my taste. your taste may differ. as far as me commenting on amplitube 2 prior to the clips, i didn't and don't think anyone else did either. you're delusional. to tell you the truth, i've been burned enough by amp sims and don't plan on purchasing any newer ones.

yep, there are plenty of crappy sounding tube amps out there. i see some of them recommended here all the time. for under a $400, i'd take an old champ and an a decent overdrive over a piece of software any day. your taste may differ there too.

If i'm delusional, then why was there pages of arguing before anyone had heard the clips, after he agreed that the 1st amplitube sucked, and had never recommended it anywhere in the thread? He was specifically talking about AT2, and people were arguing with him about it without having used the software, basing their opinions on the 1st version, which is unfair.
If i'm delusional, then why was there pages of arguing before anyone had heard the clips, after he agreed that the 1st amplitube sucked, and had never recommended it anywhere in the thread? He was specifically talking about AT2, and people were arguing with him about it without having used the software, basing their opinions on the 1st version, which is unfair.

I'm done here man. Exhausted I say! Play what you want! Have fun doing it! I'll spend my next wad of cash on an amp and you'll spend yours on code. The world will keep spinnin and we'll both be happy. I'll have better tone though. :D
TravisinFlorida said:
I envy you even more. That's a good way to look at things.
Ignorance is bliss! :D Must be the po' boy in me!
If I had the cash,I'd probably have a Marshall tube amp(or boogie, or Fender).
I will say, I play bass in a band with this guy that has a full Fender Tube stack, and this thing really requires no outboard gear.He occasionally uses a chorus pedal to fatten up the rhythm guitar sound, as he's the only guitarist.As far as pure drive goes, all he needs is his guitar and his amp.
Every point I've made in this thread goes out the window as soon as you leave the studio envirement.
TravisinFlorida said:
I'm done here man. Exhausted I say! Play what you want! Have fun doing it! I'll spend my next wad of cash on an amp and you'll spend yours on code. The world will keep spinnin and we'll both be happy. I'll have better tone though. :D

I never said that sims were as good or even close to as good as a nice amp. But this thread was specifically asking about sims, not a guy wanting to buy a tube amp. I just don't see what's so wrong about warren recommending AT2 given the topic of the thread. I will probalby never buy an amp simulator, if i need to mess around quietly I can just use simulanalog guitar suite, which is free, and If I need to record something noise isn't too much of a problem. I too would rather spend the money for an amp, and it's upkeep than on a plugin, but I'm just not going to assume all the different variables are the exact same for the topic starter. He's not going to be using it live, and maybe he needs a lot of different tonal varieties at his disposal and he already has some tube amps for certain kinds of sounds, i don't know.
I never said that sims were as good or even close to as good as a nice amp. But this thread was specifically asking about sims, not a guy wanting to buy a tube amp. I just don't see what's so wrong about warren recommending AT2 given the topic of the thread. I will probalby never buy an amp simulator, if i need to mess around quietly I can just use simulanalog guitar suite, which is free, and If I need to record something noise isn't too much of a problem. I too would rather spend the money for an amp, and it's upkeep than on a plugin, but I'm just not going to assume all the different variables are the exact same for the topic starter. He's not going to be using it live, and maybe he needs a lot of different tonal varieties at his disposal and he already has some tube amps for certain kinds of sounds, i don't know.

I think part of the problem was that warren claimed amp2 was very close to emulating a tube amp and when people didn't agree he got his feelings hurt.
I never said that sims were as good or even close to as good as a nice amp. But this thread was specifically asking about sims, not a guy wanting to buy a tube amp. I just don't see what's so wrong about warren recommending AT2 given the topic of the thread.
You never said it but warren did. Nobody had a problem with him recommending Amplitube 2. It was only when he attacked people that disagreed with him about Amplitube that the problems started and the thread turned into a tube amp battle . I own 3 different amp sims and they are great but I'll never try to convince anyone they sound like a tube amp. I still think Amplitube and Amplitube 2 munch nutsack but that's just my opinion. Use what makes you happy.
You're all a bunch of fuckheads, and should suck my Cheeto encrusted Nurtz.


I hate you all, and hope your Mothers strangle you so I don't ever have to hear your whining faces ever again.

You suck, and I rule.

Beeze, I know your Dad....I'm gonna ask that he kick your ass for Christmas.

That would be a killer present.

I think he likes me more than he does you.

Fucktard..... :)
Dogman said:
You're all a bunch of fuckheads, and should suck my Cheeto encrusted Nurtz.


I hate you all, and hope your Mothers strangle you so I don't ever have to hear your whining faces ever again.

You suck, and I rule.

Beeze, I know your Dad....I'm gonna ask that he kick your ass for Christmas.

That would be a killer present.

I think he likes me more than he does you.

Fucktard..... :)

Back away from the bottle Dogman. Just back away.
ocnor said:
You never said it but warren did. Nobody had a problem with him recommending Amplitube 2. It was only when he attacked people that disagreed with him about Amplitube that the problems started and the thread turned into a tube amp battle . I own 3 different amp sims and they are great but I'll never try to convince anyone they sound like a tube amp. I still think Amplitube and Amplitube 2 munch nutsack but that's just my opinion. Use what makes you happy.

Many attacked him having not used the software he was recommending.
Many attacked him having not used the software he was recommending.

Yeah but some of us listened to his clips, which pretty much shot his arguement all to hell, so in the end, we were right. Tubes fucking kick your ass.